Gray Hair, pulling hair and eating ice.


I think I'm my brain gonna explode soon. I'll have a three-weeks exam! Like WTH.

Okay. BTW... I want to tell you guys about my freaking hair. It's graying. Not all but it's a lot. Even my grandma not like that. I don't really care tho. But it greying quite a lot frequently. I think I pass to be a grandmother. XD! It's not Marie Antoinette Syndrome BTW.

Also, my trichotillomanic(hair pulling) even worsening. My hands can't be quite because they keep roaming at my head. Every person who have trich know that it not good but we-I can't stop it.

Not to say my pagophagiac(eating ice). Everyday, everytime I chewing ice. I admit that I love ice.(Hence my nickname ice) In my country there's no snow but I put some water in a food container and put in freezer wait for it turn to ice and eat it. It's my routine. It's a habit.

My mom always complaining about my hair being everywhere in house. Or my mom babbling about eating ice.

I just don't know what to do. I love eating ice. It's delicious(just for me tho). And sometimes I feel proud with my gray hair.(I'm wearing hijab but sometimes I just show my hair to my girl friends)(also because my hair looked-like kaneki from tokyo ghoul.kekekeke.). And I'm mostly pull my hair when I'm feel stressing or angry or sad. IDK.

That's all.




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Are you in stress or something? hmm i think its unhealthy to eat too much of ice...You should try reduce it and keep a healthy life style. About hair pulling you should keep your hand busy so that you werent pull it.. Take good care