My situation and things I want to say

So, hello everyone. I want to say thanks for being here, reading this blog post. 

I just want to tell you what i've done few months back. Let's say that i still write, but not that often as before.

My January, February, and March were very stressful, my writing got hold because i have to write other thing, which i already told you in my stories. After that i had thesis defense in March, I had to do lots of revision in April, and at the same time i had to do administration for graduation. Between April and May, I tried to start writing again, which came up 'Wild Imagination', which is basically a oneshot of whatever boyxgirl OTP I want to write. I also updated whatever I had for two ongoing stories and trying to balance my life again (thesis made morning become night and vice versa). In May I had graduation ceremony, it went well and now i should be free. Well, no. I'm officially unemployed and I need to find a job. While I'm trying to balance things, I am also trying to apply for jobs.

It's now June. And what have I done beside applying for jobs? Currently, I write two oneshots, one is requested in Wild Imagination, and it's basically Markdy (which I actually don't want because I want to make it diverse but I have to do it because I'm a nice guy) and second one is my real wild imagination and I'm using Woorong as the characters. There is also a handwritten draft of 'Beautiful Girl with Bad Luck and the Boy Who Saves Her' in a notebook that I specially use, but I think it's not finished yet, for the next chapter.

So, what's the point of writing these things? I just want to tell you that currently, I lack of consistency. I tried to finish Markdy one, but then I was distracted with something else and now it's just sitting down in the folder, waiting to be finished. Do I have what people call 'writer's block'? or do i lose my passion on writing?

You know, my resolution of this year is actually to finish a full story. Really, it's a big one but at that time I think I can do it. But now, I lack of consistency, I lose my interest on writing, etc etc. It , really.

I'm telling you this, just because I don't have place to spill. If you are already in this part of the blog, I give you whole bunch of thanks. I just want to rant things. Especially about my situation and how I really want to finish, at least, my oneshots.

Once again, I want to thank you for reading this till the end. I hope I find inspirations again, being a better me, and being a consistent writer so that I have something to fulfill, at least to myself.

I hope you have a great day and be yourself :)


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Hayaley #1
Life does wreck havoc on a writer's schedule not to mention inspiration. It's certainly not easy to juggle. I feel that way certain days or weeks. From January to May, I was juggling two jobs - one of them ultra time consuming. Then, I had some health issues and was trying to find another job. All these led to stress, which gave me writer's block for about two weeks. Good thing for my readers, I've already wrote a number of chapters so there wasn't too much lapse in the posts except for two weeks in May where my second job really kicked my . Just when I thought I now have more time to write, life deals a different set of cards. So I'm still looking for another job and starting next week my whole sleep cycle is going to be turned upside down due to my job. And there's a possibility that I will get a promotion. Yes, I should be very happy. I'm happy if I get it but at the same time, I know it's going to severely cut into my writing time. So, I guess all we can do is keep trying to keep writing. Writer's block or lack of inspiration is part of parcel of being a writer I guess and it'll certainly go away some day.

Phew! You certainly got me going on this one, lol! Never give up hope. You may yet finish that full story. ~_^