First Time?




Actually this is my first time blogging for my AFF acc. Joined AFF since (nearly) 1 years, I only active reading and subscribing to some of VERY INTERESTING stories here (and most of all stories bout 2PM because I simply love those dorky yet adorable men ㅠㅠ )

And then, since I don't know when, I decided to be more active here, by commenting, adding some friends, and give wall messages..

But, I don't know if I'm doing it right. I mean, because this is my first time joining fanfiction world, I kind of confused what should or must do and don't? Hope somebody will kindly help me so that I am doing right things and not end up annoyed other members of AFF.. >.<

And english is not my native language, so bear with the errors :")


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yerin-b #1
No worries at all! This is a great start :D you sound super friendly and your English is great. Want to be friends?