
The most ironic thing of all, is the fact that you are my sunshine, but you are also my darkness. You are my my joy, yet you are also my fears. You, my love, are my cure, but you're also the disease. Funny how you're the one who fixes me when I'm shattered; yet, you are also the one who breaks me each and every time.



This is a poem thing, I was gonna use it for an upcoming fanfiction, but I had to post it. The relationship in the book I'm working on, it's toxic, the couple is always at each other's throats, but as soon as they stop, it's okay, till something else goes wrong. The couple, they are madly in love, but at the same time, they can't express it. Everything is always a fight. When one leaves, the other realizes how bad they fvked up, how they wish they could do things all over if they could. The main quote I'm using for the story is "Love you, goodbye" signifying how the other just loosely let's go without trying to stop the partner from leaving. All they can say is bye, they don't have the heart to tell the one they love so much to not do what they want.

And that's kind of the situation I'm in now yanno? I never thought a fic of mine would feel like real life. I don't want them to leave, but I don't have the heart to keep them from what they want, I love them so much, I can't just keep them from doing whatever they want to.

All I want is to know that, the person I love more than anyone, even myself, will be happy with whatever they choose, that's all I want, for them to be happy. I don't care about how I feel, as long as the person I love is happy,nothing else matters....


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