Something is wrong with me I swear.


So yesterday I felt super sickie but it was when we were eating dinner that I suddenly collapsed and my temperature was high and DD got super worried cause I was shivering and complaining of being cold when my skin was boiling to the touch...I kept feeling dizzy etc... 

DD told me to try and sleep but no matter how hard I tried it never came.

I tried to sleep for hours...I felt so bloody tired and I was yawning like crazy but sleep never came... 

Just before DD went home I took two doses of medication that was for pain relief (my headache and joints were so painful) and he left at around 20:50pm, I tried to sleep like he told me to- I had a wet flannel on my forehead and my fan on full blast and I was still to hot (I wasn't even wearing clothes)

Still nothing came so I went into my mother and she told me to take more medication...baring in mind DD had left maybe 40 minutes prier... 

I techniqually overdosed on pain medication last night...I managed to get 4-5 hours sleep though...  

I am honestly becoming concerned as to why I am not sleeping...

Plus my joints are all stiff according to DD especially my shoulders. 

Like I am feeling physically drained and sleepy but everytime I close my eyes to sleep it just never comes...

*Sigh* it doesn't help that I am also sick tend to sleep sickness off but I can't cause my mind won't switch off.

*Cries* what do I do! Stuffies aren't even helping me sleep neither is paci *cries*

^Minus the feels



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You should go visit a doc. Take good care and may u get well soon :)