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birthname. Lee Ye Ji 

– Yezi :: her oppa said it sound cooler 

date of birth. 22/06/1993
birthplace. Seoul , South Korea
ethnicity. Korean
language spoken. 

– Korean :: born and raised in Korea
– French and English :: learnt them out of boredom


– as her fc


– fashionista , cap lover , yezi babies are her caps and shoes she have thousand of them and she take really good care of them , her favorite color would be black so must of her clothes are black , grey , white ... she love lipstick and mostly red one .

faceclaim. Yezi 

back-up faceclaim. Jisoo


   What makes you, You...?

personality traits.  studious , adventurous , out going , talkative , full of energy 


She has always a smile on her face , she get along with everyone , she is quite inteligent and big fan of books , she love dancing but she is not a profesionnal , she also can rap and can bring a smile on anyones face , she is funny , sometime people may take her for a weird person , she is not good at acting cute but she now how to act y . When ever people have problem she is always here , she is a good listener and give good advises , she have multiple friends with different style and personality .


She was born in a family in seoul , with two parents  ( Lee Sung woon and Kim Hana ) and a big brother ( Lee Ye Jun ) , her father used to be an underground rapper but he left his dream job when her big brother was born , her mom used to be the daughter of a club owner so she has been born in a hip hop and open minded milieu . her Oppa is a back dancer and she once went to one of the concert he was performing at and the artist was loco so she grow to love the AOMG crew from then on , she used to be quite a rebel child who always got into trouble but went she start composing and got more in the hip hop world she calmed down and became one of the first student in her school , when she heard that AOMG was going to make a girl group she jumped at the occasion  and doesn't regret it .

   I need more.. what makes you tick?


– likes ;; dogs , dancing , soul music , kdrama , running man
–dislikes ;; bugs , dark places , b!tches , babies 
– hobbies ;; taekwondo , writing , reading 
– habits ;; sometime snore when she sleep , even if she is from seoul she have an accent and sometimes people would think that she is swearing 


– relation :: Lee Ye Jun (25) / back dancer / protective , funny , childish , caring  / brother and sister 

_ relation :: Gray (29) / compositor , song writer , singer / protective , loving , bad boy , caring / really close friend , they met during her training days .

   I'm YEZI romwe


stage name.  Yezi
Position.  Vocal , Visual , Dance
perosnal fanclub. Zizi's 
Trainee years.  3

Trainee Liffe.  

After that she hear about the girlgroup news from her brother , she went to the audition and got in because of her Dancing , her trainee year were kinda exhausting , she didn't get to see her familly much , but she got a new family that loved her almost the same , she even got to improve a lot of things she didn't know about , she was also loved and friend with everyone , the best moment were when she would meet the artists of AOMG which helped all of them a lot .

Talent twin(s).  


( Heize singing skills )


( Mina's dancing skills )



Are you excited to be debuting?. Yes who wouldn't be 
How do you feel debuting under a k-hiphop company. I feel great , it suit more my style and the kind of music i'm into 

What would be your reaction if ROMWE won a award?. i may cry 
Is there any senior group that you look up to?.  big bang i respect and love them a lot , because of how far they are and how talented 

What you say to your fans if you met them face to face?. Thanks for supposrting me , i will make my best not to disappoint you , fighting !

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  Song mino 

back up. Dean

– If you get to know him, he has a lot of charm . No matter how much he try to act hard he has a big heart and does amazing aegyo . He is also Energetic, loud, noisy, silly, easily excited— basically the puppy and moodmaker of Winner. Lots of aegyo— but when it comes to serious business, he knows when to be… well, serious.


love story. 

– They met because of her brother in a party and she grow to like him , they start texting each day and it just happened , they start going out 

status. friend
ending. they end up broking up because she debuted and he wanted to focus more on his career but they're close friend and still flirt with each other .

   username : nickname. Activity rate out of 10

last words.  it's my first time but i will do my best 

password.  http://data.whicdn.com/images/196663584/large.gif



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