
Aff Username: suju1375

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Character ~

Name: Kayla-Jo Park

Nickname:JoJo, J.J, Kay.

Date of birth:December 5th, unknown

Age: 20

Birthplace: Daegu, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Appearance: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] *she has dark stormy blue eyes*


species: Angel of Darkness

Give me a description of your species:

Has been an Angel of darkness for centires but was killed in battle but had been reincarnated to a family and my dark side was put into a deep slumber and I thought I was human, I was only 18 when my "fiance" woken the dark angel with in me by doing a ritual, making me remember that I was Lucifer's right hand women. My "Fiance" was killed two weeks later by an Angel of light. I do enjoy being an Angel of darkness for over the years I learned everything that someone needs to know to be powerful and the best and mostly nice, I am able to turn anyone adn anything into red crystal, I can also crystalize anything that has blood in them and I use a sword. My strengths are being around anything dark, anything that involves me spilling someone's blood during a battle will make me feel stronger, but my weakness is seeing a friend fall to their death..or someone I truly love hurt. My element is fire and I have a scar that an angel of light had left after a battle back in 1692 in Rome, the scar looks more like a tattoo but only because the scar was made by a spell that I was hit by.



Languages: Korean, English, Greek, French


Weight: 45kg

Blood type:A+


Clothing Style:

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]


Personality : Kayla-Jo is a down to earth girl with a hint of sassy. She could care less about anything that is going on around her unless it involves her or her friends, she acts care free most of the time but the truth is she cares a lot even behind her sassy aditiude and loves to joke around to make people laugh. She could be found anywhere but mostly outside where she feels more alive then ever, she'll act like someone who was raised out in the outdoors when ever she is outside in any kind of weather.

  Kayla-Jo has a habbit of talking to herself in her head but never out loud, they way she thinks is different from others, she uses strategy through most of her thoughts. She is also very observent when it come to her surroundings, she can spot things that people can't notice most of the time causing people to wonder how she could have saw it. But she never says anything to any one about her way of thinking since its covered by her sassy down to earth personality.

When it comes to drama, then she is out of the room or put her head phones on and wait for it to stop. She is a very trustworthy person, you can always go to her when your upset and she would know the right things to say to make you happy. 

She is very nice, kind and sweet when it comes to animals and children. She can't stands seeing a child or animal upset or hurt, it makes her sad and heart broken to see them like that. If someone is hurt she would take care of them till they feel better. Kayla-Jo doesn't have a pretty temper, when she's mad she will start cussing with out a care in the world and will probably end up hurting someone if they did something wrong like hurt someone she cares about.



Family Background:

family/siblings/ yadahh yadahh

Mother: Park MiSun || 25 || was once an Angel of darkness but went into hiding for she had rejected a powerful Vampire and was worride that he would destroy her and her baby

Father: Park Shin || 27 || was also an Angel of darkness but went into hiding with his wife and daughter.


Her parents had gone into hiding and hid in Alaska and have been living there ever since, Kayla-Jo was raised there but when she turned 18 she had met Lucifer for he came to them since they were powerful. When he noticed their daughter he knew she was stronger and had asked her to be his righthand women in battle, agreeing to his request she went with him, he trained her over the years making her strong. She always went and visited her parents and would go sleddog racing with her father all the time, but when she and Lucifer went to Rome she had met an angel of light, an enemy and had fallen in love with him. The angel of light had also fallen in love with her and they would go on dates secretly but when Lucifer found out he had called war apon them, with that a bloddy batttle errupted in Rome also known as the Trojan war.

When Kayla-Jo faught her love she was heart broken but shocked was that another angel of light who had loved the man that Kayla-Jo had spent many nights on dates with came down and had cast a spell on Kayla-Jo. Before the spell could hit her, her lover had gotten in the way causing them both to be hit. The spell was suppose to kill them but it had an affect to it, the affect caused them to be reincarnated into another time with in the future and thats what happen, Kayla-Jo had been reincarnated 4 times but she had died from old age the last few times but the last time she died she finally remembered what she was after her fiance did the ritual. When Kayla-Jo was reincarnated for the 5th time in the year 1675 she was now immortal again but she had forggten who the angel of light she had fallen in love years ago.


Bias: Nichkhun Hoverjkul

and what is their species?;: Angel of Light 

Who do you want to be friends with:

all of 2NE1

Zelo and Bang Yongguk

GD and T.O.P

all of MBLAQ



Favorite groups:




Big Bang

Super Junior

B.A.P *can't wait for friday! they finally debut their song Warrior*



Likes: (+5 ) 

  • Horror Movies
  • Ghost legends
  • Rock music
  • Anime
  • Sweets
  • The color(s) White, Black and Red
  • Cold weather
  • Working out
  • Sleddog racing




  • Spiders
  • The color pink
  • s
  • Players
  • Cigarettes
  • Fish
  • Hot weather



  • Biting her bottom lip when holding back tears
  • Tapping her fingers on something when impatient
  • Eye twitches when annoyed



  • Boxing
  • Martial Arts
  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Drawing
  • Dancing
  • Rapping



Stage name: RD

Persona: Bad Rapper

Fan club name & color: Monster Crew

What do you want to be in the group?:Main Rapper



*rap is @ 00:15* [1] [2] [3] || [1] [2]

Anything else i forgot? xD / or you want~ : 


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