Destination... Planning

So the time has come people... Summer Vacation ! Although i am happy to now be a senior in high school and the time has come for me to decide on what college i would like to attend and what i want to do with my life and i can unfortunately say that i am as fickle as a button. Im stuck between studying business or Medicine. Staying in the city or go suburban, oh the choices. Anybody has any colleges to recommend? This Summer i am going to be busu visiting quite a few such as Bryn Mawr, Penn State, Bloomsburg, University of Maryland, and North Carolina A&T. Let me know my Fellow College students :)


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Hayaley #1
I think it will depend on a number of things...
i) whether you are studying business or medicine
ii) how rigorous of a curriculum are you up other words, how much fun do you want to have besides studying?
iii) does the tuition matter?
If you are really looking for some solid advice, PM me. I work in college admin and may be able to help.