"Machine Gun" - KUSH, ZION.T, and SONG MINO



GOD DAMNIT why haSn't that  @ss SONG motha ing MINO mAde a miXtaPe AlrEadY???





I need the full version of this like yesterday. kush AND zion.t AND m i n o //dead//




I'm desperate for some WINNER action people. Are they even making a freaking X, I and T???

Hurry the up YG, I'm dying here




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OMG You have no idea how much i freaking replay this video the whole night through and only fell asleep at 6am the following day STILL replaying it lol MY BIAS is just AMAZEMOS i died and resurrect soo many times i lost count I LOVE YOU MINOOOOOOOOOO. pls MARRY ME lol hahahahahahahaha
Totomatoes #2
Same omg. If ever Mino released a mixtape I'd be way overjoyed! And aaaah they're on another hiatus ; - ; I hope it wouldn't be too long like last time!! >_<