It's Delicious!


On the topic of food... What is your favourite food?

As I mentioned before I really like sushi and anything with Potatoes.

What kind of sushi? Literally anything... it doesn't matter what... Except things with prawns in it... I'm allergic :'( 

Similarly I like all things potatoes, chips, potatoe bake, fries, crisps, mashed, baked or boiled... there is a simplicity that make potatoes just taste good. I wanted to know, what is your personal recipe to making potatoe salad? I always add potatoes (Duh), carrots, eggs, and corn! It must have corn, it adds little pops of sweetness that I like a lot!

I need to cook today and I'm feeling lazy. I live in a residence or hostel which means there are always people walking around and asking what I am cooking. Which I don't really mind except when I don't know what the dish is called. This is mainly when I make food that may be considered 'traditional'. For example there is a dish I cook often that literally translates to tomato fried egg, which is basically what is inside- tomatoes and fried egg. If I were to explain to my asian friends, they'll know what I am talking about. But if not; I am often met with a confused look as if they want to say:

1. I can see that there is tomatoes and eggs.


2. But I was asking what it's called.


3. How does that even taste like?

Maybe this reaction is me overthinking it, but when I see that look it makes me feel awkward... maybe because I don't really like small talk to begin with?

Did you ever experience something similar? or maybe I've gotten the confused look completely wrong?


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