It's been circulating over the net that GOT7's 3 year dating ban will abolish on their 3rd anniversary, which mean next year 2017...

Fans has been pouring their own opinion on this matter and while some are positive there's some who less bit than positive about it...

I just wanna say...


I mean they are healthy young men and honestly...I'm glad that they're able to date freely. I don't know who the lucky lady would be or is she an idol or just commoners, if my boys are happy with her and I'm cool with it.

They need to get out and enjoy life outside the idol world which can be hectic sometimes.

To all those people that don't want to them to date...what was your concern/problem anyway?

Seriously, do you really think you have a chance with them? Or you wanted your oppas become hermit and don't have a life? Come on...let's be realistic just for once.

I'm not trying to anger anyone with this post but I think I have to say something about this as GOT7 fans and fellow human being. My boys deserved every bit of happiness that come and if they found someone that they like enough, so as a fan I'm happy for them!

Ok, that's enough of my rambling...



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