张月 + Kathryn Zhang




→ Kat ⋮ It's a shorter version of her name. Everyone calls her like that instead of Kathryn.
→ Kitty Kat ⋮ It's an affectionate nickname. Her parents and the members that are older than her calls her like that.
→ Yue ⋮ It's her chinese name. Her father is the only one to call her like that and only when he is angry at her. 
→ 엄마/
妈妈 ⋮ The members calls her like that because she acts like the group's mom.

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ June 06, 2021
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ New York, US (Formerly) + Seoul, South Korea (Currently)

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Chinese-American
⟪ NATIONALITY ⟫ American


→ English ⋮ Native ⋮ She was born and raised in New York. 
→ Mandarin ⋮ Fluent ⋮ Her father taught her mandarin since she was a child.
→ Korean ⋮ Conversational ⋮ She began to learn korean when she entered SM Entertainment two years ago.

⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ Yooa (Oh My Girl)
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Yuju (Gfriend)
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 44 kg & 161 cm

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Kathryn has a casual yet cute and feminine style. In winter she is seen wearing denim and oversized sweaters (). During spring she wears more dresses with floral prints or any pastel colors (). In the summer she wears short and t-shirts (). During autumn, she wear skirts with tights and long sleeve shirts. she usually wears darker colors too (). During events she also wear more formal clothes (). When she trains, she usually is wearing leggings, crop tops and sneakers. She likes to feel comfortable when she is training (). 

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Kathryn is small and thin. She has long black hair that are currently dyed auburn. She has a fair complexion. Her eyes are a warm brown color.


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(+) Calm, Kind, Motherly, Hard-Working, Mature
(-) Cold, Harsh, Shy, Insecure, Anxious   

⟪ SWEETER THAN A SUGAR COOKIE ⟫ Kathryn is someone who is really kind and caring with people, sometime a little too much, because she tends to take care of people much more than she takes care of herself. She is very motherly with people especially with the members of Astral. She is a great listener. She is always the one they can talk when they have a problem because she gives a good advices. She is also the one the younger members comes to talk to when they feel homesick. As the 'mother' of the group she is the one who cooks for the members and who nags at them to clean their room and to do their beds. Kat is a calm person. She is often seen sitting somewhere while reading a book or composing music. She is  mature and down-to-earth. She tries to be mature in every situations. She is the one calm things when people are arguing and yelling. She makes them sit around a table and talk calmly about it. She is not the type of person to let fame and money change her into an arrogant person. Kat is also hard-working, her parents taught her to always work hard for what you truly wanted and that what she does. She is someone who always finishes what she starts.

⟪ COLDER THAN ICE ⟫ Even if she is a real sweetheart to the people she is familiar with, if you get on her bad side she can become really horrible with people. She says harsh things and yell at people even if they aren't the ones she is angry at. She doesn't get angry often but she is most iikely to when people says mean things about her parents, members or friends. But sometimes when she is furious, she becomes very cold towards everyone and she doesn't talk for while. That's when people knows that she is really furious and deeply hurt when she is like that. The best way to let her calm herself is to let her isolate herself until her anger passed. Kat is also quite shy when meeting new people. When she was a child she would hide behind her father when he would introduce her to new people. Now she tends to stay in the back and let people come to her instead of going to them. But once she becomes familiar with them she is really nice. Kat is someone who is really insecure about a lot of things she does. She wants to be as good as her parents and not disappoint them so she put a lot of pressure on herself. Knowing she is not the best dancer, unlike her parents, she works very hard on her dancing staying after practice hours to rehearse by herself. Because she doesn't want to be a disappointment (for her parents) and a burden (for the grouop), she pushes herself too hard while practicing and she end up hurting herself. She gets easily anxious when she is surrounded by a lot of people (eg: airports, fanmeetings...) or when she knows that she to go somewhere where there are a lot of people.          


⟪ HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER ⟫ After EXO's disbandment Lay went back to China to pursue a career as a choreagrapher. That's where he met Mary Wang, a Chinese American ballerina, who was in China at that time with her ballet dance troup. It was love at first sight for them, and shortly after their first date (which took place at a very romantic café), they began dating. But a month after they met, Mary had to go back to the US. Lay couldn't let her go like that so he proposed to her and she said yes, but she also said to him that she wasn't going to drop her dancing career. So Lay decided to go with Mary to the US. They got married on May 4, 2020. Lay found a job as a choreographer in Broadway. He was working on various Broadway shows. Mary was a ballerina in the New York City Ballet.

⟪ HELLO! IT'S ME... ⟫ A year and two months after her parents' wedding, Kathryn was born. She was a healthy yet small baby. Growing up in the US, she spoke english fluently, she also learned mandarin because during the summer she always went to China to see her father's family. As a child, her parents signed her up to a ballet dance class but he didn't turn that well. She wasn't really flexibe and didn't really like ballet. But her parents saw that she had an aptitude for music so they registered her to a violin class. Kat really loved and still loves playing violin. At school she was in the school choir and that's when she discovered that she loved singing and that she was good at it. During her childhood, her parents always tried to protect her from the medias. 

⟪ HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL ⟫ In high school, Kat was in every musical projects. During her senior year of high school, they were representatives of Julliard School and Berklee College of Music. Both schools offered Kat a scholarship. She was really surprised and excited. She talked about it with her parents but they weren't as excited as her. She asked them why and her father said to her that someone from SM Entertaintment sent him an e-mail saying that they wanted to formed a group with the children of Exo members. Kat was shocked, she asked her father why he didn't told her that before, he said it was because he wanted her to finish high school before considering the option of her going to South Korea to be in the group. Kat didn't really wanted to go to South Korea because going to Julliard was a dream for her but after she talked with her parents, she agreed to go. She made her parents promise her that if it didn't go well she could go back home. So when she was 18, she went to South Korea. Her parents accompanied her for the first six months because they didn't wanted her to be alone in a country she didn't knew. She became a trainee and that's where she met most of the other exo kids. Being one of the oldest trainees (along with Kris's boy) she naturally became the group's mom because she takes care of them. She trained for 2 years. 


→ Music ⋮ She can't live without music, she is always listening to it. Being the Main Vocalist, she likes to sing but she also likes to compose and write lyrics.
→ Movies/TV Shows ⋮ She loves watching movies and TV shows (mostly americans because she finds that Korean Dramas are too clichés). Currently she is watching 7 TV Shows at the same time.
→ Cooking ⋮ She is the one to cooks for the members. The thing that she enjoys cooking the most are cakes. 
Cats ⋮ She has a soft spots for cats.
Night ⋮ She loves to stay awake during the night. She watches the stars and she finds it really relaxing.
Books ⋮ She enjoys reading books.
→ Coffee ⋮ She drinks at least three cups of coffee a day.
→ Walking ⋮ She likes to walk a lot. 
Pastel Colors ⋮ She likes pastel colors because it's soft. Her favortie are pink, purple and yellow.
→ Her Parents ⋮ As cheesy as it may sound, she loves her parents, because without them she wouldn't be where she is now. They are her role models.

→ Spiders ⋮ More than disliking spiders she has arachnophobia since she is a child.
Crowded Places ⋮ She has social anxiety and she gets really panicky when she surrounded by too many people. She gets anxiety attacks because of that.
→ Waking Up Early ⋮ She is really hard to wake up in the morning. She is definetely not a morning person.
Thunder ⋮ It's too loud for her.
Rude People ⋮ She can't stand them.
Hot Weather ⋮ She finds it uncomfortable. She much prefers when it's colder outside.
→ Nuts ⋮ She is allergic to them.
→ Cinnamon ⋮ She doesn't like the taste. 
Liars ⋮ She doesn't like being lie to and she doesn't like to lie.

→ Speaking English or Chinese ⋮ When she is thinking out loud, tired, angry or when she doesn't know the word in Korean.
→ Nagging/Taking care of the members ⋮ She nags quite a lot. Escpecially with the younger members, she is always telling them to clean their rooms, do their beds... But she is always the first one to notice when somethings wrong with them.
→ Sleeping ⋮ She can fall asleep anywhere and at anytime.

→ Reading ⋮ Especially novels. She likes fantasy and dystopian novels.
→ Watching TV Shows & Movies ⋮ She can spend hours watching movies.
→ Singing ⋮ She sings everywhere.
Going on Twitter/Instagram ⋮ She updates her social networks at least once a day. Even if she uses Twitter, she prefers Instagram.
Composing ⋮ When she has time she likes to compose music or write lyrics.

→ O+ ⋮ That's her bloodtype.
→ Moon ⋮ That's the translation of her chinese name 'Yue'.
→ Kris's Boy ⋮ Fans ships them together because their are the leaders.
Car ⋮ She has her driver license (she got it at 16), and her parents bought her a car for her seventeeth birthday.
Training ⋮ She was a trainee for two years.
Exo ⋮ Her favorite Exo's song is 'Black Pearl'.
→ Clothes ⋮ She tends to borrow clothes from Kris's or Luhan's Boy. Especially their hoodies.
→ SNS ⋮ Twitter and Instagram @KittyKat
Migraine ⋮ She gets painful migraines, usually when she is very tired or stressed.
→ Hair ⋮ She cut her hair only once in her whole life, when she was ten years old.
Aegyo ⋮ She has natural aegyos.
Nightmare ⋮ She tends to have really terrifying nightmares when she stressed.
Favoritism ⋮ Some fans thinks that she shows favoritism towards the chinese members. It's false but she does get along better with the chinese members. She also get along with the maknaes and suho's girl and baekhyun's boy. It's hard in a group with so many members, to get along with everybody.
Shadow Leader ⋮ Some people wonders why she was chosen to be the leader because she doesn't really speak when they are in public and she doesn't like being in the spotlight that much. Well it's quite simple. Knowing that Kat didn't like the attention on her that much, Kris's Boy decided that he would be the one to represent the group in any official events (awards show, interviews...) and that Kat would assume her leader 'duties' when they are off cameras.



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Father, Zhang Yi Xing ⋮ 50 ⋮ Choreographer ⋮ Kind, Calm, Protective ⋮ They are really close. Kat is his little princess. Lay always made sure that his daughter was happy and had everything she wanted. He tried to protect her from the medias as much as he could when she was younger. When she feels down she usually goes to him because he always knows how to cheer her up.

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Mother, Mary Zhang (born Wang) (FC: Song Hye Kyo) ⋮ 48 ⋮ Former Ballerina / Ballet Choreographer (Currently) ⋮ Caring, Loving, Professional ⋮ Just like with her father, Kat and her mother are really close. Mary is the one Kat goes to when she needs advice. Her mother always sensed when she was feeling down, so to cheer her up, she would make her double chocolate chunk cookies. Kat tries to call her mother everyday.


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Luhan's Boy ⋮ 21 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ They are really close. When she was a child, Kat saw Luhan's boy a lot, one of the reason's being that Luhan is her godfather and he wanted to see her. They are always teasing each other about something, he especially teases her about her feelings for Kris's Boy. Some people even think that they are brother and sister. He is her best friend.

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Kris's Boy ⋮ 22 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ Being both the 'parents' and leaders of the group, they became closer quite quickly. Kris's Boy is one of the only person whom Kat instantly felt at ease with. They personalities complete each other. He is the scolding the members when they do something wrong and she is the one who cooks for them and comfort them. But he doesn't only scold the members, he quite frequently scold Kat for being too selfless and not taking good care of herself. (more in the Love Interest Section)

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Zitao's Girl ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ She considered Tao's Girl like her little sister. They are close. They speak chinese when they are together. They do a lot of stuff together, like going shopping or watching rom com movies while eating ice cream.

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→ Suho's Girl ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ Apart from the maknae, Suho's girl is the Korean member with whom Kat's get along the most. Suho's girl is always there to Kat progress in dance and Kat helps her with her singing.

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→ Baekhyun's Boy ⋮ 18 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ Just like Suho's girl, Baekhyun's Boy helps Kat practicing the dances when she has a hard time with them, which is really grateful for. They are quite close.

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→ Kai's Boy ⋮ 17 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ The boy's maknae. Him and Kat are quite close because they spend quite some time together practicing, both being main vocalists. She tends to baby him sometimes because he is the youngest, and she sometimes isn't as hard with as she his with the older members.

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→ Sehun's Girl ⋮ 16 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ She is really close with Sehun's Girl, because she the group's maknae. She really acts like a mom with her. And just like with Kai's Boy, she is sometimes not as hard with her as she is with the other members.

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→ Park Miya ⋮ 17 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ Optimistic, Creative, Impatient ⋮ They are not the closest friend but Kat tries to show Miya that she cares about her. They never talked that much, mostly due to the fact that Kat doesn't speak Korean very well. Kat likes that Miya is really creative but she finds her laziness and stubborness annoying. Miya helps Kat learning Korean.


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Godfather, Luhan ⋮ 51 ⋮ n/a ⋮ Kind, Hard-working, Caring ⋮ Because Lay and Luhan are really close, it didn't come as a surprise that Lay asked Luhan to be Kat's Godfather. Luhan treats Kat like she was his own child and they get along really well.

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→ Chen's Boy ⋮ 18 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ They are not extremely close nor extremely distant with each other. They often talk and joke around. He often comes to see her when he needs to talk.

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→ Xiumin's Girl ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ They don't talk much but Xiumin's girl knows that Kat is alway there if she has a problem.

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→ D.O's Boy ⋮ 19 ⋮ Astral Member ⋮ n/a ⋮ Even if she tries to get along with everybody, Kat has a hard time getting along with the korean members. Mostly because she doesn't speaks korean fluently. D.O's boy is that member that she doesn't talk much to but that always do as she said when she ask him to do something.


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To be honest, before my father talked with me about an idol, I never thought about this and at first I didn't really wanted to become an idol. But now that I have been a trainee for two years and that I have experienced a little bit of the idol life, I can say that I'm quite excited to be in Astral.


I mostly get along with the chinese members and Suho's girl, Baekhyun's Boy, and the maknaes. Being the leader, I have to get along with everybody but it's hard to because of how many members we have in the group. It's easy for me to get along with the chinese members because we all speak chinese, since i'm not really good at speaking korean.


I think so, eventhough at first, I think we will be compared to our fathers. I hope Astral will be popular as it's own group and not because we are the children of Exo members. Also we have very talented people in the group so why won't we be popular?


⟪ AGE ⟫ 22
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Luhan's boy ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ D.O's boy



They are really close to each other. They are always together, so much that people assumes that they are a couple. When Kat is somewhere Kris's Boy isn't far away and vice versa. They are always next to each other. They don't need to talk to understand each other, it's like they are telepathically connected. They do a lot of skinship on and off camera. It's not rare to see Kris's Boy take Kat's hand or for Kat to lean on his shoulder. He also likes to backhug Kat. Even if there are really close and sweet with each other. They sometimes do argue. He reproaches her to not take enough care of herself and too much of the members. They also argue about the members or the dorm,  but it never last really long because they can't stay mad at each other.


They have met one summer when Kat and her parents were in China visiting her family. They met Kris and his son by accident and decided to go eat at a restaurant since it has been a long time since Lay and Kris last saw each other. Kat and Kris's Boy got along with each other pretty well.


→ Skinship ⋮ They are very touchy-feely with each other.
→ Talk ⋮ They talk a lot, especially at night when everyone is asleep.
→ Comfort ⋮ When Kat has panic attacks in public, he is the one to calm her. He is also the one she goes when has a nightmare. She calms him when he stressed or angry.
Hair ⋮ He likes to play with her hair which makes her sleepy so she usually end up falling asleep.
Language ⋮ They mostly talk in English or Chinese with each other.


⟪ LAST COMMENTS ⟫ I hope you like my character. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language.

→ A cute scene between Kat and Kris's Boy.
→ Kat having a panic attack after a performances.
→ Kat cooking a birthday dinner for one of the members' birthday.

→ Kat having a solo debut.
→ A movie night at the dorm with all the members.

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ Constellations +  #003399


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⟪ POSITION ⟫ Leader, Main Vocalist

⟪ STAGE NAME ⟫ Kitty

⟪ SINGING ⟫ Taeyeon (SNSD) | Eunji (Apink)

⟪ DANCING ⟫ Taeyon (SNSD) | Eunji (Apink)


⟪ OTHERS ⟫ Composer & Lyricist, Plays Violin



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