My Dream Last Night!

Ok, so I had one of the weirdest/coolest dreams ever last night.

So, it was like I was some kind of princess or something and it was apparently my birthday. So, my parents (not my actual parents but the ones my dream created) and grandma (also created by my dream. just think of the queen from goong) decided to have a party for me. So we were getting ready for it when these evil people (i'm gonna assume are our enemies) came and decided to ruin everything. But, we told them something, I'm not sure what, and they left and never came back. So, we continued with the preparations.

Now here's the weird part.

My grandma apparently had wings (apparently the whole time, even though i never noticed them) and she grew out more feathers. They didn't look like the rest of her feathers so we brushed them off and they came off easily. It turns out they were those party decorations where you pull the string and it turns into a bow. Then they started decorating the place and I left the room. Sadly, I didn't see how the room was decorated. Food was set out and everything.

So when I went in the living room (the actual one in my house, which is weird cause we were in a castle) and saw my uncle (also created by my dream considering he was white and i'm black. but now that i think back, i think i was a korean princess) walk in from his two week stay with the army (apparently he's a soldier but they only to go to the army for short periods of time then go back home). Anyways, he went and hugged his wife, my aunt (created by the dream) and his baby son. He was so cute!! But for some reason there was food all over his face, forehead and neck. Anyways, I walked back over to the room with my uncle following since he wanted to see the decorations.

Now here's the cool part.

As I was walking to the room, I saw this pool (that wasn't there before, or maybe it was, idk) and guess who I saw there in red swimming trunks, taking off his shirt and showing his perfect six pack abs? Just guess. Can't guess can you? Well, I'll tell you:


I was about to jump up and down, but I was more suprised so I just walked by in shock. He was at the side of the pool before he went in. As I walked past, he grabbed my hand and looked like he was about to pull me in, but then he noticed my uncle and let go as I continued walking. I looked back at him and asked him why he grabbed my hand then let go, but he didn't answer and just looked away. Then it hit me. He was probably gonna do or say something erted (which is apparently normal for him in this dream) and saw my uncle, who is in the army and can beat him to a pulp, and decided against it.

After my uncle left, I walked back out and I saw him still in the pool then he called me over. I went over and he was about to pull me in, when I reminded him I was still in my dress. He invited me to swim with him so I went and changed into a swimsuit. I could have went in the dress since it wasn't the one I was wearing to the party, but it would weigh me down. I jumped in the pool and crawled onto the floaty (the long one you can lay on) and laid down. He swam next to me and tried to push me off. I told him not to cause I wouldn't like if he did. We just stayed like that talking till the I woke up from my dream. I could have sworn he tried to kiss me a little before I woke up. It even felt like it wasn't a birhtday party at some point, but my engagement party (hopefully to Joon).

I looked around my room then thought back to my dream....I JUST HUNG OUT WITH LEE JOON AND HIS GLORIOUS SIX-PACK ABS! Oh, I forgot to mention this. Apparently Joon is one of my guards so I could order him around. At the beginning of the dream I noticed him in the suit (kinda like what shin wears on the poster thingy for goong) but I couldn't see the face clearly till I woke up. Man did he look hot in a uniform! I wish I never woke up, but all good things must come to an end.

I just felt to share this with you guys since it made me super exited this morning. Hope you all have sweet dreams tonight!


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Kyaaaaa~ :3 <3 Cool! 8D