50 Questions You wouldn't ask me (Probably) {Stolen from KimDongMinMamaChul)

1. What's your favorite candle scent?
Fresh linen (i think its called that)

2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
Shiiiih, uh , probably Wendy (RV) 

3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
Oh god, Mark Lee (NCT U)  or Jae (Day6) honestly

4. How old do you think you'll be when you get married?

5. Do you know a hoarder?

6. Can you do a split?
I used to but I got old

7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
Seven...? I taught myself lol

8. How many oceans have you swam in?
One, the Atlantic

9. How many countries have you been to?

10. Is anyone in your family in the army?
My father and I plan on joining myself

11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
Jay, Jala, something like that

12. What would you name your son if you had one?
Alexander or something like that heh

13. What's the worst grade you got on a test?

14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
I don't even watch TV bruh 

15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
Probably a PowerPuff Girl.

16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
Hunger Games, I read all the books.. 
Twilight , nooooo.
Harry Potter, no either.

17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?

18. Did your mother go to college?

19. Are your grandparents still married?
Both are widows.

20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?
Nah, i do sports

21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
I guess so

22. What's the first amusement park you've been to?
Carowinds i think

23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
Japanese, Korean, French then learn others for fun

24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?

25. Is your father bald?

26. Do you know triplets?

27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?

28. Have you ever had Indian food?

Yeah but i didn't like it

29. What's the name of your favorite restaurant?
Carrabba's :)

30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?

31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ's, etc.)?
I too broke for memberships....

32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
Something that starts with a M.

33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
Mac, Mickey

34. Who's your favorite person in the world?

My hubby, Zhang Yixing

35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
The subs.

36. Can you whistle?

37. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
No, i sleep in darkness cuz I blend in so you can't see me

38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
Breakfast is for the WEAK! But yes, i eat breakfast.

39. Do you take any pills or medication daily?

40. What medical conditions do you have?

41. How many times have you been to the hospital?
Tons cuz i was a dangerous child and cuz i was constantly being deprived of air

42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
Nemo is my homeboy

43. Where do you buy your jeans?

44. What's the last compliment you got?
"Your hair always looks good" ;)

45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?

46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
Sweet Tea? Does that count? I don't really drink Tea

47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
Maybe 15

48. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
I don't care but I'm a Christian.

49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn't real?
...wtf.... *cries* (but yeah, I still believe in him i mean he doesn't really give me presents but fr I love Santa bruh <3)

50. Why do you have an asianfanfics? 
Cuz the damn "Subscribers-only"


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