I'm so done with fake friends

3 Months clean…

3 ing months and today everyone decided to gang up on me.

My mum is sick and I wasn’t up for college and because I couldn’t get a hold of DD I went in to spend lunch with him like we had planned. After I spent lunch with him in the local park down the road from college, I got on a bus home while DD returned to college.

All of a sudden I got bombarded with messages some being mean about DD and me and our relationship involving DDLG which I am still angry over because I ing trusted a certain few and this girl made a tumblr just to follow my DDLG blog and make jokes about it in a group chat. Then I got ganged up on by a whole group from a different group chat - having a sudden go at me about not going to college today. I got told that I don’t need DD and it’s not like I am failing my classes, I am only having trouble with one class and that is English.

My mental health is so bad right now…DD is helping me and I even told this to the group because they were all saying that I don’t need him etc. They all said that they all have mental going on and if they can attend a college with over 2000 students so could I. Then they all started agreeing with that comment, saying ‘even I have my together’

It’s not like I can’t get my together I am just having a rough patch, I don’t take many full days off college at all and I don’t understand why today everyone has decided to gang up on me.

I’ve been crying and now I have harmed myself, I am so ing done with fake friends.

Now I have to go tomorrow and get the lecture from the groups, I can’t ing deal with this.


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cassidyann34 #1
them. But seriously you can totally find better friends you dont need them and they obviously don't deserve you. Don't let those dumb few ruin the good things in life.
Ok, first of all, why are you taking craps from them? Drop them and make other friends that don't treat you that way. Personally I don't know you as a person, but I'm just writing this to show you that you don't always have to listen to people. People who love to attack you are stupid, literally stupid people who are wasting time their time. Everybody got problems, shoot, I got problems myself but getting your ' together' isn't going to help you while attending classes when you are feel ty. It's okay to have a breakdown and not attend to class. And, I don't understand why they are attacking you because you didn't attend? I just think it is stupid because they aren't in your shoe so that wouldn't knows. The only person you trust is DD so don't push him away. You do deserve a friend like DD to help you because you have a stronger bond with DD.

I hope I could comfort you but try not to let their words get to you because it will hurt you more than you could imagine.
Ok, one of the things in a DDLG relationship is that there is a deeper love than just a normal relationship. It's a love and compassion that a normal relationship just doesn't have. It is a deeper level of trust that a normal relationship just doesn't have. Now I understand that people think DDLG is "weird", but that's because a) they don't understand it and b) they're not willing to understand it. There is more to a DDLG relationship than having someone to call "daddy". And if they aren't prepared to understand that then they aren't worth it. You and your DD are suited together because you understand that. You deserve better friends than that.

As for your mental state, not everyone can keep their together. It's perfectly fine to fall apart once in a while. It's all part of being human. You're not in the wrong just because you're going through a rough patch. You should have more people around you, supporting you. And I wish you hadn't harmed yourself because I don't like anyone harming themselves. One of my old friends made about 2,000 cuts on his arms in less than a year. His arms just became huge scars, and I don't want that to happen to anyone.

I hope you can get the comfort you need from your DD. I hope you can get some kind of support from him, both as your DD and as a friend. I think that is the strongest relationship you can have.