NAME  mae ga-eul 매가을
MAEMU really donggeun? it sounds silly, it's humiliating. a nickname given to her by donggeun after he found out that she had no nicknames. "everyone has a nickname, don't be ridiculous!!" she acts like she despises it because it's too juvenile and so unartistic but because it's her first and because it was given to her by donggeun, it's special to her.
PRINCESS must you call me that youngsun? it feels condescending. ga-eul never had to work for anything in life and spent her life so pampered and spoiled that she has little idea about the real world. he watches her as she places her hands on her hips with a big, boisterous hmph when things don't go her way. youngsun doesn't know if he should be amused or mock the wealthy girl. her naivete, her pathetic muscular build—she literally can't eat fast food or else she'll get a stomachache! the cynical young man can't help it.
GENDER  female
AGE  17
DOB  july 26
FACE ONE  jung eunha of gfriend
FACE TWO  jung yerin of gfriend
black hair that reaches down to her back, softer than rainfall at twilight, gently waved, and not a strand out of place. pale, cool-toned skin with soft lips, rosy cheeks, and long lashes—the greatest beauty earth can offer. whispers as she walks past, is she foreign? is she mixed? was her tall, european nose touched by needles and gloved hands? were the prominent creases of her round eyes artificial? her hands were dainty, like tiny pear earrings, fit only for a life of luxury. slim fingers and small hands only made to hold a silver spoon, soft as they are. long and rounded nails are painted with a gel color to match her skintone, the gleam of clear polish reflected under the harsh lights of the classroom. a figure that matured faster than the other girls, a bosom that can fill size c cups, a trim waist with soft hips that bellow out into womanhood. she carries herself on shapely legs, smooth and free of any blemish.

when not smoothing out the her impeccable uniform skirt, worn short enough to tease and washed every week, she adornes herself with handknitted cashmere sweaters of all types and trousers, some pleated, some twill. some sweaters are tight and cropped, clinging to the curves of her body while some are loose and baggy, reaching down to her thighs. denim has never touched her body, only trousers inspired by her mother's office looks, houndstooth and twill, cropped at the ankle. on her feet are tanned leather loafers and only tanned leather loafers.
mysterious transfer student, how cliche can you get? her dark eyes sweep over the faces of the kids in her classroom, posture impeccable, and face neutral. she speaks with a quiet yet strong voice, my name is mae ga-eul. the male gaze travels up the curves of her legs to her dangerously short skirt, eyes sweeping over her s before reaching her face. pretty, but is she useful? when she approaches them, youngsun has half a mind to turn her away, what could a wimpy girl like her do? she hands them a detailed list about their next heist, from security details to hours of operations to public opinion and he's mildly impressed. she whips out some money, and that's what really impresses him. before he can deliver some dry one liner, her laughter filles the room as her eyes lock onto donggeun doing something ridiculous. she laughs and laughs and laughs, god, when will she stop laughing? he finds her motives for joining vague but he can't say no to her network of over four hundred and her money.
TROPES : aloof dark-haired girl ( subverted ), cloudcuckoolander, lonely rich kid, ojou.
justice. upright justice, fairness, truth, cause & effect, law. reversed unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty.
CHARACTER INSP : yukiko amagi ( p4 ) & mitsuru kirijo ( p3 ).
insider, guileless, idiosyncratic
"the snake bites in the garden of eden."
the lap of luxury is the perfect environment for sins to fester. the hidden hot underbelly of society, thinly veiled with some fine silk. intrigue, backstabbing, extortion, blackmail, sending the plebs to do work unfit for wealthy hands.

the mae family's fortune was built from the ground up by her mother, an ambitious and beautiful matriarch who was built to succeed. failure was never hardwired into her essence and she climbed the business ladder networking and compiling tips from the greatest until she started her own business enterprise. she met ga-eul's father when he was apprenticing under her, studying the tools of the trade. a starry-eyed type to level out her mother's cutthroat competetiveness. 

ga-eul, growing up, was more of her father than her mother. more ditzy and playful rather than competetive, he was the light of her life and she was his. constantly having to save face in front of others because the rich and powerful would pounce on anything less than prim, proper, silver spoons. the drama that her family faced was about as wild as western television series a la kardashians or empire.

from a young age, her parents told her to be wary of police and law enforcement. "they are malleable under the hands of those more powerful than them." the police were only on the mae's side when the maes were dealing with people beneath them.

the higher you build yourself up, the more people want to see you fall, the mae family was no exception, her parents told her that. "make sure nothing you do can be used against you. repay favors always. don't treat anyone rudely. try not to laugh so much because these rich old farts hate happiness.". a family legacy built up with new money, by a woman no less, with measureable success all put a target on the mae family's back.

in a gerontocracy, where seniority was word of god and the elderly were angels on earth, no one bats an eye when an anonymous caller informs the police that the maes have been mishandling money given to them by clients. all it means is that upturned noses have a reason to stay upturned. and it meant that the police had a reason to harass her family. good friends had a reason to exclude ga-eul from playground games, from birthday parties, from jokes whispered in the wee hours at slumber parties. 

once loyal company employees had a reason to accuse ga-eul's father of worklace harassment. they had a reason to say that his hands snake around their thin waists and that he tells them it's "all part of the job" and "you'll get a special reward for this" as he palms at their s.

"father, look at me!"
"wha—ga-eul! th-those glasses! pffffft—"
"father, these are—snrk—these are the best glasses i've ever seen in my life!"
"you look—heehee—so beautiful!"
"pahahahahaha! i can't—i can't breathe! this is comedy gold!"
"let's send a picture to your mother!"

"mae unyoung? we need to have a talk with you." the laughter ceased as the officers approached them in the store, father lowering his readied camera phone and ga-eul freezing in her silly pose. she gripped his arm, the gag goggles still resting on her face, fake nose and mustache included. father squeezes her small hand, it's gonna be alright

"am i free to go, officer?" they grabbed him by his wrists, twisting them behind his back. "father?" ga-eul was shoved to the side, back colliding with a rack of products. a crowd began to form around them, wealthy housewives whispering amongst one another and small children exclaiming that the police were so cool!

this was anything but cool. the officers read father his miranda rights, the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. tears prickle at the corners of her eyes. "father, wait!" he looked up at her, smiling through gritted teeth in an attempt to calm her nerves. "don't worry ga-eul, i won't be gone for long. justice will do it's work and i'll be back home before you know it. but uh... you might want to call your mother and tell her what happened." the officers shushed him and began leading him out of the store, ga-eul following behind them, trying to convince them to let go of her father. "i love you, ga-eul." was the last thing he said to her before he disappeared inside the cop car.

mother paces back and forth in her office, ga-eul sitting in the large leather chairs in front of the mahognay desk. "hello, i'd like to speak to mrs kim." her voice is saccharine, refined, switching in an instant. "listen here you liver spotted . you think this is funny? do you enjoy falsly accusing people for serious crimes and having them arrested in front of their children?"

"what can you do about it? you'll need at least forty more years to be taken seriously at all in life, and the police are on our side. will you post bail? you should do it quickly before more of your employees speak out against him."

"how much are you paying them?"

"who says i'm paying them? maybe your husband is a lecherous man with wandering eyes."

"i can't wait until you're dead, you geriatric, so i can go to your grave and spit on it."

"is that a threat dear?"

"it's a ' you'."

mother had to fire floods of employees, replacing them with new people. at school, ga-eul was ridiculed for her family's downfall. the spoiled brats would taunt her as she stood outside the school gates where her father would usually pick her up, they would steal her stuff while she was looking and dare her to do something about it, girls would corner her inside the bathroom and tug on her hair and asked if her father touched her like he touched those women. "i hear s get bigger if you massage them, is that why yours are so big? because your daddy likes to rub them?" you're gross! don't talk about him like that! "your father's the gross one. gross and descpicable." 

there was a target on the mae family's back now. 

mother made the decision to get ga-eul away from the trouble while she sorted things out. she got her an studio apartment in incheon and transferred her to an incheon school.

ga-eul swore that she would get justice for her father, she'd find or steal the proof needed to clear his name.
ATTIRE : black on black on black, the only requirement for theiving. ga-eul wears a sleveless black a-line givenchy dress a la audrey hepburn. the fabric reaches down to her upper thighs, narrowly and allowing free range movements of her legs. tall, black silk gloves extend up to her bicep and tall socks travel up to her pale thighs. beneath her dress she wears black shorts because the last thing anyone wants is a shot on the job. her feet are covered with black ankle booties with a non-slip sole. she covers her round lips and tall nose with a black face mask with a shark's smile on it. donggeun thought it would look cool on her.
BEHAVIOR : let's do this quickly, alright? fast and quiet, ga-eul's goal is to swipe what they need and get out before trouble arrives. she focuses in on the task at hand, not whatever donggeun is doing so she won't laugh and get them exposed.  on lookout, she remains in a state of hypervigilance, aware of everyone around her yet only focusing on the rest of the crew. with her sharp hearing, she'll make everyone freeze at even the slightest noise. 
STRENGTH  2 out of 10. i am not made for manual labor. with a manicure too pretty to ruin and an upbringing where everything was done for her, mae ga-eul is pretty wimpy. so wimpy that it's laughable, and trust her, youngsun laughs at any attempts she makes at physical endeavors. she bruises incredibly easily too.
SMARTS  5 out of 10. can't we just use the front door? a guileless girl in a devious world, what ga-eul has in book smarts she lacks in every other smart. though she lacks an understanding of anything sly and dishonest, the gang knows if ga-eul can make sense of one of their plans then so can the police. ga-eul also posseses a non-linear way of thinking, and while it can help her look at things from different angles, she doesn't put pieces together until much later. she's much better at sniffing out rumors or gossip, although her simplistic ideas and wacked out theories can occasionally prove to be exactly what youngsun needs.
INTEL  9 out of 10 ; just leave the hotspots to me. a rich girl with rich connections and a fair amount of knowledge on valueable things and their locations, ga-eul's strongest assest is her intel. hours of operations, security schedules, survelliance camera locations, give her a little time and she can even dig up information on people who frequent certain places, reputation, and anything the heart desires. ga-eul's ability to remain unassuming allows her to easily eavesdrop on others' conversations and her habit of always scoping places out helps her gather the #hotgoss the group wants.
HYENA pffft—hahahahahaha! heeheehee!!! oh—oh my god, i can't breath hahaha! has laughing fits that can last for several minutes, like when donggeun told her his kkt name was dongman. ga-eul laughs at the silliest things like puns and gag props. or like that one time a classmate told donggeun in the softest, most considerate voice to "please shut up" and she laughed so hard she had to leave the classroom.
HMPH hmmmmmph! whenever things don't automatically work out for her, she places her arms akimbo and lets out a "hmph" with varying degrees of hmmmmmm and mmmmmmmph. 
GANGNAM GIRL was born and raised in gangnam, up until last month when she moved to incheon.
SENSES ga-eul has very keen senses. she has 20/20 vision, her hearing is incredibly good, able to hear very soft sounds and sounds at high frequency, and she has a nose that's sensitive to scents, particularly perfume.
SOLO she lives alone in a small apartment a mile or so away from the school, perfect hideout spot. plus she provides "healthy meals" for anyone who comes over.
DONGGEUN punchline after punchline delivered in rapid succession, pleads for mercy gasped out between breathless laughter, doubling over and having to support herself by gripping his arm. senseless chatter that prods at the irascible youngsun. fluttering assurances of of course you're a badass! a single look that can send them into a flurry of giggles. he shows her what's cool, finger guns and wearing baseball caps backwards.
YOUNGSUN the smirk on his lips as he leans towards her, eyes glancing down at her. her hands on her soft hips, lips pursed as she teeters on her toes to make herself seem bigger. he planned on bursting her bubble today, she seems to have a new one every day. he found her to be one of the simple pleasures in life, the pleasure of laughing at the expense of another. she'll believe what he tells her, of course people eat hamburgers with chopsticks ga-eul and of course you'll get extra credit if you do the chicken dance in front of the entire class. in a mixture fifty percent condescension and fifty percent amusement, youngsun has his eyes on ga-eul.
NEVER there are many things in life ga-eul has never done before that she gets exposed to after attending school in incheon. she's never eaten fast food, and when she does she finds it absolutely disgusting, appalling, and claims that its killing people from the inside out. she's never been to a thrift store or flea market, but when she does, she purchases everything in sight, who knew trousers could be three dollars? she spends a couple hundred and ends up with more things than she knows what to do with. she's never had to cook for herself, but when she does, she ends up making treats for her friends too and almost makes everyone sick because she added vinegar instead of vanilla extract.
CONTACT LIST has over 400 contacts in her phone and she's always brosing the most obscure websites in the deepest corners of the internet. if you tell her the name of someone, she's likely to know something about them.
GOSSIP GIRL loves listening to gossip. in school, she usually knows more about others than what they know about  her because she's gathered a lot of gossip on them. she feels that teenage girls are an incredibly strong asset when it comes to digging up information because they know a lot of , so they're usually the ones ga-eul asks about stuff.
NO whenever someone says 'no' to her requests, she laughs really hard before saying "now seriously". she's a very selective person, used to the highest of quality. as a result she can tell when something is a knockoff but her fine tastes can be a bit annoying to normal high school students who don't have copious amounts of money.
youngsun will be hosting the interviews as of today. please stay seated as he goes through his list for the day.
LET'S START OFF SIMPLE. WHAT'S THE REAL REASON THAT YOU WANT TO JOIN?  "there's something special i need to steal." the girl said nothing else, no explanation of her motives.
WHAT IS SOCIETY TO YOU? HARSH? FUN? ANSWER TRUTHFULLY.  she grits her teeth, eyes shutting as an eyebrow tightens. "hypocritical. sinful. selfish." her voice is taut to keep memories from flowing back, to keep herself composed.
HOW DID YOU FIND THE CREW?  a smile tugs at the corner of her lips, quirking upwards if only for a fleeting moment. "i heard about the crew from other people. a group who stole priceless items and placed business out of service. and then i scoured the internet for all i could find about them, which is how i ended up here."
ANYTHING THAT YOU'RE SPECIALIZED IN? WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO?  ga-eul tucks some hair behind her ear before her soft hands return to her lap, "i'm great at intel. you need to know something, i'm the woman you go to. i may not be strong, but i am quick and light on my feet so once a place is broken into, i can swipe what we need and be out before problems arise." there is a glint of something in her eyes. excitement? anticipation? "and if we ever need it, i'm a terrific frontman."
ARE YOU ABLE TO FUND OUR TRIPS?  "yes, i can. i can take you anywhere you want to go in south korea." she pulls out a genuine leather wallet from her bag, a pink puffball attached to it with a chain. one by one she pulls out plastic cards, five in total. "this one gives me cash back on gas and food, so if anyone can drive i'll pay for the gas. this one gives me cash back in taxis and buses. ooh, and this one is the one i use for trains!" she pauses, quickly stuffing her cards back into her wallet. "please don't steal these."
GUESS THAT'S ALL. WE'LL LET YOU KNOW IF YOU'RE IN OR NOT.  she shot finger guns at him, blisfully unaware how much it didn't suit her. he was gonna have a talk with donggeun about telling her that was cool.
COLORBLIND youngsun trying to see how much dumb ga-eul'll believe. he tells her he's colorblind and she legit thinks its true until like the end of the fic when she's like "i thought you were colorblind??" and he's just like "o....... my ing god."
BUTTS loudly requests getting her slapped by sangheon
DOUBLE TROUBLE dongman and maemu making youngsun's life hell with how ridiculous they are.
FREEZE someone freezes ga-eul's funds and the crew freaking out trying to figure out whodunit. bonus points if it was mrs kim just to spite the mae fam
GRATUITOUS FANSERVICE give us the tiddies!! give us the shots!! pop boners at inconvient times!!
LETHAL CHEF ga-eul making people cookies right before a mission and getting the main pawns sick because her dumb put vinegar instead of vanilla and then youngsun forcing her and some other crew members who don't usual go on the front lines having to pull of the heist.
FATHER you know what would really wreck her? if she found out that her parents actually mishandled money and that her dad actually harrassed female employees. and then making her choose between justice and loyalty.
COMMENTS  i feel like i accidentally wrote slight between ga-eul and youngsun and i kinda dig it but at the same time i'm not sure.
PASSWORD  cookies??


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*Stares @ App with Goggles* Hmmmmmmmmmmm
yes i want emancipation
oh man im making a privileged girl with connections too
but ga-eul is really good tho!!! i love how she has a lot of cards in her wallet lol
hoo h ho oo ho
im feelin the hype !!!
u and eunha man i swear