× ごめん, ごめん。

i don't know how long it's been since i logged in to be honest
it's been at least a couple of days right? 
maybe that it's just that i'm scared to go on
or that real life is badddddddddddd
maybe it's that i was scared or that i could feel myself getting weaker
do you know the feeling when you're close to fainting? 
i felt worse than that and swore i could almost see death in the far distance
or that i've gone complete crazy.
i'm not sick... i don't think so. 
all i hear is " you're sick "
" get better from your sickness "
my parents avoid me like i'm going to contaminate them but how am i going to?
how am i going to contaminate my friends?
how am i going to contaminate my teachers?
why do i have to be feared or ignored, talked about and pushed?
what did i ever do wrong?

i remember once in a fam group chat on line
a junhoe told me " how do you know that no one else is suffering? how are you sure that she isn't suffering inside? "
and i wanted to fight back but never did.
there are people who live steady lives and why can't people understand that?
the whole " everyone faces ups and downs " is a whole lie.

i don't know why but hearing the phrase " you're getting better "
i should be relieved right?
but what if i don't mind it?
i don't even remember what it's like being happy
people are gonna complain " myung ur only like 12 ofc u wont remember lolololol "
and call me useless and wasting time for this but still

but when my friend on line was complaining
how she felt bad for being happy, all i could say was " wait for me to join you, we'll be happy together "
and i didn't know where to head

 i'm fearing i'm becoming a hikikomori ,,,
i'm beginning to drink a lot more coke and not eat properly (uMARUUUUUU)
but it's kind of like, i haven't been able to survive a day without touching my phone or laptop ???
and i haven't been to school regulary (yesterday i arrived at 11:30 am and missed out on mi icas exams q n q)
it's also that i can't even leave my bed lately and that i couldn't even talk to my friends
i avoided everything for so long and idek anymore

or bother i don't know why (i'm sorry tilda and ari ;;;)

basically, i apologise for everything i've done i guess??
i don't know where i'm going to be honest
but hAH like anyone would care
i guess i'm just sorry for not being okay.

痛い いたイ いタい いたい 痛い....








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you dont need
to apologize.
no one should apologize
for something they cant control.
i love you myung and
im here if you want to talk.
whether you are truly sick
or something that you are dealing with, you are
not something to avoid
because you are important.
if people are treating
you like a diseases
like you are going
to 'contaminate' them,
i say them.
oh bubba
you know we are all here for you <3 <3 <3
we can get through this together and dont ever think your alone in this journey
even if you are sick, sicknesses can be overcome and no one would really be 'contaminated' right?
im sure your parents, friends and even teachers would understand this complication
your not alone and we're a community, a family
we're here too and we'll help you
from a sydney girl to another <3 <3 <3 <3 <3