♢♢ Tech Academy : Jade : The lithe swan ♢♢


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jade : chOI Hyerim

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BIRTHNAME : Choi, Hyerim


▸ Ran — Her mother is Japanese, and she gave her this name ,the only people that calls her this is her parents, and Mingyu.


▸ Odette — Most of the people at class calls her this, because of her gracefulness when she's dancing, Then people started to call her that.

▸ Eli — Her friends likes calling her this, this actually came from her name, and at first it was actually "Eri" but they switched it "it'll sound much more cooler" 

 Miss umbrella — Mingyu would sometime calls her this, because he thinks it's cute how hyerim invented an umbrella that isn't suitable for rainy days.

▸  Yerim — People at school would sometime calls her this, because most of the older teacher would pronounce her name wrongly. And people suddenly knew.

DATE OF BIRTH : July 17, 1997 
BIRTHPLACE : Gwangju, South Korea
ETHNICITY : Korean- Japanese

▸ Korean — fluent, she's born and raised in korea. 

▸ Japanese — semi-fluent, her mother made her learn Japanese, and she would sometimes talk using Japanese with her mom.

FACE CLAIM : twice's sana
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : gfriend's eunha
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : in 165 cm and 54 kg

▸ Hyerim has a long hair that she dyes blonde with some pink highlight in them.She's also quite petit. Hyerim wears only girly clothes, she only has around 5 pants in her wardrobe.Hyerim loves wearing heels  ,because they made her look taller, but  that doesn't mean she doesn't wear sneakers and flat shoes


+ honest, playful,friendly,loyal, kind
- tactless, moody, careless, crafty, hesitant

PERSONALITY : Hyerim is a friendly girl, she can be playful at times too. Once you earn her trust Hyerim can be your most trustful ally, and her loyalty would never let her betray you. Hyerim is honest, but not blunt. Even though she's tactless she would still try to make it less painful. She's also a kind child, she would help anyone in need but not to the point you can call her selfless.

Hyerim is pretty tactless, she's bad at reading the situation, very bad she would always got reminded by people that it's not a good time. She's also careless and moody. She often misplace stuffs, and even when she's inventing stuffs it would still happen. Hyerim can be hesitant at times, but that's because she would calculate and think of a crafty way to make herself have the upper hand in things.

BACKGROUND : Hyerim is born in a more than average but not rich family, she's also an only child, but that doesn't mean she was spoiled. Her mother taught her to always be honest and kind, while her father always told her it's fine to play around once in a while, and that she needs to be friendly. She got her tactlessness from her father.

She took ballet lesson ever since she was 7 years old, she stopped in first year of middle school and was told to take piano lessons, she stopped after a year and took gayageum lessons. The first time she started tinkering with tech was after she stopped taking ballet lessons. Hyerim saw her dad tinkering with tech and ask him to teach her, hence she started to like doing it, up till now.


▸ likes:

  1. Books
  2. Mystery movies or dramas
  3. Pikachu
  4. Everything with strawberries 
  5. Make up
  6. Mingyu's smile (not that she admits it though)


  1. Cockroach
  2. Star wars series (For some reason she can't understand them)
  3. Marshmallow
  4. Lemon and everything related to it
  5. Sappy movies
  6. Being called short

​▸ habits 

  1. She would play with her bracelet when she's lying
  2. She would play with her hair when she's nervous

▸ hobbies

  1. Learning new dance moves from boy or girl group
  2. Reading books
  3. Studying make up techniques

▸ fun facts :

  1. The hye in her name means orchid and the rim in her names means jade
  2. Her stage name comes from the rim in her name
  3. Her Japanese name means orchid
  4. Her fav movie of all time is the lion king and bambi (she would always cry watching this)
  5.  She can't cook
  6. She can play the piano a bit and the gayageum
  7. She has trypophobia


  • Onstage Fashion : Hyerim wears casual type of clothing, with a hint of hiphop, and she mostly wear slipons and sneakers. 
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  • Offstage Fashion : Hyerim mostly wear skirts and dresses, the girly type, and wears heels or wedges.
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  • Formal Fashion :  Hyerim prefers dark colored dresses, and gold or white dresses, and black or beige heels.
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  • Camping Fashion : Hyerim's camping fashion gives out a slight boho look
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  • School Outfits :  Hyerim wears her uniform just the way they are, for her shoe she uses flatshoes and low heeled shoes.
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  • Accessories : Hyerim likes simple but girly bracelets, chocker type necklace, and ethnic style earings. 
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RELATIONSHIPS : only include those who are important and matter to your character

▸ Father — Choi Huiyeol (47) / Electronic Engineer / caring,playful,tactless / Hyerim and her dad is very close with each other, her dad was the one that made her love inventing stuffs. When hyerim and her dad meet most of the time they would try to make some stuffs. Both of them are pretty playful and tactless,which is why her mom's fav catchphrase is "Like father like daughter". Hyerim tends to depend on her dad more than her mom

▸ Mother — Lee Aeri (45) / Housewife / strict,honest,selfless / Hyerim and her mother are close but not as close as she is with her father. Hyerim is thankful of her mother, for introducing her to dancing. And their love for make up is what bond them together, when they're out shopping they would always go to the make shop first which is why her father would say "When it comes to make up, she's definitely your child"

▸ Best Friend — Ahn Yulhui (19) / student / shy,naive,empathic / Hyerim and Yulhui went to the same elementary school, they part ways in middle school and met again in High School. Hyerim is overprotective towards Yulhui because according to Hyerim, Yulhui is a small baby that needs to be protected. They both like to confide in one another


Ya! Kim mingyu stop calling me miss umbrella

how did you get into tech academy? : 

▸ "That's easy! I've always liked tinkering with stuffs with my dad so i applied"

why did you join the lovely day club? : 

▸  "Well despite me liking to you know tinker with tech, i also like dancing!"

are you related into one of the members? : 

▸ "Nope, none at all, wait i almost forgot!

are you a senior, a junior or a transferee? : 

▸ "Me? i'm a Senior, i think"

what unit are you in? and please explain. : 

▸ "I'm in the performance team! I'm also one of the main dancer."

did you met park ah yeon a.k.a reign, before? : 

▸ "I did, she helped me with my vocal lessons, and i helped her with dance lessons"

what's your favorite invention that you've made? : 

▸ "Oh! um please don't laugh, my 'specially equipped umbrella' it's um an umbrella, but it can electrocute someone if you push a button. Because water is a good conductor, i made a special cover so even on rainy days you yourself won't get electrocuted. But please don't use it on rainy days, it can kill someone"

what's your favorite song that have inspired you? : 

▸ "I do! It's a very beautiful song, it's 15&'s I dream"

do you have experience in performing since you were little? : 

▸ "My mom was a dancer so my mom made me learn dancing since i was a child,especially ballet. So yeah i did a few things"

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LOVE INTEREST : kim, mingyu
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : kim, taehyung 


▸ Kim Mingyu is your cute and lovely boy. He is kind and gentle, and get along with people really well. He's friendly and bubbly. He's also caring, and empathic, he knows when he needs to make people smile and when does he need to encourage them.

But despite him being the kind and gentle boy he is, he's very clumsy. He can easily trip, and he tends to forget his stuffs sometimes. He loves taking naps, and would sometime procrastinate. He can be insecure at times, but rarely show it.


▸ Mingyu knew Hyerim because of her umbrella project, it was a rainy day, Hyerim couldn't go home, Mingyu was confused she had an umbrella so why not use it. He asked her "Why aren't you using your umbrella ?" and she replied it with "I made it to shock people, and water is a good conductor, and it's not even done yet, what if i get electrocuted" And that made Mingyu laugh.

Their unusual friendship started then, and Mingyu was shocked that she has a nice voice (he overheard her singing with reign once) hence Mingyu would persuade her into having her featuring in his mix tapes, she would always reply with a no. Mingyu likes spying watching her dance, they would sometime dance together.

Mingyu and Hyerim would sometimes get into petty fights, because Mingyu know how to push Hyerim's button to get the reaction he wanted, and he thought it was cuter (more than him in fact). People around them know they're attracted to one another, but Hyerim and Mingyu doesn't even know that, and they're constantly in denial.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  In love with one another but both of them are to dumb to realize it not to mention they're so in denial.

ENDING :  Hyerim slipped by saying "I like you" to Mingyu, and she proceed to run away and avoid hi,. that is until Mingyu got her cornered in one of an empty classroom. They sort out their feelings and come to an understanding that they're in love, so in the end they became lovers.

Snowdrcp : Rin 

LAST WORDS : is it bad ? sorry! 15&'s i dream and twice's truth


▸ In which Hyerim told Mingyu to stop calling her miss umbrella and he called her Ran" and that made her blush (Mingyu knows because he overheard Yulhui calling her Ran and asked Yulhui whose Ran when Yulhui was alone)
▸ They get into a petty fight

▸ Hyerim saying "You have a pretty smile" to Mingyu unconsciously

▸ The group was watching a disney classic marathon and Hyerim cried, Mingyu then comfort her

▸ Mingyu listening to Hyerim playing the Gayageum


turn in : story : cheatsheet


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