Coffee & Anxiety!

I found something interesting out about my Anxiety disorder this week.

First of all, I love coffee. But, because of some health issues and the fact Coffee can sometimes make anxiety worse (I thought), I switched to decaf coffee last year. I read that caffeine can make your anxiety worse, or even trigger attacks. So, I stopping drinking it. But, my anxiety actually got worse afterwards. I thought it was because of some things I was dealing with at the time, so didn't connect it with coffee.

Then, this week I had to get up a 4 am to go fishing, so I ordered a regular coffee to help me wake up. It have been a year since I had caffeine in my coffee. Strangely, I felt great all day. Later, when I was feel anxious again, I drank another cup in the afternoon, and again my anxiety got better.

So, the next day I did the same thing. I had a small cup when I woke up and another around 3 pm. My anxiety is very low. It's still there, but it's manageable. I found some research that said while coffee can make some people's anxiety worse; It can help others. It depends on the person. Caffeine helps the brain release dopamine into the prefrontal cortex, a brain area important for mood regulation. It also stores it in the amygdala, another part of the brain important for anxiety regulation.

Research also shows that coffee can lower the risk for depression. Those who drink between two and three cups of coffee per day had a 15 percent lower risk for depression. It also lowers suicidal thoughts.


This isn't the result for everyone. It depends on how your body reacts to it. Also, you can't drink too much coffee. When you go past seven cups a day, the risk for depression and anxiety increases. So, everything in moderation, and if it makes you feel worse, it's not the strategy for you.

Basically, what I'm trying to say it that a couple cups of coffee a day, or when you're feeling upset, can help you feel better. But, it's not for everyone. I just found that it's been helping me a lot this week. Also, after I switched to decaf, my anxiety in the morning and afternoon was worse.



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Laymedowninabedofexo #1
My friend would always say she got caffeine headaches and would always tell me to drink soda when my head hurt but it never worked for me. I still think she's making it up and her body was just so used to it but maybe she benefitted from it. That's really neat.
Hmm.... I don't think it will work for me since I doesn't like coffee much
Caffeine has a lot of benefits if used in moderation; it's used in a number of migraine medications, for example. I'm so glad you've found something as simple as a cup of coffee helps you control your anxiety! ^_^
U can try chamomile seeds tea,levander tea,rose water,apple tea.
Why you don't try black tea? Person says that tea are better to calm the anxiety then coffee.