
First off, yup it's my birthday today! 

Secondly, I got lots of beautiful stories to my Happiness contest so they're like birthday presents to me (all my nefarious plans succeeded! ). I'm so excited to read them! 

Thirdly, SS301 made their comeback today on my birthday! They're celebrating their 11th anniversary and is like this great wonderful present to me ♡♡♡

And lastly, a birthday selca. Have a wonderful day, everyone! 


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Oh I'm so terrible. Happy belated birthday! I'm so sorry I wasn't around for it, but I guess late then never. My goodness, I'm so nappeo!
Happy belated birthday, dear. Sorry I couldn't comment ON your birthday, since I was travelling - I am in Seoul now! Yep. You read that right. I am sitting in my hotel room... somewhere between baking and freezing. LOL (it is freakin' HOT here, but I set the air con too low so it's freezing. dammit...) I am not sure what I'm doing today, but it will involve getting a parasol/umbrella since it's supposed to storm this weekend and I did not bring a jacket. Oops. And I'm going to see Leo in his musical on Sunday. (yay!)

I am kind of confused tho - VIXX's anniv thing is supposed to be next week, but it's been taken off their schedule. BUT the ticket site has just added a whack-load more general tickets to the site. I have asked various ppl for info, but nobody will even give me the time of day (which... wtf is up with that? I thought Starlights were supposed to be friendly?). I didn't come here just for that, so while I will be disappointed, it's not the end of the world. I'm just really confused and dunno what to do. Any ideas? (You're kinda the only person I can ask now, since nobody else will talk to me. *sadface*) My friend recently got me into VIXX (even tho I've known about them since debut) and lesinset got me. *sighs and laughs* Since I had been planning this trip for the last year anyway.... here I am.

I hope you've had a great birthday, and here's to many more happy years for you! *hugs* <3
I hope you had a suitably great day unnie <3
Happy birthday, darling!
You're so pretty!
Happy birthday unnie ^-^
happy birthday pretty girl :D I'm also a gemini! and next week it's my birthday, and my gifts are exams, before, on the day of my birthday and the next day :...( so no celebrating for me, I'll have to reschedule it, like a week later or something haha June is exam period for me :S
hotterthanasummer #7
Happy birthday~!
Wow awesome. Happy late birthday!
Happy Birthday sweetie! Have a great new wonderful year of life. xxx
You're so pretty. ^^ Happy birthday, good luck with everything in life. Have a great day! :)
Happy birthday!
midaexiu #12
Woah! You're so pretty!! 생일 축하합니다! *throws streamers and confetti everywhere*
Happy birthday! A bit late in the day, but it's still the 8th, so... Made it! Here's to hoping that your birthday was absolutely amazing (plus you are absolutely gorgeous can we switch faces?)!
Happy Birthday! If only I could write, I would have written you something. but alas I cannot lol.
happy birthday man! ^^ you look gorgeous!