돌체 DOLCE_전정하

sweetly and softlY
meet dolce's boy phobic princess in charge of femininity and chubby cheeks. the mom friend and the perfectionist, she's so elegant and pretty that she gets valentine's day chocolate even while attending an all girl's school.
snow white jungha has pale, cool toned skin and silkly black hair like snow white. used mostly by dolce's advid followers.
haha an embarrassing childhood nickname used almost exclusively by her brothers when they want to . which is always.
silver jeon her brother is known as the golden maknae because he can do everything. jungha is also very talented, but still lacking in areas so she gets a silver medal. used by dolce followers.
september 10, 1998 ( seventeen )
busan, sk
159 cm
49 kg
kr her native language. being from busan, she speaks busan satoori, though she also speaks standard korean from all her time spent in seoul. she prefers speaking standard korean because it makes her sound more sophisticated and will only speak in satoori with her family.
en jungha's english is proficient from years of schooling. she has a slight accent when speaking and can comprehend more than she can articulate.
jung eunha of gfriend
jung yerin of gfriend
jeon jungha hits beauty right on the mark. her face is heart shaped and she has chubby, chubby cheeks that grandmothers just love to pinch. notably round eyes with double lids and a tall nose give her the illusion of being mixed. jungha has pale, cool-toned skin that is clear and healthy, her cheeks are naturally rosy, she has long eyelashes and soft lips. her hair is black silk that reaches down to her chest and is usually waved gently. jungha has a petite frame with small limbs, and a body type that is between glamorous and thin. an apple bum, a trim waist, and the faint silhouette of an s-line all make jungha look older than she actually is.

clothing wise, jungha really likes cute clothing. oversized sweaters and high waisted skirts, pale tones, white and flowy rompers, she loves it all. she loves wearing her sweaters hanging off one shoulder because it makes her feel rebellious.
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elegant, bluestocking, efficient, maternal
willful, honest, pragmatic, perfectionist
bossy, scathing, condescending, aloof, snobbish
tropes yamato nadeshiko, spirited young lady, ojou
a maiden must conduct herself with manners and grace, walking with shoulders back, chin tilted, every stride filled with purpose. one to enjoy the simplest authentic pleasures in life such as organic food and goods, a good book, the comfort of staying indoors during a rainstorm. she's best described as a girl with high standards for just about everything. she conceals her emotions in exchanged for an air of pensive indifference. incredibly efficient, jeon jungha freqeuntly has fifteen or so tabs open on her web browser, about thirty different things going on in the kitchen, and multitasks seamlessly. learning is something very dear to her, and something she genuinely enjoys. be it a new dance style, bits and pieces of a new language, new cultures. jungha has a few subjects she really enjoys that she's constantly pursuing a deeper understanding of. for some odd reason, jungha is often seen as the "momfriend" she's not even exactly sure what it means, and google searches bring up nothing tangible. "silly jungha, it's not something you can leanr how to be, it's just something you are!" how unpelasant. with her level-headed concern, she always helps people work through their problems, gives people plenty of space to breathe, and shows her own kind of quiet affection. beneath her layer of silk lies a steel blade, the determination to be what she wants and to do as she pleases. in everything she does, jeon jungha strives to be the greatest. every flick of her wrist, every move of her leg, every thing is calculated to perfection. jungha fears that if she is anything less than perfect that she'll be compared to her brother, forced into his shadow because jeon jungkook is perfect. hear fear of forever being in her brother's footsteps led her to be highly critical of herself and others. instead of acting on emotions, jungha sticks to pragmatism, solving problems while the world is falling apart. everything can be solved logically and rationally. sometimes, her rationality and impartialness is sometimes much welcomed in emotionally charged but other times it makes her come off as insensitive.

jeon jungha, determined to do as she pleases, is also determined to get others to do as she pleases, especially if there's a competition occuring. she's the first to take the lead in a situation, telling people what to do and exactly how to do it. jungha wants things done right and has a tendency to focus in on incompetence and the impending fear of it. not many people see her as forthcoming because of her high standards that lead her to criticize herself and others. however, jungha is often merciless in her criticisms and one time when a girl asked for her opinion on a choreography she created, jungha made her cry. she's incredibly honest, too honest at times.  so honest that it goes across the boundary of what is polite. jungha possess the special talent of insulting people when trying to be polite. whenever she tries to reign in her bossiness and her scathing criticisms, everyone just views her as condescending. she simply doesn't have a lot to relate to the other trainees about with her idol brother and her plethora of long term predebut activities and can't help but see herself as more skilled than them.
jeon jungha was born in busan and took up dancing at a young age. growing up with an interest in arts was a difficult thing to do in the jeon household, especially being the youngest child. when jungha started dancing, everyone would coo as she danced besides her brother "jungha wants to be just like her older brother, how cute!". when she started singing, "jungha wants to be just like her older brother!". whatever jeon jungha had done, jeon jungkook did it first. she was convinced she would forever be in her brother's shadow so she pursued the one thing that jungkook never did, acting.

she began acting and modeling when she was ten years old and because most of the projects she undertook were in seoul, she would frequently stay with her aunt and uncle. she started singing around age ten as well, investing in vocal lessons. she auditioned for big hit entertainment when she was in the sixth grade.
"i like dance of all kinds, the smell of old books, green tea, chatting with girls because they're so nice, dating sims, dainty accessories, stationery, highlighters, glitter pens, and learning."
"i dislike loud noises, talking about my feelings, feelings in general because they're weird, people who ask for my opinion and then get upset when i tell them the truth, gel pens, boys, and being called bossy because it's rude."
"my hobbies are dancing, reading, acting, studying, revising my notes every tuesday and thursday, drinking tea, doing yoga,  playing dating sims, choroegraphing dance routines."
"my habits are saying 'how unpleasant' all the time, grabbing my s when i'm scared, making everyone watch vines of cute animals being silly, the tips of my ears turn red when i have to talk to boys, various excercises to maintain my posture, and playing otome games so i can have a boyfriend without having to talk to real boys."
"i'll admit, i'm a bit boy phobic. i get all jumpy and nervous every time i'm close to one and often have very uncomfortable facial expressions that apparently look like i'm screaming internally. which is true. boys are just... so noisy and smelly and mean to each other for no reason."
"i say 'how unpleasant' for everything. i get caught in the rain? how unpleasant. a major inconvenience? how unpleasant."
"among the trainees i am in charge of femininity and chubby cheeks."
"you have to promise not to laugh at this one. promise? alright, well, i carry a yugioh card with me wherever i go and whenever i'm about to do something really important i hold it in my hand and say 'i put my faith in the heart of the cards!' like yugi did in yugioh. jungkook did it once when he was playing yugioh with a friend and then he won! and then after that he gave me his dark magician girl card, so it's become my good luck charm."
"my variety talents include : haikus and three verse poems, kkab dancing, acting infamous drama scenes, pancake flipping, and improv."
"i'm trained in modern dance as well as hip hop."
"for me, the hardest part of my trainee days so far was when my brother called me and asked if i was well. he said he was thinking about me and wanted to see how i was doing. he told me to eat well and get plenty of sleep, but i had to drink flavorless pear juice for a diet. it just hurt knowing that i couldn't take care of myself the way my family wanted me to."
"i've never been the girl to have a lot of friends. to me, it is very difficult to get close to people and bear your true heart and feelings to them. and many people don't think i'm approachable, so they only watch me from afar. but, i would like to have friends whom i hold dear to my heart."
"i currently attend cheonan girls' high school, where i have a bit of a following? even though i go to an all girls' school, i end up getting a lot of chocolate from cute girls on valentine's day."
"i respect and admire girls. we are so beautiful and nice and kind and we're always so soft and smell so good. plus, every girl i've held a conversation with has been so charming and interesting while every boy i've spoken with has had as much character as an adidas flip flop."
"i have two older brothers. the eldest is jeon junghyun, followed by jeon jungkook of bangtan boys. they both love to tease and make fun of me because of how much of a girl i am, but what does that even me? tell me! like they always complain that they have to shower in cold water because of me but that's not my fault! and they would always barge into my room and then freak out if i was in the middle of folding my . they're just ! they're gross and smelly and i cannot believe there are people who find my brothers hot, but at the end of the day they really care about me. and whenever i'm feeling sad, they build a pillow fort and make me watch anime with them."

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jung wheein of mamamoo ; audition tape here x
before sm, jungha was a trainee under big hit, along with jungkook. as a trainee under big hit, her frustration grew as the comparisons between her and her brother grew. "jeon jungkook is so talented!" they'd gaze upon her with dissapointed eyes, her face, her dancing, her singing, and comparing her to him. she switched to sm in 2013 after jungkook debuted with bangtan boys. sm and big hit came to the agreement to keep news that jungha was his sister on the downlow until sm entertainment decided to place her in the public spotlight to stir up more publicity around her. she's been training under sm for 3 years. among the trainees, jungha's evaluation is rather mixed because she is talented and smart and helpful, but at the same time she's bossy and doesn't know how to hold back with her criticisms. many trainees think she's beautiful and cool, but are too intimidated to actually speak to her. she has done a few predebut activities, like acting and modeling. she was in the 2007 drama love and war x. she was also the emcee of a children's science program back when she was a kid, which she will forever and always be embarrassed about. she was also part of a dance team in elementary school. 

by bonnay


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how the are you done i'm so angry