IU and Yoo Seung Ho????? WOAH!

OMG! I spazzed when I saw this article.


They look super cute together, but I still have to say I love YooSeungHoxJiyeon more :)

Poor Jiyeon :(  She must be sad that he chose IU.  Though she did say later on that he was no longer her ideal type since he didn't match the image she had picture him as.

Oh well.  It's cute though that IU has also said Seung Ho is her ideal type as well.  Maybe they'll date? If they do I'll support them while crying inside for Jiyeon :P


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jiyeon doesn't care about him anymore if you remember she humiliate him in tv hhhh
Awww IUxSeungho is also cute but I understand your unhappiness for jiyeon