C17 SM-TPM comment (for Candy)



First of all, oh my ing gosh I apologize for being so ing late. (Vulgarities express how upset I am with myself) I’ve been lazing around too much so today, you shall get the most impressive comment(s) ever. (I hope it is. If not I’ll just… you may shoot me. I’ll try my best, Candy.) Now, I shall comment.

Chapter seventeen. And by the way, since AFF is out to mess up comments, I’m linking you to my comment which shall be in blogs, because blogs aren’t messed up as bad. Ah, whatever. I really don’t care anymore.

Okay first of all, it’s not possible that it’s Seyong, he’s just used. Like I said in my previous comment (at least, I think I did), the real murderer must have made him do it, or something. And he must’ve either a) been blackmailed or b) doesn’t want whoever’s the major suspect to be killed. It just… it can’t be him. I love how Victoria’s so spot-on with the questioning. Seyong must have been completely dumbfounded, even though he tries to keep a straight face and all. I would be, if Vic was on to me like that. Also, I like how you wrapped up that part, how Kyuhyun knew that Vic was going to press on but that would get them no where, so he stops it completely.

I feel sad that Yoona’s the only one who’s persevering through the whole thing. I mean, sure, they’re all tired at the end of the day, and I don’t mean to sound so cheesy or anything, but justice… shouldn’t it be properly justified? I agree with her, they can’t just let it go so easily. And even though Victoria’s trying to be the peacemaker, I’m sure she sides with Yoona internally as well! Just that she doesn’t want to get Changmin too angry. I spot ChangToria. Just a hint, it might not even be an official moment or anything, but… still. KyuToria as well. Minho, you idiot, isn’t it obvious that Seyong isn’t the killer? You’re an idiot, seriously. Changmin, you too, you should know better! You go, Yoona! Hwaiting~!

Ah, the I hate you but I love you situation. How cute. I love how Yoona’s so cold to Gunwoo (she totally has a reason, I see why) and Gunwoo’s just like… cool. It’s sad though, because if Gunwoo let her know that he’s really Geon… Their relationship would be really different. If he did though, everything would be so complicated. I can almost imagine the extreme shocked expression on Yoona’s face when and if he finds out. Maybe he’ll tell her. If he does, I’m expecting it to be super unexpected. Ooh, expect the unexpected. How very interesting.

Aw, ChangToria’s little fight because of his so-called siding with Sulli. I pity Vic. She’s doing so much, but Changmin doesn’t see it. I mean, I’m sure he does, to a certain extent, but doesn’t go all out enough to appreciate her. And the temper thing. Both of them should learn to control it. Without controlling it, they’ll never get anywhere. You know, I love ChangToria even more after this. They really are underrated. I should write them more. If I ever find the time. Anyway, those words… They must’ve hurt real bad. Victoria’s trying so hard, and Changmin just pushed it all away with that one sentence… That crushing, piercing feeling in her heart… I know what she feels. I understand. ‘Cos I’ve been through that kind of before. God I hope she feels better!

Okay, I don’t really get the air vent thing. Could you kind of explain it to me, even though it’s totally unnecessary? I mean, I get that there’s an air vent, and it’s behind a wardrobe, but I don’t get the clothes and the light wardrobe and how it all relates. Bah. I’m talking crap, because I totally don’t get what this means. Anyway, I find Yoona and Gunwoo cute together. I mean, she’s like admitting to the fact that she’s gone crazy for bringing a suspect back to the crime scene, and a pretty big one too, but she’s okay with it. And the part about losing Yoona again killed me inside. It was so sad, I don't even know how to describe it. So little words but they convey so much meaning. Gunwoo’s emotions are all poured out in that one thought. I love it. It’s very touching. :’)

Oh, right, I forgot that Seyong did it out of his own will. Whoops, excuse me, Candy. Mind’s not working right. It’s been forever, remember? Haha. And that’s sweet. The last hand holding part, about Seyong trying to protect someone. I mean, only a sensitve, humane person would say that. The love quote. It’s really… Seyong’s sensitve. Even though he might not come off as that kind of person. Maybe he’s a huge softie inside. But of course, I can’t neglect the fact that Yoona’s the one who kind of saves the day here, making Seyong crumble with all the tiny pieces of evidence that she has. She so totally pwned him. The little things… those are the ones that count. In anything. Love, friendship, solving a murder case (LOL)…

This chapter was relatively shorter, I can tell, but it was good. Very good, might I add. I liked how it sort of acts as a nice come-together chapter. Well. I’m done commenting with this chapter. I’ll comment on the next… when I feel like it and when I have time. OTL. I hope you liked the comment! And I’m sorry it’s so short. I’m a bad beta. TT^TT


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You are a wonderful beta, Tammy, just wonderful <3
Please, please don't stress yourself out to comment, especially when you don't have time. I really feel bed putting so much trouble on you.
To me your every comment, be it long or short, is special, so don't worry about length.
I'll reply this along with the other comments when I post up my next chapter, k? Chapter comments, as usual (:
I gotta show off my awesome comment-replying skills to my beta's beautiful comments <3
--ethereal #2
@Twinnie: Haha twinnie thanks :)
I finally realized why Candy's replies to you was like three comments long (or more)
I am seriously impressed.
Amazing beta!