새벽 : 이아름

replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
lee areum
"2d boys are better than 3d boys."
FULL NAME  lee areum 이아름
        • DSP'S DAUGHTER during her                 short time as a trainee, she became                 well-loved by staff for her bright                      personality, charm, and talent.
DOB + AGE  05 • 30 ( 16 )
BIRTHPLACE  gangnam, seoul, sk
HOMETOWN  gangnam, seoul, sk
KR fluent. her native language. she speaks in standard korean being born and raised in seoul.
• EN advanced. years of schooling and private study as well as an abroad trip when she was 12 really helped.
FACE CLAIM  akmu's suhyun
BACKUP  gfriend's umji

HEIGHT & WEIGHT  152 cm & 45 kg
• a heart shaped face with a square jaw, lee areum is beautiful in her own way. defying korean beauty standards with her small, monolidded eyes and flat pug nose, areum radiates youthful beauty, she has long hair with see through bangs that is currently dyed a nice shade of brown.
• areum really likes trendy clothes and finds it a nice medium between the saccharine cute and the elegant chic. she mostly wears things that will show off her legs like shorts and skirts and a bunch of sweaters. she does most of her shopping at therethere. 1 & 2

SHE'S SUNSHINE vivacious, sincere, starry-eyed, puppy-like, conscientious
shameless, elfin MY GIRL guileless, idolizing
erted, impetuous, incorrigeible, juvenile, hammish ON A CLOUDY DAY
OTHERS genki girl, plucky girl, manic pixie dream girl.

• bursting with verve and constantly running full tilt, lee areum is almost always high off life. almost comically animated, she does everything with as much gusto as possible and is able to make other people feel her passion. she pours her entire heart into everything she does, even things she finds tedious like chores and homework. areum goes through great pains to make sure everything she does is perfect for the people around her and feels like hard work is the greatest respect you can pay someone. she's an idealistic dreamer who has a tendency to romanticize the practical to the point that it's impractical. no matter what, areum believes insurmountable success is possible for everyone. best compared to a beagle puppy, areum is overflowing with hyperactivity. hardly one to stay still, she's always on the move and always wanting to have a good time. she loves being loud and being with loud people and enjoys milking all the fun she can from any given situation, even detention and cleaning duty.

shame is not a word is her dictionary. she could care less if people go through her phone and expose her for the ert she is, she doesn't care that at least ten people have horribly ugly photos of her. her shamelessness can also translate into boundaries that are hard for her to pinpoint and that she unknowingly crosses all the time like yes areum guys are gonna be freaked out if you start taking your clothes off in the middle of the room. areum is definitely mischievous and loves causing small inconveniences for other people. like one time she baked three hundred and twenty four pieces of cornbread just to put all over gayun's bed and he refused to talk to her for an entire month. then there was that one time she covered the student council room in shrek pictures. and who could forget that time she boarded up her classroom with a bunch of chairs after her history teacher left and started singing "do you hear the people sing" from les mis? despite the fact that she loves to cause a bit of trouble, she's really naive and innocent and believe that people have her best interests in mind ( except for the student council ). it is so easy to prank her it's almost not fun. if you told her the sky was green she would wholeheartedly believe you without even bothering to check. areum is a total fangirl okay she has her favs and she fawns over everything everyone does. like everything her faves do are perfect to her and she says so like all the time. all the time. she stans for her faves so hard that it's unbelievable, cheering them on in the most obnoxious ways ever. sometimes it can get overwhelming because it can be the sole topic of conversation for a while. she takes their birthdays very seriously and always celebrates them with cake with pictures of their faces of it, goes to as many concerts and fanmeets as she can, gets into internet fights over them, it's wild.

lee areum is a huge mega-ert who loves butts too much. she openly ogles any hot guy who comes her way and shouts compliments at them like, "hey your arm muscles are very chiseled" and "tell your parents i said thank you for creating you". she hoardes pictures of hot guys on her phone and even has her own secret folder of lee jimin booty and thigh shots. it's kinda creepy actually. she's not the type to put thought into her actions or thought into how others may react to her actions, like her dying her hair after the first month of high school. or that time she snuck into a club only to be busted by the bouncer and detained by the cops for being out past curfew. and on top of her inability to think before she does things, when she's faced with consequences, she doesn't learn her lesson. like that time she started undressing in a room full of guys and had to have jin explain to her that it's not okay, she still did it again like two months later. or the time she got detention for clogging and overflowing all the toilets, she still did the same thing only with the sinks. areum is like a child. she can see the world plainly and yet with an unyielding sense of wonder but it can also be annoying when you're arguing with her and she just sticks her fingers in her ears shouting "la la la la la!". speaking of annoying, move aside william shatner because lee areum is the world's biggest ham. she's larger than life, filled with joie de vivre, blood as hot as the sun's surface with powerfully poetic speeches and dramatic gestures that can transform even the most mundane into grandiose. she lacks an indoor voice and enjoys telling stories about all the wild things she's done while emphasizing and punctuating everything.
• lee areum was born into a large artistically talented family. her dad worked in musical theatre while her mom was a vocal coach and dancer. she has three older sisters who all excel in either piano, drawing, or writing, and an older brother who was an all-around ace. the lee family would always have sunday evening talent shows in the living room of their spacious apartment where the winner would get out of chores for the week. growing up surrounded by so much art completely influenced areum. she loved watching her dad in plays and wanted to be just like him, so her mom gave her singing lessons and her dad showed her the basics of acting. she loved watching the way her sister's fingers danced across the white keys so her sister showed her how to play piano and they frequently played together. areum loved the poems and stories her other sister wrote so areum started writing her own too.

areum's many skills have been cultivated over the years and she focused mainly on music because it was really the only thing she was good at. in school, her grades were less than satisfactory in every subject besides art and music. it was the only area she could be confident in. when she was twelve, areum and her parents moved to melbourne, australia for about two years while her sisters moved from jeonju to seoul. her mother was offered a job position as a dance instructor at a korean-owned dance studio. in australia, areum continued to refine her skills with her parents helping her. in australia she dated two cool girls who she still video calls to this day. the family came back when areum was fifteen and in her second year of high school.

once areum and atum returned to korea, they would always busker together to impress passerbys, when she was scouted by a dsp entertainment representative. she later auditioned by a self composed song called 'pink '. 
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• brother - lee atum ( 19 ) - indie singer songwriter - perfectionist, teasing, cynical - god, lee atum is the bane of his sister's existence. he teases her relentlessly for all her silly habits but at the end of the day, he cares about her a lot. she's his younger sister, the baby of the family. even though he teases her, he makes sure she knows that it's all just playful and if areum ever gets too upset over it, he apolgizes and bribes her with food. at the same time, he's also determined to protect her from everything and usually walks with his arm around her shoulders in case he ever needs to pull her away from something. it's a mindless habit out of big brother instinct. atum can also nag her at times, telling her not to something because she could get hurt. at home he's a total child though like "areum come make a blanket fort with me let's marathon some anime. you get the blankets i'll set up the laptop.". the two are also incredibly strong musical partners with atum being an even better lyricist and composer than areum is. their musical styles compliment each other well and they continue to make music together after areum debuts with dawn.
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• unnie - gayun ( 18 ) - dawn member- areum always manages to rope gayun into doing something silly. even though areum is the younger of the two, gayun's passivity makes it so areum is the one who typically takes charge between the two of them. she grabs gayun by the hand and forces her to go along with any pranks she wants to pull on people. gayun responds the best to any mischeif areum causes because she's so easygoing.
LIKES dating sims, museums and art galleries, rainy days, late night rain storms, warm tea, scented candles, 2d boys, butts, meat.
DISLIKES veggies, 3d boys ( bc they're smelly ), humidity, people who say she's unladylike, people who make fun of her face bc that's mean, coffee, movies, tv.
HABITS her ears turn red when talking to real boys, playing her 3ds when not practicing, smelling candles when she's nervous, she cups her cheek when embarrassed, covers her face with her hair, playing with her hair in general.
HOBBIES playing otome games, reading shoujo manga, going to museums, reading cheesy romance novels.
VARIETY TALENTS kkab dancing, hand fart raps, selling anything like an infomercial, sailor moon impressions, pancake flipping.
THINGS I WANT TO DO MOST in first place, areum wants to get dissed by a rapper, in second place she wants to fall in love.
OURAN areum is a huge ouran fan. she has like all volumes of the manga, the anime, the live action show, the cds, the osts, everything. she loves ouran.
IDEAL TYPE saeki teru from tokimeki memorial girls side second story.
CARDS carries a yugioh card from her brother in her pocket and whenever she does something she likes to take it out and shout "i put my faith in the heart of the cards!"
MUSICAL SAVANT areum can do a bit of everything when it comes to music. sing, dance, rap, write, and compose, she can also play the guitar and piano.
PERSONA  dawn's little sister

POSITION  maknae, lead rapper, vocals, dance
BACKUP POSITION  visual, main rapper, main dancer, vocals
vocal  :  umji of gfriend  :  areum of red velvet
rap  :  hwasa of mamamoo  : solar of mamamoo
dance  :  um
ji of gfriend  : solar of mamamoo
though trained for a short amount of time, she garned a very high reputation among dsp staff and trainees, and among trainees was known for acting her age. she made the staff and instructors laugh with her overdramatic determination and her childlike idealism. they were also impressed with her other music skills like her lyrics and compositions, they seriously loved how she auditioned with a self-made rap. she recieved a lot of support from her family and the staff and when told she would be in the final lineup for dawn, she cried and promised to take all the company staff out to eat as thanks for taking care of her so well.
LOVE INTEREST — her 2d boys.
DATING SIM the only romance areum ever gets is in the form of her playing dating sims. bonus points for extra flowery and prose-ish writing whenever she plays one.
LIKE BROTHER LIKE SISTER atum following in areum's footsteps and becoming a dsp trainee so he can more easily watch out for her and make music with her.
THANK YOU! areum saving up every penny she earns until she's able to afford taking all the dsp staff members out to eat.
i don't think so just so the girls can carve their own image outside of kara.
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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