My Valentine - addictedtoyourlove



{Contact Information}
AFF username: addictedtoyourlove
Profile link:

{Character Information}
Name: Ahn Byulhee
Nickname(s): Byuli - she finds it easier to say than her full name.
Age: 17.
Occupation: Student - Senior
Birth date: 01 / 01 / 95

Style: Byulhee dislikes wearing clothes that she feels will make her stand out too much. So she avoids wearing bright or dark colours and instead chooses to wear light or pastel coloured clothing. She likes cute things some times but not always or all the time. Most of the time she will wear a sweater, hoodie or cardigan with a shirt, jeans or shorts and a pair of flats or converse. Sometimes she wears nerd glasses to draw attention away from herself.

{Traits and Backgrounds}
Personality: Byulhee is a quiet and studious girl who preferrs to keep to herself. She is the 'invisible girl' of her class which her not being noticed by her peers due to her usually having her head in her book, learning or studying. She falls asleep easily which can make it hard for her to finish her work if she's tired. She's shy but tends to feel quite lonley and sad, borderline miserable. Also, she has an anxiety problems so worries and panics alot. She blushes easily by the smallest of things - like a compliment, flirting, having to publicly speak, being paid attention, ect. People view her as an introvert who doesn't ever speak - in fact a few of her classmates currently think that she is a mute.
Byuli tries her best to be polite to others. For example, instead of sugar coating her words or being blunt she would either change the subject or not give the person a reply. She doesn't neccasarily get angry easily but she cries easily and is easily let put down. She gets scared easily and is claustrophobic as well as hating large crowds as they start up her anxiety problem. Additionally, she is a hard worker and will always strive to acheive her goals no matter how hard it may be to get there. She's never had a boyfriend before but does really want one. She's a soft, sweet romantic and likes the boy to make the first move and wants all the corny things to happen even if theres no chance that it ever will. Her ideal type is a cool boy with nice hair and a nice personality to match it - and he has to love her alot. She seems to have a habit of falling for the bad boys though. She hates being the center of attention so will try to blend into the background in anyway possible to try and avoid this.
Background: Byulhee was born in Seoul and has lived there all her life. She grew up with her single mother due to the fact that her father had left the two of them shortly after she turned three. However her mum wasn't exactly poor and was of slightly over average wealth. She and her mother cope fine without a father figure or a man there. When she was a child her mother spent alot of time with her and would always buy her cakes, sweets and treats. At school she has always been very studious as her mother has always said to her that a women should never depend on a man for money and must make a living for herself. So she would always try to make her mother proud and studied alot to be smarter. In high school this attitude towards school did not change. She didn't have many friends at all - around one or two at the most but was kind to them and spent time with them when she could. When in class she would simply sit down somewhere where there weren't many people and it was quiet and learn from the teacher, writing a lot of notes in her notebooks. She usually got hand cramps because she would write for a long time continuosly in class and then suddenly stop when class finished. Currently she has fairly high grades but as a result has little to no friends. Lately, she has been daydreaming and thinking about things like boys and how she wants a boyfriend.
Likes: Sweet foods, spicy foods, winter, reading, cloud weather, storms, singing, dancing, music, writing fantasy stories, astronomy.
Dislikes and fears: Rain, loud people, large crowds, small spaces, sour foods, water, plants, insects, tomatoes, snow, autumn.
Habits: Biting her lip if trying to think or concentrating, puffing her cheeks when annoyed, plaiting a certain part of her hair if she's bored, twirling her hair around her finger when she's nervous, shaking her leg when excited.
Hobbies: Listenign to music, reading, writing, astronomy, dancing / singing.

{Social life}
Family: Ahn Hyuna, 42, Mother, Café owner, She's an old women who cares deeply for her only daughter and therefore spoils her alot. She is sweet and caring. She and Byulhee get along very well as she was the only person that she had when she was young.
Friends: *Ahn Sohee, 17, Student - Senior, when around Byulhee she acts quieter than normal but still louder than her - she is the one that tries to point out boys to her and keeps trying to pair her up with people. *Park Sandara, 17, Student - Senior, when around Byulhee she is the loudest of them and can be embarrasing - she will tease Byuli about a crush if she has one. 

Love interest: Hoya (Infinite) || Thunder or Mir (MBLAQ)
Occupation: Student - Senior
Personality: He is fairly quiet and mysterious with him usually not doing his work in class. He's lazy and sleeps alot but things easily catch his eyes. He knows everybody in his class, including Byulhee. He's not warm until you get to know him. Around Byulhee he tends to stare at her or subtely try to sit next to her if he's in a class with her. He's not her ideal type and can come across as creepy.
Your story: In the beginning, Byulhee finds Sungkyu to be the perfect type of man but is oblivious to his apparent feelings for her. At first he seems romantic and sweet and she begins to like him. However whilst this is going on she begins to catch the interest of Hoya. All of this happened before the story has begun. From the beginning of the story, Hoya is staring at her in class and she notices this but is freaked out by it. On the other hand she has a mini crush on Sungkyu and as she has told her friends they keep teasing her about it. At some point, Sungkyu gets obsessively possesive and wants her to be his but Byulhee is beginning to realise her feelings for Hoya. And the ending is mainly up to the author or readers unless you want me to think of an ending when the time is nearer. She doesn't know wether she wants her ideal type who is obsessively possesive or a boy who isn't her ideal type but actually care for her alot.
Any third parties?: Sungkyu (Infinite) or Mir or Thunder (MBLAQ) if he's taken, Student - Senior, 17, 
He's sweet and romantic with his sight firmly set on a girl, who just happens to be Byulhee. He is warm, kind and friendly to others - not exactly popular though. Around Byulhee he tends to tell her complimements, doing favours for her and trying to sit next to her (usually failing). He is her ideal type and comes across and the perfect boy but actually has a fairly bad temper. He may seem like a sweet heart but actually is very possesive and obsessive of Byulhee in a bad way.

Any other information that I missed? Ideas perhaps?: If it's possible, could Byulhee be in a love traingle with Hoya as the main boy and Sungkyu as the rival for her affections? 
Password? You do remember right?: 
you’ll always be my valentine ♥


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