"Hands off the pizza and no one dies..."



choi lettie

NAME: Choi, Hanhee Violet
➳ Lettie; stage name.
➳ Little Han; an annoying name that is a constant reminder of being the younger twin (Hansol and Hanhee)
➳ Stone Lettie; her facial expressions are always neutral when she's lying so you can't tell if she's being truthful.
BIRTHDATE: 02/18/1998 (17 years old)
ETHNICITY: Half Korean and half American.
➳ Korean; she's lived in Korea for 12 years now.
➳ English; speaks English at home since her American mother isn't fluent in Korean.

book's cover

FACECLAIM: Jeon Somi (I.O.I).

BACK-UP FACECLAIM: Tia Hwang Cuevas (ChoColat).

APPEARENCE & LOOKS: Lettie is pretty tall for her age, standing at 172 cm. She has a slim figure (it doesn't make sense...where does all that pizza go?) and weighs 50-51 kg, it depends on how much pizza she's had that week. Her hair has grown straight, it is currently dyed a soft ombre and reaches her mid-back (x) (y).

Casual outfits - (1) (2) (3) (4)
Semi-formal / Formal outfits - (1) (2) (3) (4)
Training / Practice outfits - (1) (2) (3) (4)


Good: dedicated, hard-working, natural adapter, fast-learner, bright, funny and protective.
Bad: impatient, sarcastic, stubborn, impulsive, vain, grumpy in the mornings, opinionated, competitive and apathetic.
Neutral: perfectionist, confident, hyper, loud, realistic and sassy.

Good: Choi Violet is a very determined and driven girl that won't just follow her dreams; she'll chase them. Lettie is also very hardworking and driven. She always strives to do her best and is very persistent. She loves what she does and excels in her interests. She can pick things up quickly and can adapt to new people, environments and cultures easily.  She is known throughout SM to be a very fast choreography learner. She can grasp a dance just by studying/watching the choreography twice if it's easy, 3-4 times if it's a little harder and 5 times if it's a difficult dance usually. When she's around friends, she’s always seen smiling and her laugh can be heard from 3 corridors down. She believes that laughing is honestly the best medicine and will voluntarily contort her frankly beautiful face into meme imitations (if she likes you enough) just to turn a frown upside down. She loves making her friends happy and laugh. The most important things to her are her family and friends, so don't mess with them unless you want a crazy Lettie coming after you. She’s that one friend that goes after her best friend's ex boyfriend to egg his car or something.

Bad: However, she is very easily annoyed and a lot of things can piss her off. Lettie has a horrible temper and has an extremely short fuse. She isn't rude but she can come across like that since she is very sarcastic, stubborn, and doesn't think before she talks - that's just how she is. Much like how she is never standing still, also never shuts up. Lettie is very well aware of her talents and what she excels at. She isn't afraid to showcase her talents and display them. Unless you are close to her or don’t have a brain, then DO NOT under any circumstances wake her up early in the morning. She will not hesitate to decapitate you. Lettie is practically the opposite of her older twin brother; Vernon. Vernon is quiet and reserved, only showing his true self to the people he is close to. He doesn't look for trouble and will try blend into the wall most of the time. On the other hand, Lettie is a loud, over-the-top, rambunctious girl who isn't afraid to voice her opinions or argue back. Lettie never backs down from a challenge and hates losing, even if it's something stupid like who can lace up their shoes the fastest. Also, because she has experienced racism growing up, sometimes she fails to be empathetic and can’t put herself in other people’s shoes. Her solution to most problems is go to the practice room and dance until she feels better. Plus, she can be a in general.

Neutral: Lettie is a perfectionist. She hates leaving things undone and once she starts something, it becomes her life mission to complete it. She practically radiates confidence and that becomes an advantage when she dances but many interpret her confidence as cockiness (after all, there's only a thin line separating the 2 characteristics). Lettie is always seen bouncing around or yelling obnoxiously. Her energy and bubbliest can be contagious and end up motivating the other trainees but sometimes, Lettie just doesn’t know her limits. It could be 2 am and she’d be clanging pots together yelling “I AIN’T GOT NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y’ALL, Y’ALL NEVER GONNA SLEEP CUZ OF ME” just because she was bored. She is realistic and that helps her set goals but her bluntness can turn her tongue into a knife. Her sassiness is a humorous relief among the trainees but sometimes, Lettie doesn't know her limits and might end up hurting someone or coming off as rude.


flipping pages

Lettie was born on the 18th of February 1998 in New York. Her family consists of her mother, father, twin brother; Vernon, younger sister; Sofia and their family cat; Dodam. Lettie is younger than Vernon by 12 minutes and he loves to use that against her by pulling the ‘when I was your age’ joke then proceeding to rant about what he did 12 minutes ago.

Lettie started dancing at the ripe age of 2. She was the youngest amongst her peers but that didn’t stop the teacher from seeing her talent. When she first started dance, she thought of it as a waste of time. Lettie envied her brother who went to the playground every weekend while she was stuck in a studio. However as time went by, her love for dance dawned upon her. Initially, she specialized in ballet and achieved pointe shoes at 9. However, when she turned 8, she developed an interest in hip hop after seeing her unnies dance in the studio where she took ballet lessons at. Throughout her years at her dance studio, Pledis and SM, she has a record of having studied ballet, hip hop, contemporary, lyrical, freestyle, popping and b-girling. Lettie is also an accomplished choreographer. As of 2016, she's been dancing ballet for 16 years and hip hop for 10 years.

Lettie spent the early years of her childhood in New York not that she remembers. Growing up, she had always been surrounded by music in some form. As a child, her dad would often play the guitar while her mother would jokingly sing a few lines. This is what sparked her interest in music (as well as Vernon attempting something musical all the goddamn time).

When Lettie and Vernon were 5 (2003), their parents decided to relocate to South Korea. Since they were young, Lettie and Vernon don't remember anything about New York nor her previous lifestyle. After getting constantly bullied for their foreign looks and ethnicity, the twins began homeschooling. At home, everyone mostly spoke English because Natalie (their mother) can't speak Korean. Due to their different interests, Natalie taught Lettie extensive English while Simon (their father) taught Vernon extensive Korean.

​In 2012, Lettie and Vernon was street casted by Pledis while at the subway. Vernon auditioned as a singer and played guitar (gonna be completely blunt here...he wasn’t very good) while Lettie attended the audition as a dancer and performed a self-choreographed dance to iKON’s My Type. Both siblings passed (Vernon displayed ‘potential’ as the trainers put it) and Lettie officially became a part of the Pledis Girlz in June 2012. ​

At Pledis, Lettie learnt how to rap because the trainers told her that her voice was better suited for rap (that was a nicer way of saying she sounded like a dying walrus when she sang). While at Pledis, she developed a special friendship with Hoshi over their mutual love of dance. Both Hoshi and Lettie used to wake up early and stay up late together practicing and choreographing their own dances. Truthfully, Lettie never liked the way Pledis ran. She planned to leave the company earlier, however she grew an attachment to the Seventeen boys. She ultimately left Pledis in November 2013.

Even after she quit Pledis, she still continued to dance and rap. Lettie began to study hip-hop at 1MILLION Dance Studio. Then in January 2014, a SM Entertainment representative was at the studio scouting for young trainees. He was guided to Lettie by Sori Na (an instructor) and he saw her practicing alone in one of the practice rooms and asked her to audition. There, she auditioned with a self-choreographed dance to Justin Bieber’s What Do You Mean as a dancer and was accepted as a dance-specializing trainee under SM Entertainment in March 2014.

TALENT: Main dancer, lead rapper.

COMPANY: SM Entertainment.

main character

Younger twin of Seventeen's Vernon by 12 minutes.
➳ Can't sleep without music playing.
Knows how to play guitar - her dad taught Lettie and her brother how to play.
Can't read maps - "hang on, what's that squiggly line?" "hold up, that's a road?!"
Can't cook. No seriously, even if she's the only one in the dorm left, don't ask her to cook unless you want to die from food poisoning. One time she burnt turned pitch black...
Lettie is also very bad at keeping her room clean and cleaning up after herself. Basically if you find a jumper on the floor or dishes in the sink, chances are it was probably Lettie's.
Currently a 3rd grader at SOPA. Sits next to BTS' Jungkook in class when the kid decides to show up at school.
Lettie is a very dedicated trainee/idol - waking up at 6 am every morning and returning to the dorms at 12:30 am every morning to get in extra practice hours.
The most stumped she's been on learning choreography was while learning Shinee's Lucifer from Taemin himself. The choreo required her to watch it 8 times to achieve Taemin's fluidity and smoothness. It frustrated her even though Taemin was very impressed and even praised her skills.
Part of SM Rookies' - appeared on Mickey Mouse Club and apart of 'Foreign Swagger' squad.
Lettie believed her biggest competition within SM Rookies was Mark (NCT U) since they always end up going head to head for the Most Dedicated Trainee Award (determined by their annual training hours).

Plays with/touches/runs her hand through her hair often.
Arguing back.
Bursting into High School Musical songs randomly because why not?
Subconsciously switching to English when excited or nervous.
Hitting the people around her when she's laughing or excited.

Coffee wayyy too much for her own good.
Enjoys long walks to the fridge.
Running marathons...Harry Potter movie marathons that is.
Hair styling, fashion and current trends.
➳ Surprises - but she's too impatient for them.

Clowns - has severe coulrophobia; she WILL piss herself is she sees a clown.
People waking her up early. If Lettie needs to wake up at 5 am for practice, she'll do it herself thank you very much rude person.
When people watch her eat. Yes, she can finish an entire pizza, is that a problem?
Capsicum - claims and I quote; "vegetables sent from Satan".
Any form of physical activity aside from dancing - I mean come on, who actually runs willingly pft.
Anything slow - slow walkers, slow talkers, slow eaters, slow learners etc.
➳ Soondae (blood sausage).


Throwing shade - area of expertise.
➳ Choreographing.
➳ Ballet.
Writing rap lyrics - even though some people think that writing rap and vocal lyrics are the same process, Lettie can only write good rap lyrics for some reason. Once, she tried writing a vocal verse and ended ranting about how much she loved cheese.

important people

Father - Choi Simon (45) - Visual Arts teacher at a high school - punny, warm, supportive - thinks he's the bomb whenever he makes puns *comes into the room holding a grater* "I know it's cheesy but I feel great" "Dad, get out". He is extremely supportive of all his kids and their decisions. One of those dad's that propose a random family camping trip out of nowhere. Then proceed to try start sing-a-longs on the car ride there. Typical protective dad who 'accidently' shakes the hand of any guy, whose standing too close Lettie for his liking, too firmly.
Mother - Choi Natalie (née Vernon) (43) - Artist - caring, hospitable, gentle -  Natalie is a kind-hearted woman who only wants the best for her kids. Over-nourishes them and cares for Lettie a lot. This mother-daughter duo call everyday because it doesn't matter if Lettie is 30, she will always be Momma's little girl. Natalie playfully scolds Vernon a lot for 'not looking out for his younger sister'. Her maiden name; 'Vernon' became her brother's middle and stage name.
Older twin brother - Choi Vernon (18) - Idol; Seventeen - annoying, protective, loving - PLEASE KEEP THESE TWO SIBLINGS AWAY FROM EACH OTHER BECAUSE THEIR LAUGHS COULD CAUSE AN EARTHQUAKE IF HEARD TOGETHER. Surprisingly, not at all Vernon and Lettie are extremely close. They tell each other everything and are very dependent on the other. The twins often like to pull pranks like 'telepathy' (AKA texting each other a sentence to recite at the same time beforehand). Typical older brother who will threaten any guy within a 3 meter radius of Lettie. Sibling goals tbh.
Little sister - Choi Sofia (12) - Middle school student - bubbly, hyper, joyful - this little munchkin fully supports both her siblings are are extremely close to them (even with a 6 year ). Always seen giggling or jumping around.

Best friend - Kwon Hoshi (19) - Idol; Seventeen - hard working, funny, comical - As the sister of Vernon, meeting the members of Seventeen was inevitable. Being 1/3 of the Gag Trio, he's obviously hilarious but also very hardworking. Bonded over their mutual love for dance during Lettie's days as a Pledis trainee. Within the first 2 minutes of talking to this kid, Lettie would be doubled over, in pain from laughing too hard. As much as Hoshi can lift the mood of a room, he also knows when to work hard. Both idol stay up late together practicing and choreographing their own dances.
Best friend - Lee Taeyong (20) - Idol; NCT U - serious, self-critical, ambitious - These 2 met when Lettie first joined the SM Rookies. Taeyong used to be a hyperactive, happy-go-lucky puppy that tried befriending literally everyone (even that weird guy that sells fish cake at the Han River). But his personality morphed into one of reticence when netizens dug up his online history. By December 2014, every kpop tabloid had released an article about his past situation as a cyber bully and scammer. He spent 18 hours of each day practicing non-stop and spent so much time in the practice room that he didn't remember what the sun felt like anymore. Lettie and Taeyong bonded over dance and rap after she was introduced as the new SM Rookie. Even though she found the happy-go-lucky Taeyong extremely annoying, Lettie must admit that she is worried about Taeyong's dramatic change. Since NCT U's debut, Taeyong's old personality is slowly making a return.
Close friend - Zhou Jieqiong (Pinky) (17) - Trainee; Pledis - beagle, crazy, cheerful -  This dorky bean was the the closest to Lettie when she was training at Pledis. These 2 met during Lettie's days as a Pledis trainee, Pinky had been at Pledis since 2010 so she helped Lettie settle into the new environment. These 2 grew extremely close over the course of a year and 5 months. Both girls cried endlessly when Lettie decided to leave Pledis.


SUGGESTIONS: Lettie and Vernon interaction?

COMMENTS: I hope you like Lettie :)

PASSWORD: I got you fam (x).


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