〔 △ shinji speaks on momjin

let me start by saying i literally had no idea who this person was until like a few weeks ago at the most and also i will be referring to momjin/guks as spooks. i don't know about the drama between spooks nd scotty, i know nothing about these people. so anyway, i decided to start up an apply fic, girl group, pretty cut and dry. i was excited to get the example apps out because i had a few really nice comments from excited people. i worked with a character type i loved, using an idol i love as a faceclaim.

not even ten minutes after posting, i had a blog comment and a new subscriber! i figured the comment was from one of the really nice people who stalk my blogs, so i checked the subscriber first, spooks. then i check the comment, "no offence but i don't think nayeon can pull off 25" it was study hall, my real life best friend yogurtlegs right beside me.

she read over my shoulder and said, "excuse me? who is this?" 


"hol on, i'm gonna hop on aff."

meanwhile, i gave spooks my response "its not that big of an age diff, nayeon fits the personality, plus i like her so"

it hadn't even been ten minutes and i already had someone criticizing my own app for my own story, and yogurtlegs called her out on it. spooks gave a typical excuse, "well i was just voicing my opinion" and "i'm done talking to you, you're so toxic." bold words coming from someone as toxic as them.

so anyway, we were both blocked, and i honestly wondered what i did to get blocked. all i wanted to do was post my fic in peace. anyway, spooks goes and messages lani lilico, aka one of my best friends on this site, and begins posting rant blogs about my best friend and presumably myself. idk, i was blocked. i was really hurt, more than i should admit, because i was so excited for yeoyumoo and everyone left such nice comments and i really worked hard and making everything nice for everyone, and i get flamed within the first ten mins.

so first of all spooks, or scotty, how dare you call my best friend ghetto? do you know the kinds of negative racist connotations that word has? do you realize how that word has been used to dehumanize anyone who speaks a certain way or has a certain skin tone? do you realize using it to describe a black person ( myself ) or a person with black family who has grown up in an environment where such language is common ( yogurtlegs ) is horribly disgusting?

and second of all scotty, i though we were friends! we spoke a lot and i listened to you when you were going through tough times, and you just make an entirely new account, don't add me, and call my best friend ghetto?

so once i was alerted that passive aggressive blogposts were being made, i notified yogurtlegs, who made the first spooks callout post.

idk if this ever got to spooks, but they unblocked me shortly after. and that's when i began to notice their general rudeness. i noticed spooks was someone who obviously never heard that they don't always have to contribute to a conversation. anyway, i saw them trying to, in my eyes, drag someone for using 'xd' emoticons.

and i mean, we can all agree that xd emoticons are eh, but that doesn't give anyone the right to be rude to someone who does. so i commented "is that a bad thing?" i was legitimately curious, why comment on that persons use of xd?? what was the point?? and she messaged lani lilico like "omg like who invited you [ in reference to me ] to comment?" um i dunno spooks, who invited you to comment? who invited you to comment on my yeoyumoo app spooks? anyway.

i hear from others that spooks is upset at people complimenting pacy pyonns layout instead of her story idea for melancholic. band stories are pretty run of the mill. so when lani lilico comments on how pretty the app is, spooks replies with 'gtfo'. let me mention that before that, lani lilico told spooks not to advertise an applyfic on her wall and spooks blew up at her and said "well it's whatever because i've unadded you."

lani lilico : "okay....? if you're gonna be petty at least give me a reason but i don't care either way" ( i'm paraphrasing here yall ).

now, this is just my opinion, but i felt that melancholic band gave off a similar vibe that lani lilico's seoul hero did, but as i said, band stories are pretty run of the mill. i was planning on applying, when i saw in her example app she used 27 year old kim taeyeon as 23 year old bang hyojin. lani lilico, my hero, commented "a wise poet once said: if nayeon can't be 25, then taeyeon can't be 23", and i gave a comment in agreement.

spooks response : something passive aggressive blah blah and then "also i don't know why you're concerned with what i do since we don't talk and i literally don't know you :)"

lani lilico : "tbh, guks, you didn't know lambhorns when you commented on her , why should that stop her?" idk, good question lani. 

and then spooks decided to rant about lani lilico, our love, with two separate users, sending them pretty much the same message.

and then goes on to call lani lilico "fake as hell" and moan about how "i've forgiven her for being rude to me and then she does this ". when lani lilico attempts to share the
post [ click post to be directed ] with spooks on a thread, spooks simply replies with "dc", internet slang for don't care. and then decides to be passive aggressive again.

text reads : to be honest lani, i'm very angry that i told you such personal , i probably shouldn't have even accepted your apology the first time. i wish you luck, and have a nice day. bye :)

and i, being very upset that spooks had the nerve to attack both of my closest friends, commented in response, calling her out on her passive aggression and rudeness. and then i went out for some sushi. and when i returned, spooks unfriend pyonns, the person who gave spooks such beautiful layouts.

tl;dr i was just an app making hermit trying to live my life before i got swept up in this and lani lilico and kailey yogurtlegs are the heroes gotham needs.

additional reading :
here, here



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This is such bull. As I said on Tofu's website, I don't know this person so I don't want to badmouth her, but there are things you can't do. What I see is the attitude of a child who wants attention and throws tantrum if something doesn't go their way. I've never heard the word 'ghetto' used a some kind of insult, but when I know it's used like this, I'm angry. You can't just go throwing racist insults, god dammit. It makes me so mad. Shinji, you're beautiful and your friend is too even though I don't know her. This person has no right to belittle you for your skin color.
I'm glad all of you told us what happened, you can't just get insulted and stay silent. That person's posts and attitude were immature and those of a child and it has to stop. This is fanfiction site for god's sake, a place to have fun and be happy, not to create drama just for the sake of it.
Stay strong Shinji! Stay strong yogurtlegs and lilico, I don't know you guys, but you did well !
she unfriended pyonns??
what the
-baymax #3
hello!! this is probably like the first time im meeting you but i was just redirected from lilicos post about this and so-
i just cant believe all this happened and im just so sorry
and it was mentioned but i saw eerily similar points of seoul hero to melancholy and as kanqwu mentioned, in the mood for love and likelife.com
i personally think that is an act of plagiarism but i may just be blinded by too much feelings rn
either way pls stay strong ;; dont let people like her get to you! you can win this!
a great internet comment once said to me, "if someone says they're horrible, you bet 100% they are" and she's not far from the truth.
omg wait she had a tech guy position?

boi thats straight plagiarism get out
i dont know what to say.
i personally had some issues
with her as i called her out from biasm
and she got upset and dragged it out
telling me that i was toxic and needed to
get out her life. honestly, the best thing
to is be the bigger person and forgive.
we dont know what goes on
with others lives as this is the internet,
however, i feel like she was slightly rude in this situation.
the best i advice i can give you
is let her be and ignore her.
heyo shinji
i was wondering about what happened with the comments and replies and such (considering i didn't see it as it happened) and wowie it escalated fast
as you mentioned, melancholic had very similar vibes to seoul hero even down to the tech guy lani added (which was the position of my own character) that she didn't know the job of
her in the mood for love drew many parallels to immi's likelife.com but i didn't mention the similarity due to possibly damaging her emotional state
this is all so unfortunate. she could've had a lot of friends if she treated them right
(i can't believe she removed pacy from her friends tho)