I Am Unsure...

I am unsure as to where to go from here:

Hi you all. Don't  know if I'm  even a point of mediocre interest anymore (xD) ... - sigh -

So yeah, as per my last blog post, I hadn't  planned any hiatus decisions. Sure as hell didn't plan THIS giant gap of time either.


Besides my college life taking my focus away from here (and most of K-Pop in general) there is one more thing I've  finally figured out. Unfortunately, it's not a happy discovery but an important one. NOOOO I'M NOT giving up K-Pop or anything like that, certainly not. I'm  just 'fessing up on something I feel I should just get out regarding my writing.


So to this day, I am STILL very mesmerized with all the support OBAS has received and so with all my one shots  (which aren't  an impressive number but apparently  you wonderful  people think I'm  worthy of attention nonetheless) But I've  come to a point where I think I'm  bordering my own promise on not giving up on that story. OBAS started as an experiment in the first place, but I grew attached over time. But over the course of the year, I uncovered new bouts of writing styles and I have figured out different knick knacks about how I write and such and such.


Which has brought me to the feeling of detachment with OBAS. (I know, please hear me out). I still have another chapter that was brewing but I'm  not sure where it's going anymore. Then when I ponder upon the eagerness of some of my readers, I get  this revived determination. But.... then I hit writer's block: HARD! 

So you see? I keep playing tug-of-war with this story and my commitment  to further it. And I not only think it's  lame as an author (pffttt let's  be honest: amateur) but I hate the fact that I am looking at it in a different light. It makes me want to:

A) Put the story into a non view mode and re-write the whole thing again


B) Mark it "discontinued" and leave it to dry out in my author history (and perhaps someday proceed with plan A)


And.... - drum roll - ?... I can't  bring myself to do either. 


So really, where does this place me and OBAS? In some silly limbo I guess. 

Let me be left some thoughts in the comments.The appreciation will be high.


- Your desperate author,

~* VenusXO12 *~


^That is an accurate representation of my last bits of work and college so far

PS: IDK how to feel about receiving an AFF One Year badge.... Overwhelmed? 


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Venus23 #1
If you feel like you could make your story better then you should rewrite it. You should feel good about your writing. I love the story the way it's written, but I'd like to see it a different way, and if you want to then you should do it. Whatever makes you feel bettert it's great for us readers!
DemonicHuman #2
I don't write on this site but this has happened to me before. I just ended up deleting mine and rewriting it. For me, rewriting it was the better option. However, if you want to just leave it as it is and see if people still take interest in it, then be my guest. Of course, all of this is your own decision and it should truly be your own. However, if you aren't confident in the material now, I honestly don't see how you will improve in your work without editing it at the very least in order to get rid of that writer's block. I wish you the best of luck!
Maybe you can rewrite it? Depends if you are willing on giving up the story. I haven't read it yet because I just stumbled upon this fic but maybe you can rewrite like the first chapter and compare it?