he knew her best.

attaining one's dreams required a stern will and unfailing determination.

he knew she could eat twenty eggrolls in one go. he knew that she was dependable and always kept her promises. he knew that she lended an ear to just about everyone in town. he knew that her deep gray eyes reminded him of a calm sea on a cloudy day. he knew her laugh was like the music that flowed through his pumpkin orange headphones. he knew that she’d grab onto his sleeve or slap his shoulder, only his, when she would break down in a fit of giggles.

he knew she liked to call him silly goose. he knew she hated it when he’d give 完二 a hard time. he knew she fed the stray cats she’d see around town. he knew she really liked bugs but hated anything remotely scary. he knew that her brother was a siscon kingpin of steel.

he knew she was all alone in that house now. he knew she was barely keeping it together in front of everyone because she was their leader. he knew that she was even more hurt, even more devastated, and felt even more guilty than any of them were. he knew the thoughts that ran through her head as nanako’s machine flatlined. he knew that she needed him.

he knew, as she was barely holding back tears in front of him, that she was afraid of being alone.

he knew, as his hand reached around and guided her head to his lithe chest, that he wanted to be someone she could rely on.

he knew.


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