Kim Jihyeon




→ Chipmunk⋮ some of the trainees started calling her this because of squeaky, cute voice and her somewhat facial features resembling a chipmunk. Some of the fans of Astrals started calling her this. 
→ Kim Athlete ⋮ mainly for her athlete abilities and competitive nature when any kind of physical activity comes up. 
→ The Aegyo Machine ⋮ Jihyeon naturally has a cute speaking voice and cute looking features, so during her trainee days she was asked to do a lot of aegyo for people. Never backing away from the challenge, she did it and ever since then, people ask her do aegyo especially on variety shows.

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ August 19. 2022
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Seoul, South Korea
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Seoul, South Korea

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Korean


→ Korean ⋮ native language
→ Chinese ⋮ conversational, she speaks the language with her mother and father occasionally especially with her mother

⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ yeeun (clc)
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ jisoo (lovelyz)
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 166 cm, 49 kg

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ If there is one thing to know about Jihyeon's personal style is that it is consistent and pretty much straight forward. Jihyeon has an extremely simple style; a shirt, jeans/leggings/shorts and sneakers. She doesn't mind wearing other things especially when on stage, but her personal style is extremely plain. Her shirts tend to be either just plain shirts that are either black, white or dark blue. She will wear a hoodie or sweater when cold, but those tend to be also a dark color. When she is in the practice room, she tends to dress in larger shirts and shorts. If she needs to dress up more, she will have to ask the more fashionable members for help. 

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ A thing right off the bat for Jihyeon is that she looks quite young for her age which she inherited from her father. She looks more on the cute side with large eyes and a button nose. She prefers natural colors for her hair with light brown being a color she does a lot. It tends to be long with a middle parting for her bangs. She ususally keeps her hair down, but will put it up in a ponytail when she has time. She doesn't wear makeup most days especially when training and personally only does it when she really needs to. Even then, her makeup tends to be very light. 



Positive:  down to earth, patient, thoughtful, humble
Negative: restless, competitive, gullible, insecure

When one meets Jihyeon for the first time, you noticed she is a very down to earth person with a lot of patience that even sometimes the leaders don't have. She likes to look at things realistically and practically, but is very gentle with her words especially with the maknaes of the group. She isn't the type to get excited when there is an high outcome of it not going the way she or the members want. 

Some say that Jihyeon's patience is almost impossible to break. She definitely a listener type and will be the voice of reason with all the members when they have something to complain about. She doesn't get upset very easily and will always use a calm voice when she is an situation that she and another member are on a disagreement about something. Even when the other member is yelling and screaming, she is calmly explaining and gently asking the other to calm down. She is often used as the mediators when the leaders are too ruffled up to deal with a situation themselves.  

Jihyeon is also very thoughtful and humble. She is the type of person to approach people when she sees them by themselves for too long. She likes to make everyone feel comfortable. She always willingly to help the other members when they need help with anything even when she isn't directly asked to. She never expects anything back and will become bashful when given too many compliments. Even during interviews when too many people compliment her, she will always bring up the other members achievements. No matter if you're older or younger, she will give you respect and bow to everyone she sees. 

Even though she is more of the reserved members of the group, Jihyeon is extremely active. She is usually doing something be it with the members or by herself. Sometimes it can be a harmless pranks with the maknaes or playing basketball with the boys or having fun with the girls. She gets pretty restless when she idle for too long and will go out of her way to find something to do. This is the reason that out of all of the members, she's the one with the most wide range of hobbies. 

When it comes to sports or any kind of challenge, watch out because you will unwillingly wake up athlete Jihyeon. With the huge list of sports Jihyeon has done in her life, she naturally competitive. She gives it all even when playing a friendly game of basketball or a simple game on a variety show where they usually give her a cg background of fire. She never backs away from any challenge, but she knows that she can't win everything. However, that doesn't mean she will back down easily. 

Jihyeon is smart, but man is she gullible. When she has trust in you, she will basically believe anything you say. If you say that the sky is falling tomorrow, she will give a wide eyed look and ask why. She can't seem to tell when someone is joking or not and will often look severely confused. Because of this, she is the usual victim for the more mischievous members of the group or even the lazy members of the group. If you did an undercover camera prank on her, she will most likely think that the members fighting is a real thing.

Ever since she became a trainee, Jihyeon has become a bit insecure with herself. With constant dieting to be an ideal weight and surrounded by talented singers and dancers, Jihyeon doesn't feel like she can match up. This is one of the reason why she can't seem to take compliment very well and will brush it off or do a turtle thing, where she tries to hide from people.  She has a bad habit of thinking always will be better than her and will become a bit pessimitc and the members she is close with notice this as they try to get her out of that head space. 


After EXO, Minseok, for a short amount of time was a successful solo artist in Korea and China. He eventually promoted in Korea first before going off to China. Even though his Chinese language skill was great, the company that he was under at the time decided to hire a Korean/Chinese translator, Min Yujin for him to help look over interview questions and such. Yujin and Minseok became immediately fast friends since they were both around the same age and had many similar interests. Their romance was a rather quick development and to other people's taste, they got married rather quickly within two years of knowing each other. 

When Jihyeon was born, Minseok finally quit the entertainment industry and opened up a popular coffee shop called 'Cocobean' which later open two more stores in South Korea. Between Yujin and Minseok, Minseok was the one who ended up taking care of Jihyeon more as Yujin had many job offers for companies to be their translator. Minseok was very active parent in Jihyeon's life making sure to take her to the zoo and aquarium and signed her up for many different sports/activities. Whenever Yujin was home though, the three of them would go on many trips as possible and make as many memories as a family. 

Jihyeon was a known to the public very early on. When she was three years old, her father participated in a 'where are they now' documentary of his daily life. Jihyeon became popular with the viewers of the documentary for her quiet curiosity and cute cheeks. She had an active social media platform that both of her parents ran with cute pictures uploaded to it daily until she turned 10. 

Despite her father being a world star beforehand, Jihyeon was a rather normal childhood with her father taking active attempts to make her as normal as possible. She was always a little more quiet than most, but nothing that stood out too much or was alarming. Her school grades were on the average side, but she excelled in sports. From a young age, Jihyeon played a lot of soccer with her father for fun and was quite good at it. She also played basketball and volleyball and was a member of the track team in middle school. 

Jihyeon was the type of person who only had a few close friends, she wasn't the most popular child in school even though a lot of people at school knew of athletic skills. Jihyeon never told any of her close friends of her father's stardom beforehand even when their parents said he was part of the legendary group EXO. Jihyeon didn't want her father to become uncomfortable with all the attention/favoritism he would receive so she always denied it. She has met many of the EXO members because they would come to her father's coffee shop to drink some coffee and relax. She only knew Chen's boy and D.O's boy beforehand with Chen's boy being her best friend. 

When Jihyeon turned 16, her father told her of his contract details. Jihyeon was extremely shock at first, but seeing her father's helpless expression. She decided to take the challenge head on and accept. As a trainee, Jihyeon felt very uncomfortable at first, having done anything of this sort. Music was something she loved, but something she didn't go deep into. She was excited when she say Chen's and D.O's boy and confided her worries with her lack of skills with them.


-challenges | be it short term bets in sports or playing games on variety shows, Jihyeon is always up for a good challenge because its fun
-sports | her favorite is soccer and basketball, but Jihyeon loves sports and will watch sports on television when she has free time
-action movies | she watches them with o_o expression the whole time, but its because she's so entranced.
-sweets | sweet tooth alert and when she is allowed to treat herself, she will get a piece of cake
- coffee | it reminds her of her dad and the coffee shop. her favorite coffee drink is caramel macchiatos (either ice or hot is fine with her)
-music | all genres interest her
- skinship | she tends to hug her close friends and link arms with them often


-cheating | any kind of cheating because she thinks the person didn't try hard enough
-being bored | it makes her really fidgety
- sudden loud noises | she freezes in place when it happens
-the dark | she is still a little afraid of the dark, but can deal with it if theres someone with her. if she's buy herself, she tends to freak out and will hide under the covers
- too much attention on her | she gets really flustered and will stutter
-salty foods | she stops eating when something is really salty


-she goes through a lot of hobbies and nothing is off limits to her. Once as the members recall, she was really into sewing hats and scarves. Her hobbies change a lot because of her need to do something new
- if she wasn't in Astral, she would have most likely studied business to get ready to take over her father's store when he retires or would have become an athlete
-she knows a lot of different coffee names because she was around them a lot as a child
-the only sport she hasn't done is swimming because she can't swim
-she's actually quite good a boy groups dances because she has a lot of power in her dancing
-she isn't really the type to use social media
- often makes coffee for the members in the morning
- she doesn't mind doing aegyo, but will often cringe at her own aegyo
-when asked who her favorite exo member is, she will definitely say her father with second being Kai and Lay because she respects their dancing a lot
- she is known as the muscle among the girls because of her stamina, but like her father, she is naturally very strong.
-she's a little self conscious of her speaking voice  because her rapping voice  is more of a lower tone
-example of her aegyo with her reaction immediately afterwards




Father, Kim Minseok ⋮ 51 ⋮ Owner of 'Cocobean' ⋮ loving, humble, protective, bright ⋮ Many say that Jihyeon and her father are rather alike and it's true. Growing up with her father being her primary caretaker, she takes a lot after him. Jihyeon is a serious daddy's girl and will always listen to what he says. Whenever he visits, she goes out of her way to make him comfortable even though he's trying to spoil her as much as possible. Even though very nice and kind, Minseok would be the father that will watch her daughter's suitors with a critical eye. 
Mother, Min Yujin (FC: Kim Soeun) ⋮ 49 ⋮ Korean-Chinese translator ⋮ lively, clever, blunt, dedicated  ⋮ Yujin and Jihyeon isn't as close as Jihyeon and Minseok, but Jihyeon loves her mother very much and admires her drive for work. Yujin will always go out of her way to see Jihyeon once a month via skype or even visit. Even though Yujin tends to stay in China quite a lot, her love for her family can be felt all the way from there. Despite being worried for Jihyeon and her sudden career as an idol, Yujin didn't do anything about it and supports her daughter loudly...literally. 


Best friend, Chen's Boy ⋮ 18 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ The two were friends before Astral because Chen often came to her father's coffee shop to visit. She became close with Chen's boy being of similar age and often seen with him. When they have to pair up, she will either choose him or Miya. Some fans have taken to shipping them. 

Close friends, Park Miya ⋮ 17 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ Despite being two years older and being quite opposite personality wise, these two get along rather well. If anything, Miya and Jihyeon balance each other out when needed. Jihyeon is always seen trying to calm Miya down when the other girl is upset. She mentioned that if she ever wanted to do a unit group, she would choose Miya as one of the members. 

Close friends, D.O's boy ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ They've met before Astral was an active group, but unlike her relationship with Chen's boy, Jihyeon and D.O's boy is one of him making fun of her a little as she looks confused. They get along well though and he seems protective of her especially when the maknaes take advantage of her too much. They have a 'some' relationship and hold of a lot of similar interests. 


Kris' Boy ⋮ 22 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ Jihyeon and Kris' boy get along rather well and will converse with him in Chinese if he wants to. When he and Lay's girl have their hands full and needs help rounding up the other members, he asks her. Some say their relationship is that of a father and his oldest daughter. They sometimes play basketball together.    

Lay's Girl ⋮ 20 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ Jihyeon isn't as close to Lay's girl and it sometimes show when they have to interact. Though they have conversations with each other, they don't have that many things in common. Jihyeon does however, admire the older girl's singing and will compliment it even during interviews. 

Luhan's Boy ⋮ 21 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ Jihyeon's father often told her of his close relationship with Luhan and himself, so with good words in mind, she looked favorably to their meeting. They have a good relationship, but not overly close. Since he also a rapper, she often goes to him for advice to better her rapping. 

Suho's Girl ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Member⋮ n/a ⋮ Jihyeon feels the most awkward around Suho's girl and it's painfully obvious. It's neither of their faults really, but they don't seem to click. Jihyeon does still try to have conversations with the same age girl, but they always drift into long stretches of silence. Jihyeon hopes that one day they will become better friends. 

Baekhyun's boy ⋮ 18 ⋮ Astral Member⋮ n/a ⋮ Jihyeon gets along with Baekhyun's boy really well. Even though she can be a victim to his occasional mischievous, he never goes overboard and will always ask for forgiveness. He is another member that she wants to be in a unit with. 

Zitao's Girl ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Member⋮ n/a ⋮ Jihyeon and the same age girl, at first, were really awkward, but now, they're really good friends. When Zitao's girl feels down, Jihyeon is always there to help her out. Despite being the same age, Jihyeon seems to spoil her a little like a younger sister. 

Kai's boy ⋮ 17 ⋮ Astral Member⋮ n/a ⋮ He has a habit of taking advantage of Jihyeon's gullible nature and unforunately for people watching, she always falls for it. She always forgives whatever prank he plays on her and will often indugle him by playing soccer or basketball with him. 

Sehun's Girl ⋮ 16 ⋮ Astral Member⋮ n/a ⋮ Jihyeon babies her quite a bit and she will often ask Sehun's girl if she needs help. Jihyeon often practices with Sehun's girl as they are both rappers.  



Umm, I do, but I never thought I would wanted to. It's been hard, but very fun so I would want to be in Astral.


I hope so. I know that I get along with some of the other members more, but I think we'll be closer in the future. They're all so great and talented and I would be lucky to call them my friends so.. -blushes-


 I think so. All the members are so talented and have their individual charms.  I know that it'll be hard to live up to the legacy my appa and the other EXO members left behind, but I think Astral will be up to the challenge to live up to it.

D.O's boy

⟪ AGE ⟫ 19
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Luhan's Boy ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Baekhyun's boy



When it comes to the people watching, it's a bit annoying because Jihyeon tends to look confused will D.O's boy treats her in a weird hot and cold way. Jihyeon doesn't have much romantic experience under her belt so she tends to be a bit confused with D.O's boy's intentions. She will probably be the one who first realizes that she likes him, but will brush it off because she thinks he's too good for her and will quietly watch on until he confesses first.


They met before because D.O was a frequent visitor to her father's cafe and would bring his son along. Even though they didn't see each other every single day, they saw each other every month so they naturally became close. When she saw him at SM, she was extremely excited because she had someone she knew so naturally hung out with him more than the members she just met.


- I think it'll be funny if they're a lesser known ship among the fans because they'll be a real ship LOL
-she often gives him praise for his rapping and will encourage him

⟪ LAST COMMENTS ⟫ I hope she's okay, I don't have much experience with apps so DX. I based her relationship off the one already available by the person who wrote D.O's boy so I hope you dont mind.

⟪ SCENE REQUESTS ⟫ - when she starts dating, she goes up to do the father of her love interest and asks if she can date them with a low bow lol
-Astral variety show with the haunted house of course ;D (Jihyeon will probably be more of the dark and will cling to walls before running through the whole thing)
-units? duets? solo?

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ Supernova + #7a3f6e


⟪ POSITION ⟫ lead dancer, lead rapper

⟪ STAGE NAME ⟫ Jihyeon

⟪ SINGING ⟫ mimi (oh my girl) | d.ana (sonamoo)

⟪ DANCING ⟫ yooa (oh my girl) | mimi (oh my girl)

⟪ RAPPING ⟫ mimi (oh my girl) | d.ana (sonamoo)

⟪ OTHERS ⟫ she knows how to the play the piano pretty well. she's very interested in choreography and composition so she tries to help with that whenever she can especially when she sees Miya stuck somewhere. her goal is ultimately to choreograph one song fully. 



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