Tenebrosum Anima High Application

Application Form


The Creator:

AFF Name: Prettyangel25
AFF Profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/73641 
How often are you online? 10

This is me:

Birth Name: Domincia Teresa Kwon
Nicknames: Minnie(everyone), Mimi (her brothers), Dom (her parents), Beautiful Monster (her friends)

Birthdate: 25/01 

Birth place: Milan, Italy                                                                                                                                
Hometown: Busan, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean-Italian

Age: 18
ual Orientation: Straight
Height: 154 cm
Weight: 50.3 kg

Imagine Me:

Ulzzang/Model/ Name: Lee Da Som

  1. http://prettyangel25.tumblr.com/post/16195541002 
  2. http://prettyangel25.tumblr.com/post/16192552012 
  3. http://prettyangel25.tumblr.com/post/16192121717 
  4. http://prettyangel25.tumblr.com/post/16478071313 
  5. http://prettyangel25.tumblr.com/post/16478046122 

Back-Up Ulzzang/Model Name: Park Hye Min

That's my Style:


  1. http://www.polyvore.com/never_felt_something_so_strong/set?id=42547612 
  2. http://www.polyvore.com/ill_be_your_angel/set?id=42328465 
  3. http://www.polyvore.com/then_you_might_just_be/set?id=40334596 
  4. http://www.polyvore.com/when_tell_you_love/set?id=39046738 
  5. http://www.polyvore.com/your_asking_need_you/set?id=38498697 
  6. http://www.polyvore.com/love_is_not_just_about/set?id=38497729
  7. http://www.polyvore.com/got_to_be_next_you/set?id=40318172 


Night Out (Clubbing):

  1. http://www.polyvore.com/love_me_say_that_you/set?id=40608319
  2. http://www.polyvore.com/let_me_drown_in_your/set?id=39097605 
  3. http://www.polyvore.com/how_do_you_know_he/set?id=38558284
  4. http://www.polyvore.com/ill_be_your_sky/set?id=42827759 


  1. http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=42799174 
  2. http://www.polyvore.com/ive_woken_up_from_another/set?id=39503155 
  3. http://www.polyvore.com/your_so_lame/set?id=39499660 
  4. http://www.polyvore.com/youre_so_crazy/set?id=42791091 


  1. http://www.polyvore.com/will_be_right_here/set?id=42332821 
  2. http://www.polyvore.com/smile_every_minute_because_you/set?id=37437892 
  3. http://www.polyvore.com/you_dont_marry_someone_you/set?id=38081785 
  4. http://www.polyvore.com/do_ever_cross_your_mind/set?id=42792701 
  5. http://www.polyvore.com/want_to_sleep_with_you/set?id=39501524 
  6. http://www.polyvore.com/sleeping_over_at_tiffanys_house/set?id=39498284 

Any Tattoos/Piercings?

A tattoo of a butterfly on her right shoulder-http://www.justtattoo.net/tattoo/butterfly-tattoo-7.jpg

She has 2 tattoos on both of her wrist spelling out " Stay Strong"-http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljzfu6GCCc1qbgu2qo1_500.png 

She has a bar piercing-http://i29.tinypic.com/2hi46kw.jpg 

More about me:

Family Background: Domincia was bron and raised in  Milan, Itlay. Her parnets were always busy with work, so she and her brohter, Ji Yong(G-Dragon) were raised by their grandmother. Since her mother was a famous Italian model and her father is the CEO of a big computer company in South Korea, Dominica's family was filthy rich. Even though her family was rich, their grandmother raised Dominica and her brother that money doesn't bring happiness. When Dominica was only 6 her parents got a divorce and she and Ji Yong went to live with thier father in South Korea.

Family Members:

  • Tae Hyun Kwon-45- CEO of a computer company-Father- Werewolf- After the divorce Tae Hyun became more like a Best friend to his children and they became close. Tae Hyun is a caring, fun-loving father. He is very stirct when it comes to grades, but he fairly laid back when it comes to everything else. He always lets his kids get away with murder as long as their grades are good.
  • Felicia Bianchi-42-Model-Mother-Werewolf- Felicia is a very loving, affectionate mother. Even though she lives very far away, if anything happensto her children you can bet she'll be on the next flight to South Korean to be there for them. She is very strict (unlike thier father) and hates the fact that they can basicly do whatever they want as long as they have good grades. She hates that fact that she can't do anything about it even more since she lives all the way in Italy and they live in South Korea
  • Ji Yong Kwon-20- Senior in High School- Brother-Werewolf- Ji Yong and his sister are very close and do everything and anything together. Ji Yong is very protective over his sister and would hurt anyone who dared to mess with her (well that is if she didn't already hurt them). Ji Yong is an ambitious, passionate artist. He loves everything that has to deal with art and fashion. he also has a short-temper and much like his sister is a ticking time bomb.

What type of being are you?: Werewolf-http://prettyangel25.tumblr.com/post/16488330938/the-wolf-kinda-reminds-me-of-seth-clearwater-from
What type of element can you control?: Earth and Mental

  1. Conrols earth (Geokinesis)- ability to control earth; sand, rock, land, dirt or other minerals
  2. Controls Plants- ability to control, manipulate, or animate plant life
  3. Sonic Scream- ability to generate vocal sounds of a higher amplitude than a normal human
  4. Teleportion- able to move from one place to another without occupying the space inbetween


  1. Able to read others thoughts
  2. Able to run at superspeed

Personality: Domincia is truely a beautiful monster, she is blunt, arrogant, cunning, and cruel. She is well known for her skills in blackmailing and manipulating. Since she can read people's thoughts she knows exactly what to say/do inorder to get what she wants. Domincia isn't one to back down from and fight. Although she is the one that normally starts them. Domincia always makes sure she gets the first and last word in an arguement. If anyone ever backstabs her or does something (like messing with her brother or friends) to get on her badside, you can bet she'll get her revenge in the most diabolical way possible. Don't think for a second about pissing her off, she has a firey temper and is like a ticking time bomb. If you catch her on a bad day she might high fie you in the face, and if your lucky its with her books.

Domincia is very blunt and always speaks her mind. she doesn't hold anything back, and tells it like it is. She is simply oblivious to other's feeling because she simply doesn't care for them (unless its her family or friends). She refuses to cry or show any weakness. If she feels pain she trys to forget about it and hopes that it will go away. Domincia isn't one to make friends easily. It takes alot of time to gain her trust. She is one of the most loyal people that is out there. If you mess with her brother or friends, your messing with her and that is something you don't want to do. Domincia is very unpredictable sometimes she's wonder women,  protecting the one she loves and sticking up for what she belives; other times she's poison ivy, manipulating people and plotting her revenge on those who have wronged her. She constantly find herself in a battle between good and bad. 

  1. Family and Friends
  2. Fashion
  3. Gossip
  4. Lolipops
  5. Music
  6. Nature
  7. Pokemon-Pikachu
  8. Action and Comedy Movies


  1. Clowns
  2. Smoking/ Smokers
  3. Crying
  4. Rules
  5. Nagging


  1. Partying
  2. Shopping
  3. Texting
  4. Designing
  5. Gossiping
  6. Reading Fashion Magazines
  7. Playing around with her powers


  1. When she is bord she likes to read people's mind just to see what random things they are thinking about
  2. Can lie with a straight face
  3. Sticks her tongue out randomly, whenever she feel like it
  4. Talks to herslef in Italian
  5. Singing in the shower and while she's driving
  6. Speaks sarcasm when she's annoyed


  1. Her favorite number is 5
  2. Her Favorite colors are: Light Purple, Sky Blue, Light Pink, Lime Green and Brown
  3. She has an obsession for: Pikachu, Eminem (the rapper) and Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
  4. She Loves Greek Mythology
  5. Can run in High Heels
  6. Her favorite foods are: baked ziti, lasagna, bacon and steak
  7. People think because she can control nature she is a vegetarian, but she loves meat especially bacon and steak
  8. She is a heavy sleeper
  9. Got her tatoos after she lost a bet with her brother when she was 14

What's your darkest secret?

She has Coulrophiobia and Trypanophobia. Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns and Trypanophobia is the fear or injections/ needles (she's not scared of needles themselves she doesn't want them injected in her, the only reason why she even has tatoos is because of her brother). Only her family and best friends know about her odd phobias.

My effin School Info:

Which year?: 3rd Year (Junior)
School Reputation?: Queenka or Queen B
Best Subject?: Pre-Calculas, Chemistry, Fashion design

Worst Subject?: Govenment, Psychology,  Gym (she hates changing and only changes twice a week, she wouldn't change at all if it wasn't for the fact that Rain is her gym teacher)

I love them:


  1. Lee Joon [Mblaq]- 20- Werewolf- Boyfriend
  2. Kiseop [U-Kiss]- 19- Vampire -Friends with Benefits
  3. Kim Jonghyun [Shinee]- 19- Demon- Love-Hate

Triangle Partner: N/A

Her/His Personality:

  • Joon- cocky, impatient, childish, unpredictable, trouble-maker, rebellious, cold- To strangers Joon may seem cold-hearted, mean and rebellious. His friends see him as this childish, unpredictable, silly, trouble-maker.  Joon has another side that many people don't get to see; he can be warm, romantic and sweet. He is very loving and caring towards the one he loves. He does get jealous easily and hates to see Domincia talking to other guys  (especially Kiseop and Jonhyun) then his/her friends.
  • Kiseop- Funny, sweet, caring, affectionate- Kiseop and Domincia love to tease eachother, they are always flirting. Kiseop was Domincia's first serious boyfrined and Domincia was Kiseop's first serious girlfriend. They had all the firsts together- first kiss, first love, first "time". They didn't really break up they only went on a break. Even though they both are in relationships with other people they still secretly love eachother.
  • Jonghyun- charsmatic, witty, playful, arrogant, insightful- Kids in school call him the king of skinship. He is very cocky and has more girl's phone number than in the phonebook.  He is quite the hearbreaker and tends to go from one girl to the next. he doesn't car for anybody but himself and his friends.

How did you meet?

  • Joon- Domincia meet Joon when she was in 6th grade. he was one of G-Dragon's friends and he was i her Math Class (she is one year ahead in math).
  • Kiseop- They meet at the park the summer of freshemn year
  • Jonghyun- They meet at a party the summer before Junior year

How long have you been together? Joon and Dominica have been together for about 6 months

Best Friends:

  1. Hyuna [4Minute]-18- Werewolf
  2. Key [Shinee]-19- Vampire
  3. T.O.P [Big Bang]-21- Werewolf

Their Personality:

  • Hyuna~ blunt, sarcastic, loud, trustworthy, and conceited. Hyuna is like Domincia's twin; they have similar personalities and undersatnd eachother better than anybody else.
  • Key~ obnoxious, crazy, funny, witty, and caring. Key is always there for his friends when they need his help. He is very mother like and tends to nag Domincia alot, even though she hates nagging she only allows key to nag her because she knows that he does it because he cares.
  • T.O.P~ quiet, goofy, understanding, and supportive. T.O.P is like another older brother to Domincia.  He is just as protective of her as Ji Yong and is one of the only people Dominica can really talk about her feelings with.

How did you meet them?

  • Domincia, Hyuna, and Key all meet back in elementary school and have been insperable ever since.
  • T.O.P is one of Ji Yong's childhood friends and they all grew up with together


  1. Taeyang [Big Bang]-20- Demon-They meet in freshmen year, they had all their classes together
  2. Amber [f(x)]-19-Witch- They meet in 8th grade during Gym class.
  3. G.O [Mblaq]-20-Werewolf- They meet through Joon since G.O is one of Joon's best friends
  4. Bekah [After School]-19-Fairy-  They meet in Fashion Club last year

Their Personality:

  • Taeyang- shy, caring, humble, modest, respectful, mature
  • Amber- friendly, open-minded, tough, attitude problem
  • G.O- funny, immature, childish, cheerful, prankster, flirty
  • Bekah-genuine, affectionate, artistic, intelligent

My last addition


Dara [2ne1]-20-Siren- She is always trying to copy Domincia and she hates it. Dara also has s thing for Jiyoung and Domincia does not like that at all.

Other Relationships?

Ex Boyfriends- Kiseop [U-Kiss]- They dated during the begining of freshmen year and broke up in the middle of sophmore year. He was her first love.

Role model in School- BoA and Rain


Any comments/requests?: Nope if you need anything else or have any questions feel free to message me ^^


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