ღ c'est la vie — mukki


replace with fc 120*172


birthname. kim, mumi 김무미

date of birth. november thirtieth, 1997
birthplace. gangnam, sudogwon, seoul, sk
ethnicity. korean
nationality. korean
language spoken. 

KR. her native language. she unfortunately can't speak any cute satoori and instead speaks in standard korean, being born and raised in seoul.
EN. basic gratuitous english. it's not grammatically correct, or the most well pronounced, but hey it's something.



personality traits. 
allocentric, companionable, outrageous, aesthete, imaginative, ambitious
gullible, shameless, boisterous, unladylike, loquacious, histrionic

personality.  kim mumi is a very selfless person. sure she talks a lot and is always itching for adventure, but she tends to focus a lot of her attention and care onto other people. she loves being part of a group and tends to define herself by whatever group she's part of. she's highly social, interdependent with other,  and pay a lot of attention to her niche. wherever kim mumi goes, she emerges with at least five new friends. even on her train rides to work, she makes friends every day. with her giant motormouth, it's easy for her to just sit down and ask someone about their day and god, she talks so much. even when she's alone in the dorm, she's busy either calling up friends or spamming someone with inboxes. mumi is incredibly bold, audaciously bold. being a sagittarius and ruled by jupiter, she just has an itch for fun memories that makes her do things for the sake of the vine. climbing into the back of someone's truck, crashing someone's wedding photos, going skinny dipping in someone else's pool, she does it all. or rather, did it all before she became an idol and had a tight leash put around her. she has a natural talent for the arts, a special appreciation for them and beauty. she's incredibly creative, getting completely immersed in her projects. there is never a boring moment with the lively and exciting mumi, be it her trying to have fun or her working. be it going to the bathroom, or even working. she reaches for the star with everything she does, attracting attention because of her exuberance and confidence, as well as pushing herself to work hard. her happy-go-lucky attitude along with her friendliness and penchant for entertaining makes kim mumi incredibly charming.

in order to do the things kim mumi does, one needs to have virtually no shame. she's confident in who she is and has little care of how others view her. while it can be a virtue in that regard, mumi ends up acting incredibly obnoxiously or embarrassing everyone around her. while she is energetic and talktative, she's also incredibly noisy and surprisingly rowdy. mumi does things without thinking of the consequences, or without thinking at all. mumi is incredibly unaware of the realities of life. she didn't know she had to pay taxes until her manager asked her about them. she is unaware that not everyone in the world is good and gentle and trusts too many people. if someone asked her to go to their house late at night, she totally would. despite her cute looks, she is not good at girly things. she had to withstand hours and hours of walking femininely after their manager got fed up with telling her to walk more elegantly. she finds bugs incredibly cool, and fart jokes to be extremely funny. mumi has zero clue how to behave in skirts and dresses, and is convinced that she will flash at least twenty people if she wears one. everything mumi says and does is so extra that it's unbelievable. instead of saying "i'm dead", she says "my soul is leaving my ing body" instead of "she's so pretty", she says "i would willingly let her fart in my face and give me pink eye". does she really need to scream and wave wildly at every dog she sees throughout the day? no, but she will anyway.


kim mumi grew up the youngest daughter in a family of five, where she had a single dad and three older brothers who basically outlawed girly things since day one, meaning mumi grew up in ratty sweaters and torn jeans. it made her helluva resiliant girl, all the pushing and hitting and mud throwing and wiping boogers in her hair but for some reason it didn't make her less gullible. she fell for her brothers tricks every time, to the point where they simply stopped because she'd always fall for them. she was always a rambunctous child who loved exploring new places and climbing all over the place, and she had a fascination for gross things like bugs and gory movies.

her first run in with the spotlight was when she was in the school play in elementary school. she bagged the lead role and loved just how the stage lights blinded her, loved just how silent the crowd was, loved how she felt like herself and an entirely different person at the same time. after that, she auditioned for more and more school musicals before getting a role in the 2007 drama love and war when she was 11. after that, she was one of the emcees for a children's science program which she would rather leave in the past. she's taken part in various cfs and joined woollim when she was 15 years old, in 2012 as an actress.

   lady's room


LIKES. super sentai cartoons, plays, dogs ( esp big dogs ), dandelion puffs, snowball fights, community, cool socks, cool graphic designs on clothes, anything that smells nice, eyeshadow pots, fancy bottled water, being with other people, adventure, trying new things, bugs, horror movies, cool pins.
– DISLIKES. skirts and dresses, birds, dentists, people who kill bugs,  staying up late, passive-agression, spicy food, tube socks, selfishness, terrible smells, really strong smells, broken eyeshadow pots, being held down.
HOBBIES. watching youtube videos, freestyle rapping, climbing on everything she can, traveling, taking selfies with every dog she sees, buying eyeshadow pots and things that smell nice, acting, baking, fanservice, collecting pins.
HABITS. shouting oddly specific compliments at people, shoving things up peoples' noses and ears, sniffing candles, screaming, asking people if they dare her to do something dumb before doing it anyway.
VARIETY SKILLS. include kkab dancing, pancake flipping, acting, hand fart raps, pretending she's in a cf, three verse poems, and horrific aegyo.
SCHOOL. attended hanlim arts high school. currently attends seoul institute of arts.
THINGS KIM MUMI HAS DONE. bought shampoo only for it to start raining and proceeded to wash her hair in the rain, in public, on the street. told everyone that yibo wanted to be called 'jae', short for 'jaehyun' mumi i'm not even korean why the would i—. used yibo's phone to catfish her brother. covered her hands in essential oils and proceed to chase the younger members all around a store trying to wipe it on their faces. asked their manager whether he thought winking was an inherently ual thing or if there could be such a thing as respectfully winking at someone. fought a bunch of seagulls who took her food, and lost.


               tumblr_o3myjfPZ5a1uqgwjso2_250.gif tumblr_o3mlof1UvG1rog2c1o1_500.gif tumblr_o3myjfPZ5a1uqgwjso4_250.gif
– love of her life :: lee eunbi ( 19 ) / woollim trainee / sarcastic, adoring, self-depreciating, protective / a love more powerful than star-crossed lovers, mumi and eunbi have a very deep connection. they are two girls that compliment each other well with mumi being the sweet to eunbi's kick. their relationship is very close and very balanced, with a good amount of joking around and groping and sentimental stuff like calling each other up while sobbing and staying up all night talking about the entire universe. one time, they were in the bathroom in stalls right next to each other and mumi reached under her stall into eunbi's, grabbed her leg, and tried to give her a high five and eunbi was disgusted. for the past month, mumi has been trying to get eunbi to let her call her "patorikku" because i'm supeongeu bobeu so you have to be patorikku! "kim mumi, right now, i am disgusted and appalled". wild and y eunbi! do you wanna stream power rangers with me? "um, of course!". the girls are surprisingly protective of one another. eunbi willll always come to mumi's defense. mumi is always watching out for eunbi, always telling her that she's doing a great job and working so hard and reminding her to eat well and take care of herself. their friendship is vaguely romantic, with a lot of hugs and kisses, professions of love, and a never ending stream of support. they talk about everything within their universe, from what keeps them up at night, what certain things mean to them, simply profound and intimate subjects. eunbi knows so much about the inner workings of lovelyz as a group, from everyone's sleep habits to how everyone feels about mina's scandal because mumi always tells eunbi what's going on.

– forever a lovelyz :: jung mina ( 21 ) / former lovelyz member / mumi saw mina as a sister, her scandal would not change that fact. they went from talking and playing and joking around constantly to virtually no contact after mina's contract with woollim was terminated. mumi wonders about her a lot, if she's okay, if she's eating well. being the most daring member in the group, it makes sense that she would be the least shy to voice her desire to regain contact with her. and it would make sense that she would actually be the first one to actually contact her since the scandal. though they can't go out much together, they frequently message on kakaotalk just to see how mina's doing and handling things.

   i'm gonna be a star

face claim.  gfriend jung yerin
backup face claim.  gfriend jung eunha
kim mumi stands in at 159 cm and weighing in at 45 kg. she has a square jaw and a heart shaped face. her hair is long and brow, bangs curled just so because blunt bangs are a nightmare, and reaches down to her back.
honestly, kim mumi loves long skirts because that means she doesn't have to shave her legs. she loves long clothing in general, like long coats and long pants. mumi is a big fan of wide leg pants because comfort comes before style every day of the week with her. she has an amazing collection of really cool socks, some with cute animal prints, some with trippy patterns, cool socks are just her thing.


plotline. plotline 2
stage name. mukki 무키 
fanclub name. kikis
fanclub color. #ffb51f yollew
position. sub-vocalist, 1st visual
talent twins. 

vocal twin. lovelyz yoo jiae
dance twin. gfriend kim umji
rap twin. mamamoo wheein

trainging duration. 2 years
trainee life. 
for the first year of training, mumi was an actress under woollim. she figured it was what she's always wanted to do, and she figured that she should be happy to have an opprotunity to do what she loves. and she was happy! or at least she thinks, but she was also empty. being an actress was a very solitary thing, one on one with a script and a coach. one to take great pride in the community she's a part of, there really was no sense of community or collectivisation amongst the actors under woollim.

sometimes she'd just watch the trainees from afar. watch as they'd rest their heads on each others shoulders, how they would cry and comfort one another, how they could proudly identify who their community was and she wanted that. she knew it was tough, but she wanted that. she wanted someone to hold her hand as they stayed up too late on the practice room floor, talking about doubts and dreams. after an entire year of acting, she requested to be switched to music. the company didn't want to give it the red light, but mumi kept pushing and pushing for this, begging for at least a probationary trial period.

she got what she wanted in the end, officially showing up for her first vocal lesson in 2013. she was a bit unsure of herself, if she had made the right decision, if she should have just stuck with acting. it was her turn to sing. her voice was soft and tiny unlike the powerhouse vocals of some trainees, but it didn't sound half bad. she felt a new spark inside her as her fellow trainees clapped for her, this is what it felt like to belong! socially, mumi blended in well and beamed even brighter around the trainees. she trained as hard as she could to improve her vocals and dancing, which led to 2013 being a very busy year for her. trainees and instructors remembered her smile the most, and how it never fell from her face even when training was tough. 

pre-debut activities. 
2007 love and war drama cameo
various cfs
kids science show emcee
12272013 dance appearance for infinite's kbs song festival appearance
061013 running man episode 98 with other woollim trainee girls
04242013 released solo song delight 
click here!

post-debut activities. 
april 2015 appears as heechul's girlfriend in the mv for i wish by m&d
more tba

possible scandals. 
lovelyz mukki caught hanging out with former member mina! the first time the two decide to hang out face to face, they get caught by some fans and a fanwar breaks out between mukki fans, lovelyz fans, and mina fans.


  shooting star

why did you stay in lovelyz after mina's scandal? 
"because we're a family. you can't just leave your family, even if there are tough times!"

how does a lack of success make you feel? 
"it doesn't bother me much, as long as i can be with everyone. i feel like it's making us cherish the little successes we have more and making us value every lovelinus."

what stops you from giving up? 
"everyone! see them work so hard, seeing them get up to face another day makes me want to do so too!"

what would you do if lovelyz made it big? 
"i'd be very grateful. i would want to have a big celebration with lovelinus! like maybe a giant barbeque??"

what does lovelyz mean to you? 
"lovelyz is who i am. its everything to me."

replace with fc 95*95
replace with love int 120*172


back up. 


love story. 



love history. 


last words.  this layout is so cute like stab me

scenes requests.

one hundred days with lovelyz the girls getting promise rings for their hundreth day.
thanks kim heechul the girls going on weekly idol for the christmas special and everyone winning kim heechul merchandise.

adrenaline junkie the girls having to go bungee jumping and everyone's super scared except for mumi who just jumps off immediately.
lovelyz fan barbeque! sorta like mamamoo's bbq fanmeet where the girls get together with fans and eat a lot of good food and talk and laugh and just show appreciation to them for everything they've done!


password.  ah choo


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