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next : Katarina Romanoff-barton

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BIRTHNAME : Katarina Hope Romanoff-Barton

Kat —It's a shorter version of her name. Everybody calls her like that.

Katniss/Merida — Tony Stark calls her like that to . 

Kitty Kat —Her parents calls her like that. It's an affectionate nickname.

DATE OF BIRTH : June  6, 20
BIRTHPLACE : New York City, US
ETHNICITY : Russian-American

▸ English — Native | She was born and raised in the US.

Russian — Fluent | Taught by her mother since she is a child.

▸ German — Conversational | Her mother speak it so she taught her when Kat asked her to.

▸ Hungarian — Conversational | Her parents both speak it so they taught her when Kat asked them to.

▸ French — Conversational | Her mother speak it so she taught her when Kat asked her to.

FACE CLAIM : Danielle Campbell
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 161 cm and 44kg

Kat has beautiful greyish blue eyes, that she inherited from her parents. She also has naturally dark brown hair that she sometime dye a lighter brown color. She used to have long hair that reached the middle of her back but she cut it and now it reaches below her collarbone. She has a fair complexion. She is quite small but has a lithe and athletic body.


▸ casual
    ▸ winter 
    ▸ spring 
  ▸ summer 
  ▸ autumn 
▸ formal 
▸ superhero look 

next you

PERSONALITY TRAITS : [+] Quiet, Calm, Reserved, Patient, Determined, Hard-Working, Caring 
[-] Cold, Blunt, Harsh, Sarcastic, Insecure, Untrusting, Insensitive

PERSONALITY : Kat can't deny that she is the daughter of Hawkeye and Black Widow. She inherited her personality traits from her parents. Katarina is someone who is quiet and reserved. She doesn't really talk to stranger, that is until she gets to know them. Just like her father, she doesn't really like to talk at all but she prefers to listen to people. That's what makes her a great listener, a quality that her friends likes about her. Her parents always told her that in order to protect herself and the people she cares about, she couldn't say anything about their jobs as Avengers. That's why she doesn't like it when strangers ask about her life, family, etc... because she doesn't like to lie. Also one of the things that makes her be suspicious of strangers, is that she never knows if they are truly interested in her or are just enemies of her parents. She can be quite untrusting. Kat is the type of person that can do a full research on someone to make sure it is safe to talk to them. But, once she gets to know them, and with her family and friends, she is very caring. She always make sure that the people she loves are happy and don't need anything. She is the person, that will cook you soup when you are sick, eat ice cream with you when you are sad, etc... 

Determination could be Kat's middle name. She is someone who works really hard and never takes anyhting for granted. When she starts something she likes to finish it. She also works extremely hard and pushes herself to her limits because she doesn't want to disappoint her parents. She is insecure about her skills. Being the daughter of one superhero is hard, but two is even harder, and because of that, the 'legacy' as she calls it, she put an insane amount of pressure on herself. She gets easily affected by comments, even if there are meant as jokes, that said "Yes, she is good with a bow and arrow but not as good as her father" or " Damn, that girl knows how to fight. But she isn't on her mother's level yet"... Comments like that makes her trained twice as hard as she normally would. 

She is someone who is very calm. She doesn't get angry easily because she doesn't the point of yelling or fighting each other when you can calmly talk about the problem. She is usually the one to calm people when they are anxious or angry. She is also patient. She never, or hardly ever, get bored. She can spend hours reading or just looking out of the window. When she is doing something, she doesn't rush it because she thinks that by doing it quickly it is the best way to mess it up. So she does it very patiently.

As the saying says "It's the quiet ones you have to watch" and that totally applies to Kat. You really don't want to mess with her. When she is angered, she doesn't care about threatening people or being really harsh and blunt with them. There are times, when she is really angry, she yells at people or even through things at them. But that is not the worse. When she is furious, she becomes extremely cold and that's when she is the most dangerous, because she doesn't care about hurting people. She wouldn't hesitate to kill someone if they hurt her family or friends. She can also be quite insensitive, if she has to do something, like kill or kidnap someone (even if the person has never done anything against her), she will do it. She got that insensitivity from her mother when she was still an assassin. Another thing that can describe Kat is sarcasm. She inherited that trait from her father, and also because she spent way too much time with Tony Stark. She tends to be sarcastic when she is angry or annoyed at someone.

               ▸ The Miracle Baby
For her parents having children has a always been a dream, unfortunately that would never become true due to Natasha's conditions. Since her mother has been sterilized during the graduation ceremony at the Red Room Academy, it was impossible for her to have children. So they thought about adopting a child. One day, when Natasha was having a medical check up done in the lab at the Stark/Avengers Tower, Tony, who was the one doing the check up, asked her if she still wanted children with Clint and of course she said yes but also said to him that it was impossible and he knew why. Tony said to her that, yes he knew, but that he may have developped a serum that could reverse the effect of sterilization and allow her to become pregnant. Natasha was shocked but extremely happy at the same time, she talked to Clint about the serum and they agreed to try and see if it really worked. It took them ten months but finally Natasha got pregnant. 

               ▸ Birth & Childhood
Nine months later, Katarina Hope Romanoff-Barton was born. She was a small but healthy baby, she was 44 cm for 2,850 kg. Kat was born in New York City, on June 6. As a child she had everything she could ask for, two parents that loved her deeply (and whom she loved just as much), a bunch of uncles and aunts (aka the Avengers) that even if she isn't related to, treats them like family. She had a normal childhood, well as normal as it can be with two superheroes parents. She went to school, came back home, did her homeworks just like any other kid, except that she didn't had many friends because she wasn't talking to anyone at school (That also the case in middle and high school, and Kat was fine with it). When she was six years old, her father started to train her in archery. It was Kat who wanted to learn it because she saw her father training and thought that it was very impressive. After that she also began to train in martial arts, with her mother this time. 

Teenager & Young Adult
As a teenager she continued her training with her parents, which now included handling a gun, fighting with a dagger and hand-to-hand combat. After finishing middle school, which was good, Kat went to high school. She was a good student, her favorite subjects were History, Litterature and everything that was related to High Technologies. That was when she got really interested in High Techs, she was spending most of her free time in the lab at Stark/Avengers Tower, working on new arrowheads, etc... She also saw the Avengers from time to time  when they were needed to save the world. By the age of seventeen, she had become a master archer and an expert martial artist. She graduated high school but didn't go to college because she wanted to help her parents in their Avengers jobs (she deemed she was old enough to help them). At first her mother disagreed, because she was afraid that Kat would end up badly injured but after her father convinced her, she let Kat help. It was mostly with small missions but Kat was glad she could be useful. A few months ago, her parents told her that the Avengers were creating a new team, consisting of their children, to fight smaller crimes that the Avengers don't have the time to fight. They asked her if she wanted to be a part of the team and Kat agreed.


▸ likes
books —She really likes to read book. She mainly reads novels.
chocolate — If she could it one food for the rest of her life it would be chocolate.
coffee — Her blood is basically made of coffee at this point. She is addicted to it.
music —She likes listening to soft music. But when she trains she listen to hard rock music because she finds that it's the perfect type of music for training.
movies —She enjoys watching movies.
cold weather —It's mostly because she doesn't like to be hot.
being alone —In a quiet place. It allows her to think and relax.
the night —She is a night owl. She has an extremely hard time falling asleep (maybe it's due to all the coffee she drinks). And she finds that at night, it's quite easy for her to relax becausu it's so silent.
▸ dislikes
▸ spiders —She has arachnophobia since she is child. She will have a panic attack when she sees one.
▸ nuts —She is allergic to them.
tea —She doesn't like the herbal taste of tea.
▸ storms —She does't like the sound of thunder.
waking up early —She is very hard to wake up in the morning and needs at least three alarms before she gets out of bed.
hot summer days —She doesn't like being hot, sweaty and sticky.
▸ sour food —She prefers sweet food.
▸ hobbies
▸ training —She used to train with her parents but now she trains with the team.
▸ lab —She spends most of her time there.
parents —She likes to spend time with them.
▸ habits
▸ biting her lips when she anxious or thinking.
▸ burning scented candles in her room —Her favorite scents are marshmallows and peaches.
she goes to her mother when she doesn't feel well.
▸ she drinks at least five cups of coffee a day and one cup of hot cocoa before going to sleep.
▸ she starts to speak in russian when she speaks too quickly or when she is angry.
▸ trivias
 dark purple —It's her favorite color.
▸ car — She has her driver's license (she got it at sixteen) but she doesn't has a car.
▸ migraines — She gets very painful migraines especially when she is tired or anxious.
hope —Her parents chose Hope as middle name because she has been their hope at becoming parents. And also because they couldn't give her Miracle or Gift as a middle name.
nightmares —After particularly rough missions, she tends to have horrible nightmares, which has her waking up screaming.
▸ alone —She likes to isolate herself just before a mission.
▸ watermelon & peaches —They are her favorite food.
coffee —She likes to go to Starbucks Coffee. What she usually orders is a four-shot americano with chocolate syrup or a caramel frappuccino with two added shots of espresso.

next life



Father — Clinton 'Clint' Barton (50+) / Avengers Member / Funny, Sarcastic, Professional, Calm / 10 out of 10
She gets along extremely well with her father, as the personalities are a lot alike. They don't really need to talk to understand each other, and Clint knows instantly when his daughter doesn't feel well. They like to spend time together somewhere quiet. Kat really likes to train at archery with her father.

Mother — Natalia Alianovna 'Natasha' Romanoff  (45+) / Avengers Member / Cold, Protective, Focus, Caring / 10 out of 10
Kat is also very close to her mother. She is the one Kat goes to when she need advices and she knows that she can talk with her mother about everything and anything. Sometimes Natasha can be quite over protective with Kat, who will say to her mother:" Mom stop treating me like I'm a made of glass, I can take care of myself".

'Uncle' — Tony Stark  (50+) / Avengers Member /Sacarstic, Sassy, Caring, Protective / 9 out of 10
Her favorite uncle ("but shhh don't tell the others, they might be jealous"). Thanks to him, Natasha and Clint have been able to have Kat. She is very close to him. She likes to spend time in the lab at the Stark/Avengers  Tower, creating gadgets. Even if he is sacarstic, Kat knows that she can rely on him and she can talk to him when she has a problem.

Family Friends — Avengers  / Various / 9 out of 10
She knows them since birth. She gets along well with all of them and she thinks of them as family members. She doesn't see them much because they all have their own lives but she knows that if she has problem she can call them. 


▸ Friends — Odette Wanda Maximoff  (17) / Next Avengers Member / Caring, Truthworthy, Impulsive, Troublesome/ 8 out of 10
They get along well. They trust each other and know that  they can rely on the  other. Kat really likes and admires that Odette is loyal and truthworthy but sometime she is annoyed by her impulsiveness and her troublesome personality.

 Friends — Next Avengers Members / Various/ 7 to 10  out of 10
She gets along with every one of them, but she is closer to some of them.

▸  The Science Club — Child of Bruce Banner, Child of Tony Stark  / Next Avengers Members / Smart, Sarcastic, Hard-Working (may change depending on who gets chosen as the two children) / 8 out of 10
The two people Kat consideres being her best friends. They spend most of their time together in the lab working on new gagdets for the team. When they are together they are always talking about something scientific which sometimes annoys the other members.

Friends — Alexavier Hayden Pierce Hill  (23) / Next Avengers Member / Confident, Hard-Working, Easy-going,  Stubborn, Messy/ 8 out of 10 (xxloverkpopxx's OC)
They get along well. They usually train together. Kat likes to train with Alex because he is the only one, beside her father, who is at the same level as her in archery; so it always feels like a challenge for her whenever they train together and she really feels like she is improving her skills. Kat likes to be around Alex because she feels relaxed, due to him being easy-going and carefree.


▸ Little Sister — Rosella 'Ella' Rogers  (16) / Next Avengers Member / Curious, Supportive, Vulnerable to criticism,  Sensitive/ 9 out of 10 (booyouwhore's OC)
The little sister she never had. Kat and Ella have already met before the team was put together, when Steve came to see Natasha and Clint and he brought Ella with him. Kat feels very protective over Ella, due to what Ella has been through, so Kat feels like she has to protect her. Kat finds it funny to use sarcasm with Ella because she takes everything Kat says literally. Still Kat tries to teach her to know when people are sarcastic with her because she says that it could be useful. Kat also like to help Ella when she is training, she taught her the basic of archery. Kat is very honest, sometimes blunt,  with Ella and doesn't sugarcoats the things she has to say to her. Ella often comes to her when she needs advices or anything. 

(open for collabs)

next hero


 Black Hawk | She didn't have any idea of what her superhero name should be, so she took the first word of each of her parents aliases. And that's how she came up with Black Hawk.



Just like her father, Kat weapon of choice is a bow and quiver.  It is a specialized recurve bow which greatly accommodates her unique combat style, allowing her to accurately shoot enemies from a considerable distance, or quickly and effectively fire at enemies during a close range fire fight. the bow has also a red laser sight to help Kat quickly draw a line of sight when targeting enemies atclose range. The bow is collapsible, with breaks above and below the handle, as well as midway down the lenght of each lim. This allows the bow to be folded into a more compact form that makes it easier to conceal, carry, store and transport. When deployed, the bow can swiftly re-assemble in one quick motion as the limbs lock back into place. The bow has a remote control system built into the grip, designed to be used with with Kat's specialized arrow quiver and trick arrows. The remote has four buttons running down the lenght of the bow's grip, in line with each of her fingertips, allowing her quick access to and control over her arrows. Using the remote, Kat can select a specific trick arrow to be drawn from the quiver. She can also use the remote to control the functions of certaain trick arrows such as detonating remote explosive arrowheads.

Kat's specialized arrow quiver is designed to organize and store her arrows as well as automatically assemble and deploy them during combat. Kat's typically wears her quiver on her back which allows her easy access to her arrows. By carrying the arrows in two separate bundles, side by side, the quiver retains a flat, slim profile while being worn, which keeps it from hindering Kat's movement. Each bundle contains sixteen arrows, making a total of thrity two between the two halves. The frame surrounds the arrow bundles at the top and bottom, with a narrow spine between, protecting the internal mechanismswhile leaving the arrow shafts and arrowheads visible. The arrow shafts and arrowheads are stored separately, the arrowheads being stored in short cylinders in the bottom of the quiver and the arrow shafts stored in long cylinders above the arrowheads. Mechanisms in the quiver allow the cylinders in the top and bottom to rotate, moving freely of each other. When an arrow is ready to be drawn an arrow shaft and arrowhead are lined up and mechanisms lower the arrow shaft, which is threaded like a screw, allowing the arrowhead to screw on. The arrow is then lifted up above the other arrows so that it can easily be found and drawn. 

Kat's quiver and bow are remotely linked and work as a pair. The remote built into the grip of Kat's bow is linked to the quiver, allowing her to 'dial up' specific trick arrows to fit the current situation. Dialing in a specific armament causes an arrow shaft to combine with a specialized arrowhead, such as standard, explosive, or grappling hook.

▸ Arrowheads
      Conventional Arrowheads
They are standard arrowheads made to easily penetrate and injure an enemy while also being difficult to remove from a wound. Those arrowheads are more suitable for stealth operations because they makes minimal noises.
      ▸ Explosive Arrowheads
As the name indicates it, those arrowheads are made to explode either immediately when touching the target or it can be triggered via the remote in Kat's bow.
      ▸ Grappling Hook Arrowheads
She has a grappling hook arrowheads, which functions line any other grappling hook.
      ▸ Melter Arrowheads
It is a special arrow that contains a chemical mixture that can melt through a variety of materials, including mmost metals, when activated, similar to a powerful thermite reaction.
      ▸ Hacker Arrowheads
This arrow serves as a solid state computer drive containing specific computer code which hacks the computer which the arrow is jacked in.
      ▸ Busrt Shot Arrowheads
Those are arrows that contains mutliple secondary projectiles. After the arrow hits the target, a ring of secondary projectiles stored in the arrowheads fire in a circular pattern, hitting any nearby enemies.
      ▸ Pulse Arrowheads
It is an arrow that releases an energy wave at a 360 degree that can incapacitate or kill surrounding  enemies.

Gun & Dagger
Kat also carries with a Walther PPK/S, which is the gunfire her mother gave her and she also has a dagger that was made for her by Tony Stark.


▸ Bow Mastery 
She has been trained by her father since the age of six to become a master archer. She is capable of firing multiple arrows at a single target in a few seconds, and directly hit small targets in the greatest distances. Kat is also able to use her bow as a weapon in close quarters combat.

Expert Marksman 
She is able to shoot down a target without looking at it, and hit at her target's weak points with extreme accuracy. She can also score a bulls-eye with three arrows simultaneously thrown without efforts. She is also skilled in sharpshooting, and proficient in knives throwing.

Expert Martial Artist 
Kat was trained mainly by her mother in martial arts. She has mastered Karate, Judo, boxing, Muay Thai, Aikido, and two (out of the multiple) styles of Kung Fu. She has great flexibility which allows her to execute complex acrobatic maneuvers.

Gifted Intellect 
Kat possesses the ability to quickly process multiple informations stream and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations.


Because she doesn't have any superpowers, Kat is more prone to injuries that some of the other Young Avengers. Since she doesn't have any armour or something to protect her she is exposed to everything that is thrown her way. When she is injured, she needs more time to recover because of that. Also even if she has stamina that is higher that normal people, due to her training, after a few hours of combat, she starts to feel fatigue and her movement slows down. 

next team

how do you feel about the new team? : 

I don't reallyl know what to think of the team. I mean some of them are really young, other can't control their powers. I hope we will be as good as our parents but I think it will take some time.

how is your relationship with everyone in the team? : 

They're all nice. I'm closer to some of them than others. I think the ones that I don't really know are a little bit scared to talk to me since I'm so quiet. But I'd say that my relationship with the team is good.

what is your position in the team? How do you feel about it? : 

The same as my parents. I'm the assassin. I'm fine with it, besides someone has to do it so it might as well be the daughter of two very skilled assassins.

did you want to be apart of the team? or were you forced? : 

My parents didn't forced me to be part of the team, they just asked me if I wanted to a part of it. I don't want to be considered or remembered as a hero, I'm just glad that I can help people. 

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : Lang, Mark (Babyaghase's character)
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : another applicant


Outgoing, smart, wise, hard-worker, too serious, emotional, easily irritated, bipolar, stubborn.


They met when Mark was trying to catch a thief but almost failed and Kat was there to help him and they got the thief. She was the one who make him entered the Next Avengers. Mark is the type of guy to easily interact with / be close to people which is the opposite of Kat. When he came to thank her for her help, she only glared at him and nodded her head before leaving the room. After that, Mark followed Kat everywhere to get to know her, he teaser her a lot, which really annoyed her. Finally she opened up to him and they became best friends. They flirt with each other a lot and basically act like a couple. It's not rare to find them on the couch cuddling or holding hands. They usually train together and work together to finish the mission.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  Best friends who are in love. Almost a couple but not really.

ENDING :  They end up together.

minrin04 : min

LAST WORDS : I hope you'll like Katarina. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language. I hope that the 'Next Hero' section is understandable, sorry if it is so long but I wanted to make sure that everything was well explained.


▸ Team bonding time.

Just like Budapest all over over again

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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