First Blog

 Hello, everybody! 

 This is my first blog ever on this site.

 I guess I'd like to quickly introduce myself.

1) I have no friends on this website accept like a few people who I either though were kind and gave them a friend request or they send me a friend request.

2) EXO was my first k-pop group.

3) I procrastinate too much.

4) Perfection is key.

5) Swag.

 I'd also like to talk about my new fanfic that I just started. It's going to be a Jikook fanfic because I'm currently writing a Vkook fanfic and felt bad because I ship Jikook, but also Vkook. I can't decide on what "Kook" ship I want. They're both adorable.

 Anyways if anyone is interested in my fanfic, it's a psychological/mysterious fanfic.It's called "Born a Murderer".



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TaeTrash77 #1
My first group was EXO as well xD I'd love to read your new story but goddammit I really don't ship jikook so I guess I'll stick with the vkook one for now <3