Goodbye note !

You can consider this as suicide note or farewell note, it's your choice, but yeah. I'm writing this just incase i've done it. If i did, please send this to my friends or people i know. Thanks! I just want to apologize to my parents because how disappointing i am. I'm sorry mom, sorry i can never have that B in math. I'm sorry for being such a lazy daughter in the family. I'm sorry i can never win something or even join a competition like my cousins. I'm sorry for not being able to speak to stranger normally. I'm sorry i can't get to sleep until 4 a.m. I'm sorry i've always whined about my chest pains. I'm sorry for cutting my wrist and my thighs, i know how much you hated it. I'm sorry for everything that i couldn't name it here. You are a very wonderful mom anyone could ever had. I am thankful. I'm sorry for leaving like this. I'm sorry for being gay, mom. But it doesn't matter, because i still love you. Take care. xx.


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Just because you got a B in Math doesn't mean you're stupid.
Just because you may prefer to be in bed a lot doesn't mean you're lazy.
Just because you don't win in competitions doesn't mean you're a loser.
Just because you complain about chest pains, can't get to sleep, can't speak to strangers or anything else that you haven't named here, doesn't make you any less worth caring about.
And just because you're gay does not make you less of a person.

You are a wonderful person because you are telling someone that you love them. You have the most human trait that a person can have. You can LOVE someone. who it is, if it's a guy or a girl, older or younger, here or abroard. who it is. YOU CAN LOVE!!! I think that's a better attribute to a person than whether they got an A in Math or whether they sleep for just thirty seconds a night or whether they can speak to every Tom, and Harry in the world. You can love. You have a heart. You have emotions.

Please, I am begging you ... don't throw that heart away. It is capable of so much. YOU are capable of so much. I don't know who you are, but you know what? I ing believe in you. I have faith in you. And even if nobody else will, I will be the biggest ing cheerleader for you that you have ever known.