Author's Note | Raw Feelings

Well, I delayed this... Kind of? The author's note and the chapter.

I always post around midnight whether it be before or after it's always around nighttime ( Where I live )

Uhhhh, I don't think the angst was good but I really did try my best, this chapter felt more like a filler and I feel like changing the title just so I can have more chapters but then that means I have to make a whole new cover for Wattpad/Tumblr ( There's a link to my accounts in my bio if you wanna see it ) I'm too lazy to do that honestly. Plus I think I would only need one more chapter. I'll just keep it, the last will probably be REALLY long.

I was supposed to get to a certain point during the last chapter and I thought I was going to get to it this chapter but it all seems appropriate in its own separate chapter.

There will be so much fluff, or well, that's what I'm planning on having.

I kind of feel like I rushed it too, but I didn't know how else it would turn out? I didn't feel the need to rewrite the chapter and I feel content with it. I think I was just a little off my game when I was writing it. I had the whole chapter in my head as I was writing it so it's not just word vomit but the outline I had was different in several ways. The events I wanted to happen didn't happen exactly as I wanted them to but I still got to the place I wanted to get to and I'm still able to finish how I wanted so I didn't trail off too much but I was surprised at how different I made everything.

As always, I hope whoever reads it likes it.

Aw, the ending of stories are always bittersweet.


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