amanda Cho

username — sarbear

nickname — sarah

activity rate — 7


name — amanda yookyung cho

nicknames —  list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and/or how they got it

birthdate — 23 november 1992

birthplace — incheon, south korea

hometown — toronto, canada

ethnicity — all korean all the time

language — list each on a new line and explain how they learned it + her fluency in it. maximum is 5 and you can be fluent in 2; not every is ok taecyeon or jackson wang.

i am beautiful

face claim — aoa's hyejeong

gallery — ♡♡♡

backup face claim — nine muses' sera

gallery — ♡♡♡


appearance — being that amanda is from north america, she is a little more tanner than korean-koreans, but being that she is from canada, she is pretty pasty white-ier than korean-americans. standing at 171, amanda is fairly tall and relatively healthy at 52kg (for korean idol standards at least). she has a great figure and curvy body. her hair is relatively shorter than most koreans and is a bit naturally stringy. but with the help of the stylists and the "idol" world it is know a light chocolate brown that grows to her chest. she has big round eyes that her father says she inherited from her mother, and chubby cheeks from her father. she has a a pretty big, wide mouth, but doesn't use it as much as you think she would. she noticeably has a cute little birth mark under her right eye, pretty much on top of her excess aegyo fat. her hair will change to a pretty bright blonde and pink tips during a comeback (up to youuuu).

fashion style —  amanda just screams femininity when it comes to fashion. she likes really cute, fashion foward things. cute heels, stockings during the winter, nice long classy jackets, skirts, blouses... the list goes on. she is also very particular about the types of clothing items she wears. she likes plaid things, wool things, things with bows on them, and things with intricate sewing patterns. she also likes cool sleeves. her favorite accessories are hats and jewlery. she especially loves winter time in order to wear her barets. heck! she will wear them in the summer if she wants. she normally dresses like that for important events or for the airport. if it's practice then she will just wear tee shirt and shorts or jeans. her style can be considered very cute but sophisticated at the same time. it makes the stylist unnies very happy.

defining me

plotline — lead vocalist, lead dancer.

traits — list 3 negative and 3 positive traits about your character.

personality — this can be as long or short as you want. you can expand on the traits above here.

background — this can be as long or short as you want. you can describe your character's childhood, her adolescence, her family life, her school life, etc.

likes — 3-5 likes

dislikes — 3-5 dislikes

hobbies — 2-3 hobbies

habits — 1-3 habits

trivias — unlimited

I'll take care of you

family — tell us all about your character's family (parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.) please only include those who you think are relevant and important.

— name | relationship | description



OTHERS — this is for your character's friends, enemies, rivals, acquaintances, etc. if someone is famous, please include the group they come from. please only include those who you think are relevant and important.

— name | relationship | group name | description

— name | relationship | description


(remember that love interests are optional and not required in order to apply! although not every member in a group will be dating, it's possible that they may have crushes, flings, a friends with benefits type thing, and the likes. it's also possible that on the chance that someone is dating, that person might not be famous. love interests can be male and/or female)

check cheatsheet for taken love interests


love interest — name | age | group name (disregard if oc)

backup love interest — if you chose an idol as your love interest, please list up to 3 other idols you may want in case your first choice is taken. if you have an oc as your love interest then disregard this.


personality — describe your character's love interest. what they like/dislike, their mannerisms, etc. if they're an idol, how does their off stage persona differ from their on stage persona. things like that.

relationship — how did they meet? how does your character act around her love interest? how do they treat each other? what do the electra members think of them, or do they even know? how are they viewed by others?  

star in training

STAGE NAME — amanda

COMPANY — this is where your character's previous companies go, if they were at any before starship. (i don't want everyone to come from yg, jyp, or sm, though)

Training years — the maximum is 9 years, the minimum is 1 year.

achievements — this is for pre-debut and post-debut activities. if you want your character to have released a pre-debut single, put it here. if you want your character to be in a drama after debut, put it here. if you want your character to be on shows like unpretty rapstar, king of mask singer, or be a mc/host for a music show, put it here! if you would like your character to have a solo debut in the future, put it here and mention their solo debut song, or they sang an ost for a movie/drama. stuff like that.


talking twin — ashley choi | ladies code

singing twin — wang feifei | miss a

dancing twin — kim seolhyun | aoa

variety TWIN — seo joohyun | snsd


comments/suggestions — anything there is to know?

scene requests — there is no promises these will be completed.

password — did you read the cheatsheet?

example app 1 —example app 2 — back to the story


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