GtopJkey erts.

GtopJkey erts... I love you.

The Jongtae fic has now been turned into a full fic thanks to all of you!

I feel I should thank you all with something you will should I say....appreciate to the fullest?;)


Pick any couple that I have done before! Be it a BIGBANG one, one of the unusual oneshot ones~ ANY couple I have done before! And comment that couple. The one that reaches...10? First will have a oneshot dedicated to it!:3

Well, I was thinking of doing a oneshot collection(I love oneshots.) of just any oneshots I do that are thankyous to the GtopJkey erts! I will write why I wrote it and dedicate it to all my fans! Then you'll get a nice (long)chapter of !:3

I wanted my first one to be thanks for passing 400 subscribers. But about a week guys hit it up to 500-.- so ill have the 500 one instead!

So first it will be the Jongtae thanks one-and then next the 500 subscribers one!:3 which by the way.. Is a Seunghyun&Hongki one!:3 (both FTIsland!)

So..yeah;) I haven't made it yet, but it will be a week tops? I need a poster!:3 I have someone who can do it for me-she does all my amazing posters-but I have any talented graphic designers subscribers, I'd be SO happy to have anything by you guys!:3

-GtopJkey xoxoxoxoxo


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G-ri or TopRi dang it!! ><
RRyLL28 #3
GTOP and taemin!!
moocow152 #4
GTOPmin!!!! I always say that, but I'm DYING for another one!!!
FishyHaeFishy #5
Omg top and nichkhun sounds awesome!
GRI!! or TOPRI.. I don't mind!!
either two of those >.<
top and khun
GRI ! :D ( does it count if I say topri as well :D )
Gtop? 8D
Im happy to be a GtopJkey ert ^_^
TimePleaseStop #11
BIGBANG gtop, it suits your name!