✬ TRIGGER ✬ Han Seolmi

✬ trigger ✬
the application
looks good

Faceclaim: Eunseo (WJSN)
Back-up Faceclaim: YooA (OMG)

Casual Style: H E R E
Formal Style: H E R E
Training Style: H E R E

Singing Twin: Yuju of GFriend (Hyojung of OMG)
Dancing Twin: Naeun of APink (Yeoreum of WJSN)
Rapping Twin: Wheein of Mamamoo (Eunji of APink)

layout © cerulean tm
han seolmi
the basics
BIRTHDATE. May 15th, 1997
BIRTHPLACE. busan, South Korea
HOMETOWN. Busan, South Korea
LANGUAGE(S). KOrean (native, fluent) ;  English (conversational, it was a requirement during school and she happened to be good at it).
in depth
+ Extroverted
+ optimistic
+ Kind
+ Comical
- lazy
- immature/Childish
- oblivious
- sheltered
expanded personality. Seolmi is, quite simply, a people person. She enjoys being around others and communicates with ease. She's often the life of the party, flitting around from person to person, mingling with everyone and seeming almost as if she's close with each and every attendee. Seolmi enjoys spending her free time around friends and family rather than relaxing alone. Furthermore, her personality truly shines when she's around larger groups of people.

Her outgoing personality is elevated by the natural optimism she exudes. Even when things are not going to plan, seolmi feels assured that things will improve and that everything will straighten out in the end. She handles crisises with elegance and always sees the best in every person, situation, and thing. it is this optimism that allows Seolmi to float through life with a lightheart.

she is also increasingly kind and always willing to lend a hand to someone in need, even if it may end up with bad consequences for her in the end. it is often this kindess that leads seolmi into trouble, as she takes on too many tasks at once and thus becomes overwhelmed and unable to complete them all. her friends rely on her as a shoulder to cry on and as an  ear that is always willing to listen. her heart beats feverntly for those in need, but she often finds herself consumed by the troubles of others rather than focusing on her own issues.

Seolmi has an expansive sense of humor—not the kind of humor that is rude or cynical or sarcastic. Rather, her humor is pure fun. she does not snap sassy remarks at her friends, instead, she makes subtle jokes and prods at them good-naturedly. her sense of humor resides almost wholly in puns, dad jokes, and corny one-liners. although her humor is not on par with comedians, it is pure and innocent and worthy of a few chuckles. seolmi is willing to do a lot to make someone laugh, especially when they're feeling down, and has been known to make funny faces or poses to elicit laughter.

Naturally, seolmi is not perfect. And although she has high hopes and big dreams, she often falls short in achieving them. as optimistic as she may be, her mind is so proactive that she often loses sight of her dreams in the heat of making new ones. beyond that, seolmi finds trouble in executing her plans because she's just plain lazy. she doesn't like hard work, she doesn't enjoy being pushed to her limits. seolmi finds the easy way out of most problems, and when she can't find a way out, she gives up and waits for someone else to take control - remaining optimistic that the problem will be solved, nonetheless. often times, the reason why seolmi cannot achieve new heights is because she doesn't try. while she energetically pursues certain dreams, she leaves behind others, which prevents her from being well-rounded. such was the case with dancing. seolmi loved singing; she sang avidly. she also loved to dance, but because her aspirations lied within singing, she gave up on dancing, thus resulting in her only average skills in that area.

this demonstrates a certain naive aspect of seolmi. although she is 19, seolmi tends to be one of the more immature and childish girls. while this altogether is not awful, it is often the reason why nobody takes her seriously. when seolmi makes suggestions, people often don't listen because they see her as an immature child. seolmi frequently finds herself in situations that she doesn't approve of due to the fact that no one cares to listen to her opinions, and thus, she is forced to do things. similarly, when people tell seolmi to complete certain tasks, she often is unable to complete them due to a combination of her laziness as well as her immaturity and disregrard for responsibility. seolmi is consistently told that she needs to grow up, but because she feels so comfortable with where she is, she often brushes off this demand.

Finally, despite being a holistically kind and thoughtful girl, seolmi often comes short of realizing the severity of given situations. she is almost annoyingly oblivious to people's feelings unless they make them absolutely clear. furthermore, she has trouble picking up on signs that something needs to be done. seolmi is relatively indifferent about things that require maturity, as she feels compelled to only deal with simplistic things. this is caused by the sheltered environment in which seolmi grew up. due to the fact that her parents shielded her from a lot of society's horrors, seolmi never really learned about the truths of the world. thus, she acts childishly in many situations and doesn't understand the direness of certain concepts. for instance, if asked the equal rights question, seolmi would not know how to respond as it was something she was never confronted with. this general immaturity and lack of experience is a serious problem for seolmi as it means she has difficulty dealing with tough situations,. although an all around sweet girl, seolmi is not devoid of flaws. her loud nature often gets her in trouble, but it is also one of her best aspects.

background. Born in a quiet neighborhood of busan, seolmi grew up with the utmost privelage. her parents were never stingy with their love and seolmi grew up with praise consistently being rained down upon her. she could do no wrong; seolmi was their little miracle. she attended one of busan's finest girls' academies and was quickly signed up for activtiy after activity, each of which was abandoned as the child quickly became bored with them. her parents feared that seolmi would never find her calling, they feared even more so that their daughter would find her calling in something corrupt. so they shieled her for years, monitoring every child she came into contact with and keeping her away from controversial societal struggles. seolmi knew nothing of the world's issues until her late teens. at ten years old, her younger sister was born, and her parents' grip on her loosened. seolmi ventured into singing and dancing. she showed prowess in both, but cared little for dancing in comparison to singing. thus, their home was filled with the sound of seolmi's voice—loud, crisp, and pure. at sixteen, seolmi was finally allowed to spend time with friends without parental supervision. on her first outing, her and her friends went to a busy main street shopping center in busan. a man stole her friend's bag, and seolmi credits this as one of the scariest occurences in her life. they vowed never to let seolmi's parents find out, for if they did, she'd never be allowed out again. seolmi had heard of thieves before then obviously, but never had she witnessed a theft. Never had she thought that one could happen so close to her. she was terrified, and yet exhilerated. seolmi wished to explore more of this new world​this new, bountiful freedom. that was when seolmi had her second outing in busan. she lied, telling her parents that she was to be accompanied by friends, and instead perused the street stalls alone. as she walked along, to the hum of the crowd and the distant rumble of a popular song, seolmi began to sing. it was then that a casting agent approached her, having noticed the young girl's abundant beauty and talent. the agent happened to be from YG and suggested the girl audition. a very pleased seolmi went home and announced the news to her parents. she hadn't known what to expect - happiness? anger? she was met with indifference. her father wanted her to continue her education, her mother didn't want her to leave for seoul at such a young age. in the end, they met in the middle. seolmi was allowed to audition the following year, at age 17, and was welcomed into Yg as a trainee a year later, upon finishing high school. although reluctant, her parents allowed her to reside in seoul so long as she promised to contact them whenever it was possible. what they didn't know was that seolmi's trainee activities were put on pause when she auditioned for trigger, where her every fiber would be put to the test. (ok, but like quick question. i wrote it like this bc i wasn't sure if they had to be in an agency first or not? i can change this if you want i was just really unsure. thanks fam xoxo).

- food (who doesn't, though?)

- dramas, reality tv, game shows

- foreign culture (like she really enjoys learning about foreign customs and ways of life. it fascinates her to see how different people are from her. often times she can't understand these differences).

- history (damn this girl loves history. it was her favorite subject during school and she has remained really into it. she often likes to laze around and watch history documentaries and eat junk food.)

- parties (she's so extroverted that parties are her jam. also, her parents rarely let her attend any so she's always trying to make up for lost time).

- dogs (dogs are so hyper and dumb, just like her!)

- her little sister (she thinks of her sister as a gift to the world. she loves this little nine y/o with all of her heart)

art (she never did well in art, so she really appreciates good art. art galleries would highkey be her thing if she wasn't too loud and excitable for them)

-  an unmade bed (she thinks making your bed is overrated).

not being entrusted with big tasks (responsibility terrifies her).

being young (Youth is priceless.)

being treated like a child (as much as she likes being young, she wants to be respected as an adult).

being ignored (she wants you to listen when she talks! Also, she's kind of a hoe for attention, so...)

being compared (she thinks of herself as unique; when people compare her to others, it really bums her out.)

- hairless cats (she is inexplicably afraid of them.)

being ordered around (because 1) she's lazy and 2) she's a rebel like that).

when things don't go her way (she might be an optimist, but when she doesn't get what she wants, it really pisses her off. probably bc she grew up getting everything she wanted).
- karaoke; before she left for seoul, her and her friends did this very frequently.

- photography; not good photography, just lots of really random snapshots.

- learning languages; she usually gives up really quickly. but she has at least started to learn like ten languages. all unsuccessful. 
- she locks doors whenever she leaves or enters a room, purely out of habit.

- when she's bored or thinking hard or doing pretty much anything, she starts humming or whistling.

- she pets every dog she sees. every single one. all dogs must be pet or the day is unsuccesful.

- she tends to twirl her hair around her finger when she's not paying attention/daydreaming.
- loves pasta

- the only time she likes being alone is when she's binge watching shows

- her favorite person in the world is probably her little sister

- she's hella good at jumping rope

- her favorite color is army green

- she prefers to wear her hair up

- one time she asked to dye her hair red and her mother almost cried

- she's really tall and she has a long neck

- her favorite feature is her nose

- her least favorite feature is her feet

- she hates feet

- she thinks that in a past life she was a dog

- she can imitate birds really well

- she really likes whistling 

- she has never had a pet (her mom is allergic to most animals).

- her first crush was in middle school

- she thinks she's a realist; everyone else thinks she's an idealist

- she achieved really good marks in school, but hated most of her classes

- her best friend was mugged once

- she's actually pretty okay at cooking

- she doesn't like wearing heels because she feels too tall

- she thinks her sister will grow up to be way prettier than her 

people she knows

family. Seolmi's immediate family consists of her father, mother, herself, and her little sister. apart from their eldest daughter's antics, her father and mother lead relatively boring lives. Both parents have undemanding desk jobs which allows them to spend lots of time with their children. Their entire lives, unfortunately, became their children. Although very loving, Seolmi's parents are quite controlling. It took recognizing that their daughter would do as she pleased to get them to let her go. Seolmi's sister, Sunmi, is quite the opposite of seolmi. She's not boisterous and loud, rather, she's quiet and unassuming. The two sisters are very close, despite their , and Seolmi will protect her sister at all costs. Sarcastic, shy, and loyal--sunmi balances out her sister quite well. Seolmi's family life is good, although she often feels as if she can't express everything to her parents. her relationship with her parents is extremely underdeveloped and immature. they view her as the same little girl she used to be, and seolmi is too scared to talk with her parents about anything serious. thus, she has yet to escape being a child in their eyes.

friends. there are three main  friends in Seolmi's life. firstly, her bestfriend from her hometown: Jang Hyosun. Hyosun has been a friend of seolmi's since they were children due to the fact that they were neighbors. Hyosun was also the friend whose bag was stolen. she's incredibly reliable, albeit slightly reckless, and has a tendency to be bluntly honest with Seolmi about her faults. She often tells her friend that she needs to grow up and she was seolmi's main source of support during tough times. Seolmi will often call hyosun in private and tell her about her problems. hyosun is one of the few people who has seen seolmi cry (she doesn't cry often). Her second friend, Hyosun's twin brother, jang Hyuk, has been like an older brother to her throughout her life. he protected her during their school years, he was her first crush (in middle school), and he is a lot kinder about Seolmi's faults in comparison to hyosun.  although she once liked hyuk, seolmi harbors no past feelings for him. this crush is completely unknown to hyosun. hyuk watches trigger religiously so as to keep an eye on Seolmi. her final friend is one whom she met in seoul. son ahri was a receptionist at Yg entertainment and one of the first people seolmi met in seoul. for the short time seolmi was in yg, she spent lots of her free-time with ahri, who was also new to the company. ahri often checks up on seolmi as she views seolmi as a little child she has to look out for. ahri fears that the competition will change/break seolmi, who is a lot more fragile than she may initially seem. 

her point of view

(this whole section should be done as if she were being interviewed and asked these questions. the replies should be in her point of view.)

what is your dream?
Well, isn't everyone's to debut? No? I suppose that should be my dream. Haha. But, It's not. My dream...is to see my sister again. I don't get to see her or talk to her a lot. And i love and miss her tons.  She's only nine, and she's really impressionable. I think that, ideally, I'd like to show her an image of me that's really great. i want to be a role model for her and...debuting would help with that, I'm sure. But, for right now, I just want to see her and give her a hug and tell her that growing up isn't that bad. Haha, I just hope she's not getting into any trouble!

who inspires you most in this world? underground rappers. is that strange? They're really hardcore. And Cool. And being an underground rapper is tough; it's cutthroat. making it in the rap industry is extremely difficult, but they don't seem worried. when they perform, they look so cool, so relaxed, so sure of themselves. I'd like to have that kind of determination...that kind of charisma. so few underground rappers really make it big, you know. But, those who do, they're really amazing. I mean, just look at Zico [Sunbae]; he's insanely talented and popular and hardworking. he's made a name for himself...he really overcame all odds. i'm really inspired by underground rappers and I think that, as a vocalist, I'd like to have those achievements.

many idols get asked this, so we'll ask you. who is an example of your ideal type? Ah, this is a touchy question. Haha. Hm, well, If i had to pick an ideal type...I'd probably pick someone funny, hardworking....someone with a cool charisma, yeah? Oh! I know. When I came to Seoul, it was just around the time that a new boy group, iKon, was debuting. when i saw them, i thought, "wow, they're so cool. They're real idols." and there was one who caught my eye—​hanbin (sunbae)—​i've heard he's really hardworking and whenever i see him on game shows, he seems really funny. and on stage he's like bam. charisma. I like that kind of guy, so i think he'd be my ideal type. haha.

what is your biggest fear? truthfully, I've never really had a definite fear. i was never afraid of spiders or snakes or heights or even the dark. I was a very strong child. but, when i was sixteen, i was out with friends and one of my friends was mugged (had her bag stolen). It was so scary. he ran up and took her bag and pushed her to the ground. i was really terrified, i almost cried. ever since then, i think i've been really afraid of being alone. my friend was alone, then, looking at something at a stall. and it happened so quickly. if it ever happened to me, i don't know what i would do. i'm really scared of being alone at the dorm or walking alone on the street. this fear didn't really hit me until i came to seoul​there's just so many people here, you know. i guess it's kind of stupid to be afraid of being alone, but I really hate it. i like having people around.

do you honestly believe you'll make it to the end of this competition? I think, honestly, that there is a lot of talent here. the girls here are so amazing, so experienced and skilled. I've been singing since I was ten, but a lot of these girls have gone through professional training for years. I don't have that kind of experience. And I'm from such a quaint neighborhood, I fear that i don't have the worldy experience, either. I think I have advantages, though. I work well in teams, I adjust quickly, and i'm a decently fast learner. But, again, my skill isn't nearly to the level of some of the other girls here. if i want to get through, I'm going to have to access a whole new side of myself! my ultimate form...haha. it's not going to be easy, it's not going to be fun all the time, but...i believe in myself. if i'm going to debut, if i'm going to show my sister a whole new side of myself, I'll need to work harder than ever before. i can't give up this time. i need to persevere. i hope everyone does well and that we all get what we're looking for. good luck, everyone!

the end game
good luck, ladies.
so, again, i wasn't sure about the agency thing. also, sorry some of this is so long. i feel like certain parts are lacking; do you think i should make her background more interesting or make her more flawed? I don't know.  i don't have any scene suggestions in mind right now, but i'll get back to you on that!
password tumblr_inline_o6cmo1maB31tr9yke_500.gif  (this is as close to excited as I could find, sorry !)


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