☪ reckless romance : sm's 2016 girl group。 [kim eunjin]




Kim eunjin

chubby_bacon_cheeks + steph + himalia + Adrastea



— Eun/Jin ; called by mostly everyone that knows her, it's really just name play of her full name Eunjin. People will call her either 'Eun' or 'Jin'.
— Princess ; It is well known to people that Eunjin sadly suffers from a problem called the Princess Syndrome and her love interest has taken upon himself to make it known to herself that she's a princess. 
— Charice ; Eunjin studied abroad while she was in middle school. She had a very strong interest in the English language and her school sent her abroad to Australia to broaden her language skills. She stayed for 5 weeks and while she was there, the other students couldn't pronounce Eunjin and made up a name for her which ended up being 'Charice'. They called her Rice (pronounced 'rees') for short. 

BIRTHDAY ☆ June 20, 1998
BIRTH PLACE ☆ Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN ☆ Anyang, South Korea

ETHNICITY ☆ Full Korean 
RELIGION ☆ Christian


— Korean ; does this really need to be explained? 
— English ; because of her deep interest with the English language, her English is on an advanced level. Even though Eunjin speaks it with a Korean accent, her punctuation (when writing) and grammar is always correct. 

FACE-CLAIM ☆ Kim Chungha, I.O.I
BACK UP ☆ Eunji, A Pink
HEIGHT&WEIGHT ☆ 165cm, 51kg

FASHION STYLE ☆  If you ask Eunjin to dress colourful, it is quite impossible. most of her clothes that she owns aren't even colours; they're shades, black, white, grey. You will see Eunjin in a skirt quite often as well. There isn't really a set style of clothes that Eunjin will wear/buy but she will purchase or wear it if it flaunts her body figure. For work purposes, Eunjin mostly wears a tight fitted top/crop and jeans/leggings/compression pants. otherwise, daily or if she's at the company, Eunjin is more likely to wear her short shorts and skirts. usually, Eunjin will tie her hair up in a ponytail, but will occasionally let down her wavy curls.



I'm pre interesting...

and pretty...


Kim Eunjin is a person of many talents, including her personality. To begin with, Eunjin is generally a very outgoing and bubbly person. She can make friends easily and has a wide range of connections that she likes to keep. Everywhere she goes, you will see her radiant smile and hear her cheerful "hi" or "good morning!" before her walking past you swiftly, continuing on her merry way. Because of her extroverted personality, people approach her easily and talk to her a lot. These talks always lead to deep and meaningful talks. This is because Eunjin is very sensitive to other peoples emotions as her motherly instincts kick in. She is very trusted amongst her friends and co-workers and they seem to go to her for consolidation. Eunjin, of course, is happy to help. But this isn't the only time her motherly instincts kick in. She tends to worry about if others have eaten yet or if they enough clothes on. Eunjin will literally whip something up in the kitchen, put them in boxes and go to wherever the person is at to feed them; if she ever finds out you have skipped a meal. This action also shows her selfless ways - how she would go out of her way just to do something for others. She has been pushed around by her friends before because of that, like making her do their homework or picking up something from the post office (which i should mention is not even close to where she lives) then deliverying it to their home (also not close to where she lives). She tends to put others in front of herself a lot of the time. 

Talking about putting things in front of herself, above her priorities, Eunjin will always put her work first. Yes, she is a workaholic and she is a persistent one. She won't stop working until she has completed all her work, even if that means Eunjin will be skipping meals. She is a bit of a hypocrite really, worrying about other's meals but neglects her own. Tsk tsk. Eunjin's persistence is very evident when she tries to argue with you. She will not easily back down from an argument and will continue to insist her point of view until you back out or finally accept her idea. Her persistence, as mentioned, is evident through her workaholic trait. Eunjin is also a very straightforward person. She hates sugar coating her words and will tell you her honest opinion. Some people call her blunt and even suffer from a conditon called the "blunted affect". She can easily and blantantly tell you her opinion and if you look at her as if you're offended she'll probably say something along the lines of "you asked for my opinion and i said it" before shrugging and walking away. This can come off as somewhat unsympathetic to people who don't know her that well. Other than her straightforwardness, if you ask Eunjin a stupid question, she will reply with the utmost sassiness she can muster. She will roll her eyes as she replies to you so that you can take the hint that she's being sarcastic while still replying with a straight face. Because of her sassiness and persistence, she has been labelled as a Princess for a very long time. Many say she has the Princess Syndrome, which I may say is absolutely true. She won't leave the house/dorm without makeup and all her clothes must look on point. She doesn't take no for an answer. If that isn't enough to make Eunjin a princess, I don't know what will. 


— bubblegum flavoured things; this brings out her inner childishness as she loves ordering bubblegum flavoured ice cream
— ice cream; talking about ice cream, Eunjin loves her ice cream. She can literally eat it for the rest of her life if it has as many flavours as she wanted
— bubble tea; another thing she can live the rest of her life off. The tapioca pearls and fruity jellies are so soft and chewy in . The fruity teas are to die for on a hot summer's day... well it's to die for on any day to be honest
— smell of mint; it helps clear her constantly blocked nose /and it's also the aftershave yoongi uses/bricked/
— napping; Eunjin loves feeling refreshed and recharged after a small nap from her busy schedules and later-into-the-night practices. She will nap everywhere and anywhere.
— baking; Eunjin loves spreading her love and what better way to spread it than baking goods? The aroma of baked goods is so addictive and she loves the smiles on people's faces when they eat her baking. 


— summer; Eunjin doesn't dislike summer... She despises it. The feeling of sweat trickling down your neck and back and how to sun burns onto her pale skin... Just no.
— flowers; Eunjin doesn't like flowers, that's a fact. but what also is a fact is that she is also allergic to flowers and pollen. That's why she also doesn't like Spring that much either. Pollen causes her face to become red and rashy and she will sneeze and have a blocked nose constantly. Sometimes, it gets so bad, it will close up , causing difficulty in breathing. 
— bitter drinks/foods; it causes her to make weird facial expressions which is an absolute no no for her perfect face
— dirt; you know when you get dirt on your light coloured clothing and freak out? Well Eunjin's like that but 100x worse. And not only with light coloured clothing. It's on any piece of clothing. She cannot have any type of dirt on her clothes, like ever. Talking about being a princess. 


— cracking her joints, etc; namely "the crack addict" Eunjin can crack most body parts, fingers is a must, neck, back and even her wrists and ankles. She loves hearing the "pop" sound and it's absolutely satisfying after being in a stiff position for a while. 
— midnight walks; the cool breeze helps her clear her head from any thoughts or things that have been bothering her. 
— takes 2 showers everyday; one in the morning to wake herself up and to wash up after her pilates/yoga session and one in the evening to clear the dirt that is on her from throughout the day
— morning yoga/pilates; exercise in the morning is good for you and the keep her body figure, Eunjin likes doing yoga and pilates
— calls everyone a loser; it's really just a universal nickname she has for people that are close to her
— knitting; she likes keeping others warm in the winter (and also herself). She also knits blankets for orphanages in her spare time
— photography; she wonders how people will perceive a picture differently from one another. She also likes showing how she perceives the world by capturing it in one moment 
— even though Eunjin is a very hardworking person, she also loves her naps, especially if it's some place warm after she's eaten or she's out in the sun


— has a Samoyed named Cheonsa (Angel)
— will randomly break out into song (she's a decent singer so no one really complains about it)
— when drunk, she will turn bright red and spill out secrets that have been bothering her
— has a fear of thunderstorms
— does weird dance moves (body gags) when she sings or hears song
— loves her skincare, she will turn crazy if she doesn't do it
— swearing is a permanent part of her speech, sometimes she wouldn't even know she's sworn
— Eunjin doesn't get sick easily, but when she does, she will get the worst conditions possible
— cuddles with something/someone when she sleeps, especially if she's sick
— talking about her getting sick, she acts like she's drunk - spills all her darkest secrets
— if ever mad or annoyed at a person, Eunjin will call them by their full name
— has a tattoo on her left wrist, Eunjin will either cover it with a wrist support but most of the time she'll cover it with concealer
— she finds it easier to make friends with older people rather than people her age



gets you everywhere


June 20th 1998 marked the start of Kim Eunjin's life. She had a fairly quiet and mundane childhood as her family had always been the average type of family.  They moved from Anyang to Seoul when Eunjin was only 7 years old. One day, after school, her mum had taken her shopping and they passed by a group of people busking on the streets. Eunjin stopped and stared in utter awe at the group street dancing. This is when she found her passion in life, dancing. The busking group was promoting for their dance school and her mother could see the sparkle in her eyes when Eunjin watched them dance. Without a second thought, her mother signed her up for lessons and Eunjin started the week after. Other than her passion for dance, Eunjin was really intrigued by the English language. She found it interesting that the grammar, sentence structure and all the jazz was very different to the Korean language. Eunjin spent a lot of time invested into learning the English language and even landed herself a spot as one of the very few students that were chosen to go on exchange to Australia when she was in middle school. 

Despite always injuring herself, Eunjin was really passionate about her dancing hobby. Her father had told her multiple times previously to give up on her hobby because of the amount of dislocations and injuries she had acquired over the years of dancing, but she just wouldn't give up. By the age of 14, Eunjin had a long medical record of dislocated joints, twisted ankles, broken wrists, etc. Also at the age of 14, Eunjin had landed herself a spot as a trainee at BigHit entertainment. Many say she got in because of her brother but she tried to convince herself it is all due to her talent. 

It all started when Seokjin had texted Eunjin telling her to bring him an extra change of clothes to the entertainment building because he had forgotten to. Eunjin, being the obedient sister she is, had rushed home to grab his clothes and brought to to him as soon as she finished school. She also agreed because she wanted to see the environment in which her brother is training in. She got to the company at around 8pm and even brought some snacks for him in case he hadn't eaten. Eunjin struggled outside the company for a while as the receptionist didn't believe she was Seokjin's sister and thought she was a sasaeng trying to get in. After 10 minutes into the argument, a trainee, walked past the reception and looked at Eunjin and called out to her. He was someone who Eunjin had never met before and she was more than shocked that he knew her name. Seeing that the trainee knew Eunjin, the receptionist let her in with the trainee. The trainee introduced himself as Min Yoongi and was training with Seokjin in the same group. "He never stops talking about you. You'd think you were his girlfriend or something." Yoongi told Eunjin before opening the door to their training room. Yoongi pointed to where Eunjin should wait for Seokjin, the back of the room in the corner, before returning to the group who was now stretching. Eunjin made herself comfortable on the couch at the back and immediately saw her brother stretching and Yoongi next to him.

Once dance training started, Eunjin itched to move along to the music. In which she stood up and began moving along with the other trainees. None of the trainees were really paying attention to her other than the dance instructor. He saw how easily Eunjin's body flowed with the music and how quickly she was able to learn the choreography. The dance instructor ended the training session early and excused himself to see the trainee administrators. Seokjin was more than relieved that training ended and turned around to get the clothes from his sister. "I'll take a quick shower and I'll treat you to ddeodboki!~ Wait for me here." He smiles at her before turning to Yoongi. "I know you havent eaten yet Yoongi, join us~" Yoongi smiles at him before nodding and walking off to the showers with Jin. Eunjin waited for her brother and his friend in the training room and when they returned, went to a nearby ddeodbokki stand. Eunjin and Yoongi developed their friendship there.

Not long after that visit, Eunjin had to go to BigHit again to drop off her brother change of clothes again. This time, she arrived early and someone at the reception was waiting for her. "Kim Eunjin, right? Kim Seokjin's sister?" The lady said to her. "Y-yes..." Eunjin replied, hesitantly. "Don't worry, I'm one of the trainee administators and I've heard from our dance instructor and also your brother that you're quite a dancer. The dance instructor was so impressed with your skill that he had contacted us straight away and told us about you. I was wondering, would you like to show is your skill and possibly become a trainee?" The lady continued. Eunjin was numb and shocked. She didn't know how to reply and just nodded. The lady lead her into a room where there was several a table set in front of her. The lady sat at the table and several others came in to join her. Eunjin's heart was racing at God knows how fast. But as the judges' encouraging smiles faced her and the music was , Eunjin's body automatically moved along to the beat. The judges were more than impressed with her skill and once Eunjin finished, the judges all smiled at her and told her they will contact her soon. Eunjin was surprisingly calm as she walked out of the practice room. She closed the door and as she turned was met with her brother's proud smile and his warm hug. Not even a week later, Eunjin was contacted by BigHit saying that she has been accepted as a trainee and would need to attend an introductory session.

Eunjin trained under BigHit for almost 3 years before she was transferred to SM. At first the environment was totally different to BigHit and Eunjin was not used to it. There was also tension in the air and she always felt as if eyes were glaring daggers into her despite her only joining not too long ago. To say the least, training under SM was very tough. The expectations were definitely raised and as time continued, Eunjin was always on the verge of giving up. At times like this, she would run to her brother for advice and help. He was always happy to help and comfort Eunjin, especially after a tough training session even if he was at practice. Not long after, her relationship with the boys became closer and there would always be a particular boy she'd run to if her brother was busy with his own schedule and the boy was free. 


Mother, Hwang Jinah  48  housewife  soft-hearted, caring, laid back, cheerful, childish From a young age, Eunjin has been told that her smiley personality is from her mother and as she grew up, she understood why. The more she sees herself smile in photos or the mirror (which she frequently looks at by the way), the more she sees her mother's reflection smiling back at her. Her mother had taught her from a young age that telling her mother everything keeps a healthy relationship which Eunjin enjoys doing. She likes telling what's been on her mind to her mother and she's able to receive advice from Jinah. Others always ask if they are sisters rather than having a mother-daughter relationship.

Father, Kim Eunseok 50 businessman quirky, worrywart, strict, smiley Eunseok and Eunjin's relationship had always been a little distant because of Eunseok's work. Eunseok was hardly ever home when Eunjin and Seokjin were young and that is the most important time to develop a close relationship with your children. When Eunjin told her father that she was becoming an idol, which he had previously supported Seokjin in doing, he was completely objective. He told Eunjin that "making it into the top of the kpop industry for a female is harder than males and I just don't want you to suffer." Eunjin understood where her father came from but it was secretly her dream to become an idol but she still tried her best to persuade her father. With the help of Eunjin's brother and mother, her father finally caved and allowed her to live her dream. Him caving did not mean he had become supportive of her becoming an idol, no no. Eunseok would still make comments about Eunjin wanting to become an idol and that if she was kicked out, he wouldn't care, etc.

Brother, Kim Seokjin 23 idol - BTS Princess Syndrome, self confident, thoughtful If Eunjin and her mother's relationship were close, Eunjin and Seokjin's relationship are even closer. They have always been stuck together at the hip, even in school. Really it was Eunjin who was clinging onto Seokjin but his friends and him never mind her presence. His friends accepted her as a younger sibling. They enjoy shopping together and sometimes even challenge each other to dance battles, which Eunjin purposely loses for her brother. Jin has always been the overprotective one out of the two; maybe it's just his elder brother senses kicking in.


Best friend, Oh Sehun  22  idol - EXO  bratty, sassy, unpredictable, caring  Sehun and Eunjin met when they were both in high school. They both attended School of Performing Arts, Seoul and when Eunjin first moved there, the school had organised all the juniors to be brought around by a student from the older year levels. Sehun and Eunjin were paired up and they had bonded over their shared loved for bubble tea.  Other than Seokjin, Eunjin would call Sehun as her older brother as well. They have a very close sister/brother relationship which they have been mistaken for before. Despite their age difference, Sehun has always been the whinier of the two, always complaining about how tired he is or how hungry he is. Eunjin would always be there to "comfort" him or tell him off for eating all the time. 

— Best friend, Roselyn Gnomes  18  high school student  cheerful, dramatic, mood-maker  Roselyn's family was Eunjin's host family when she went abroad to Australia. They had started off as pen pals before Eunjin had been chosen to go overseas.  Roselyn acted as Eunjin's English teacher before Eunjin had set foot in Australia. But once she had arrived onto the land, they became inseparable. Since they lived together and attended the same school and classes, they learnt a lot about each other quickly and because "sisters from another mister". They were stuck together at the hip and shared everything - stories, clothes, etc. Once Eunjin had to leave, they were both bawling their eyes out but till this day, they keep in contact via social media sites. Roselyn was also the one that came up with the name "Charice" for Eunjin. 





"I never dreamed about success. I worked for it."




It would be an honour to become a part of Reckless Romance. I would have never dreamed on becoming an idol when I was younger but now that truth is placed before me, I'm not sure how I should act. I feel overjoyed, happy and absolutely stunned but at the same time there's also that dread that I might not be good enough. But really, all I need is to be good enough for myself and I'll be satisfied. 

I would probably scream and shout and scream some more to be honest. I wouldn't be able to contain the excitement of being surrounded by a group of such talented girls and being able to share such memories with them. But once everything has settled and I finally sit down quietly I would probably cry. All the sweat and hardwork I put into training and becoming better finally paid off. I'll also tell my brother and my parents because I'm sure they'll be as excited as I am, especially my mother!~

My charming points? Umm... This is quite hard. I feel like my charming points are very mundane. But I feel like I can bring the group together with my food! Of course but also I hope I am of help when there are misunderstandings and arguments. I'm extremely good at listening to people's problems and solving them with my advice. Outside of being part of Reckless Romance, I feel like I will be able finally express myself through my dance when words tend to fail me - which is a lot of the time. I will bring to the stage power, emotions and show the world that despite what they may say to hate me, I am able to bring Reckless Romance to the top. 


MIN yoongi

Park Jimin + Byun Baekhyun


PERSONALITY ☆  Yoongi, or more commonly known as Suga has two different personalities. Suga, being is first is a over-confident, "i-dont-give-a-shi*t", and sassy type of person. He also appears to have a deadly stare if you look at him for too long and will seem like he isn't paying attention to the conversation. Suga can appear unapproachable and cocky at times especially when he has a blank face and seems distant from human beings in general. Suga is also very sweet when it comes to his fans, always putting on his gummy smile and doing his best aegyo, which he is never good at. He appreciates each and everyone of his fans and showers them with his love even though he is not that good at showing it at times. 

Yoongi, on the other hand, is somewhat the opposite. He is not that confident, will very much give a sh*t if you criticise him and is very self critical. He tends to lose interest very easily if he cannot come up with ideas for his songs and will probably end up napping it off before starting fresh. This explains all his unfinished/unwanted pieces of music on his computer. Unlike what most people think, Yoongi pays a lot of attention to conversations and remembers the littlest details about what you're saying. He will remember the things that make you happy and sad, doing (or avoid doing) those things respectively. He isn't only sweet on stage but he actually is a very sweet person in real life. If Yoongi notices that you are upset about something, he will most definitely come over and as you what's wrong with his concerned eyes. No one can resist those eyes and you will end up spilling everything to him. Even though the aegyo he uses on stage is sometimes an act, in real life, aegyo just comes to him naturally. For example, when he's concentrating hard on something (like writing a song), he will either stick out his tongue just a little bit or have his bottom lip jutted out and eyebrows furrowed. 

In their relationship, Yoongi was always the more skinship type of person. He would always hold Eunjin's hand if they were walking together and would sometimes even randomly hug her or peck her cheek. Eunjin was never the physical affection type of person, but she would always be the supportive one and encourage Yoongi whenever he seemed down or was on the brink of giving up. If Eunjin was to initiate some sort of skinship, it would usually be a very shy kiss on Yoongi's lips/cheek, making him smile widely and look at her affectionately if Eunjin looks down embarrassed and blushing. Yoongi is also the more cutey one of the relationship, where he would be the one begging for something with aegyo despite him being the guy. During times like this, Eunjin would only shake her head and laugh at his silliness. Eunjin is very cheesy with Yoongi and he is the one who is usually embarrassed by it. Despite that, he can sometimes act very cheesy too. Sometimes, they would sneak out at midnight and go for Eunjin's midnight walks. This usually ends up with them sitting underneath the slide at a near by park in comfortable silence. Yoongi and Eunjin can easily be pleased with their relationshsip with just spending time together, even if it means that they will be sitting in sheer silence.

When the weather is cooler, and they both didn't have schedules, they will hang out in Yoongi's studio and come up with lyrics, chords and melodies for Yoongi's upcoming compositions. They would end up buying take out like Chinese or pizza before Eunjin would be knocked out from all the food on the couch in the studio. Yoongi would end up calling Seokjin to pick up his sister as Yoongi continues his work. Sometimes, in the depths of the night, they will go out together for food or go to the cinemas for a movie as there are less chances of them being caught by the media and fans.

Yoongi is also very considerate and observant of how Eunjin is feeling when with and around him. Even if Eunjin looks a tad sad or stressed, Yoongi would make her talk it out; only resulting to him hugging her tightly and letting her fall asleep in his arms from his body warmth. Every monthsary, they would get each other a present and they promised each other that it would be small and nothing special and expensive - sometimes it would be a teddy bear or even just a simple bubble tea date. Once, Yoongi even received a small bar of chocolate from Eunjin. Vice versa, Eunjin is very affected by how Yoongi is acting. If he acts differently compared to how he usually acts, she knows something's up and is usually his compositions or whatnot causing him stress. She knows that Yoongi wouldn't tell her directly what's wrong so she would try to comfort him from a broad spectrum until he cracks about what's wrong, if not, she will turn up at the studio, make Yoongi sit next to her on the couch before putting his head on her lap, running her fingers through his hair. No words need to be exchanged but the small gesture somehow calms Yoongi's nerves and helps clear his head. 

Eunjin always steals Yoongi's hoodies and sweaters, as she enjoys wearing bigger sized clothing and obviously they looked better on her than on him. It's also because she loves the smell of his cologne; she secretly has his scarf underneath her pillow which she hugs while she sleeps. (Eunjin's not going to admit that she stole it - while Yoongi thinks he either lost it or he left it at the practice room and the cleaners must have thrown it away.) Eunjin - with the more sensitive personality - teases Yoongi by always being annoyed at something he does and says because she enjoys how he whines and tries to win back her attention with aegyo. Whenever Eunjin teases Yoongi, she crosses her arms, turns her back on him with a pout on her face. Yoongi would straight away know what she's up to and pull her into a hug, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and tickling her sides if she wasn't responding to his whispers. Yoongi also makes up random (and weird) pet names for Eunjin which is highly embarrassing when they are in public and would definitely make Eunjin bright red and forgive him immediately to make him stop.

'Seokjin hyung's sister is very pretty though...' Yoongi admits to himself. 'I wonder if I'll get to meet her some day...' He wonders as he makes his way from the locker area to his practice room. "But I am his sister! Look!" He hears as he walks passed the reception area. "I'm sorry Ms, but having a picture as proof is not enough. May I ask you to kindly leave before I call-" "Kim Eunjin!" Yoongi calls, interupting the receptionist. The said girl turns to him, a flicker of confusion in her eyes as he make his way to her. "She's Kim Seokjin's younger sister. She's here to drop off some clothes for him. I'll take her to him." Yoongi plainly states before nodding his head back towards to direction he came from. Eunjin obediently follows behind him into the practice room. He points to a couch at the back corner of the room before joining Seokjin to warm up for their dance training. "Your sister's here Seokjin.." Yoongi says before going back to his thoughts.

'Eunjin... Eunjin... Eunjin...' "Min Yoongi! You did it wrong again!" Yoongi hears the dance instructor yell. 'Oh crap...' "I'm sorry, saeng... I'm just a little out of my mind today.." His voice trails off as his eyes trail to the girl standing at the back of the room, blinking at him curiously. "Do you want to do this or not?! If not. GET OUT!" Eunjin flinches at the harshness of the instructors voice as Yoongi nods and gets back into position. "5 6 7 8.." Dance practice seemed to drag for hours, well I mean it did, but with Eunjin standing in the room, it was more bearable for Yoongi for once.

"I know you haven't eaten yet Yoongi, join us~" Seokjin's voice says as Eunjin smiles hopefully up at Yoongi. He wouldn't pass an offer of food, especially when someone else is paying. Yoongi nods and makes his way towards the showers. Seokjin is following after him and he smiles at Yoongi slyly. "Distracted by my sister, huh?" Yoongi hears Seokjin's voice with a hint of mischievousness in it. Yoongi doesn't say anything. "I mean, she's younger than you and is single..." Seokjin's voice trails off at the end. "I can play cupid if you like!" His smile says it all. "It's not 'if you like' hyung.. With a smile like that, you're already going to play cupid..." Yoongi says, sighing softly. "But please do." He mumbles the last bit before hopping into the showers. Seokjin laughs before he gets in the shower too, planning the love story for them.

"You know... The noona in charge of the trainees told me they have an interest in my sister and is making me get her to bring me clothes again just to bring her back here. If she gets in, my father will not be happy. I mean, he's cool with me trying to make it into the idol world, but my father has this thing that females won't make it like male idols do..." Seokjin rants on to Yoongi as they eat at the company's cafeteria. "Well I mean, your sister can dance and she does have the looks. Great smile and a cute personality. If she debuts with a company that makes her big, she'll be pretty popular." Yoongi nods as if agreeing with what he just said. Seokjin shrugs his shoulders. "She's coming today for her surprise audition.. I hope it goes well..." Seokjin mumbles as he pokes at his food. 'I'll be sure to go see her after her audition...' Yoongi promises himself.

"She got in! She got in! She starts training next week!" Seokjin screams as soon as he sees Yoongi. Yoongi just smiles and nods. "I know hyung. I have her number, she told me. She's dropping by the studio later to listen to my new song..." Yoongi admits. "Ooo~ Making moves without my help ey?" Seokjin winks at him. "Didn't even need the cupids help. Yoongi's all grown up now huh?" Seokjin ruffles he's hair, and teases him. "Stop hyung... I don't even know if she's into me or not..." Yoongi's voice trails off with uncertanity. "Not into you? Pish posh! She hasn't stopped talking about you since we had ddeodbokki together like 3 weeks ago. "Yoongi oppa this, Yoongi oppa that."" Seokjin batters his eyelashes and raises his voice to imitate Eunjin's. "She's into you alright. Make a move buddy... It'll be fine~" Seokjin finishes, clapping his hand on Yoongi's back encouragingly. "I mean, you've known her for two weeks but she's pretty much me but a more feminine version!" Seokjin jokes as he sees Yoongi become a little more nervous. "Don't worry about it ok? I know my sister and this is the first time she's ever been like this with a guy."

Yoongi gulps nervously as he watches Eunjin listen to his new mix. He had based the lyrics off of his current feelings and, you could say, was inspired by Eunjin herself. Eunjin had her eyes closed, her eyelashes resting on her cheeks, a soft smile tugging the outer corners of her lips as she bobs her head to the rhythm of the song. As the song finishes, Eunjin takes off the headphones and fixes her fringe. "Sounds good oppa! Maybe turn the bass down a little so your voice comes out a bit more." Eunjin says as she smiles brightly at Yoongi. 'Do it Yoongi. Do it now...' Yoongi takes a deep breath before nervously calling her. "Eunjin... Do you wanna.. You know... Go out sometime?" "Like on a date?" Eunjin asks, giggling as she can sense the nervousness reeking from Yoongi. "Y-yeah.. Like on a date..." Yoongi looks down. He's never been as nervous as this before, what was up with him?! Eunjin giggles and let's the silence sit for a while, teasing Yoongi. As she sees the red creeping onto his ears she goes, "Naw~ Yoongi oppa wants to go on a date with me?~ How could i say no?~"

And thus begins them starting to date. They didn't officially become a couple till several months later when eunjin had gotten sick and had crashed at BTS' dorm because Seokjin wanted to look after her. Being in her medicated and kind of drunken state, Eunjin spilled out her feelings for Yoongi while Seokjin was taking her temperature. Oh, did I mention Yoongi was there too? That's kinda an important detail hehe. After Eunjin had fully recovered, Yoongi had confessed his feelings for Eunjin and they finally became official. Both the companies had agreed on this relationship seeing that only Yoongi had debutted at that point and Eunjin was still a trainee. They set the terms that they should try their absolute best to not get caught by fans and the media. 

1. couple name is 'yooneun' - combination of yoon from Yoongi and eun from Eunjin
2. Eunjin calls Yoongi 'gummybear' because of his gummy smile and he calls her 'kitten' because of her sleeping/napping habits
3. Eunjin is a er for cute texts that Yoongi sends to her
4. Eunjin is the first one to hear Yoongi's new mixes - even before his bandmates
5. has a couple lockscreen. Yoongi has Ellie while Eunjin has Carl. They have the same phone just by chance (Eunjin has the rose gold iphone 6s and Yoongi has the silver iphone 6s)
6. just to of his height, Eunjin likes patting Yoongi's head despite him being older. "Yah! I'm older and taller than you!" "Yeah~ only taller by a bit!"
7. Eunjin will call Yoongi by his full name when she's annoyed/angry at him
8. Eunjin helps Yoongi by creating melodies/chords he could use for his compositions, etc
9. After they both had debutted, through fantaken pictures of them at the airport, etc, they somehow found out both Yoongi and Eunjin's couple wallpaper and had become suspicious of the two. Being sasaengs, they found that some of Yoongi's clothing had been worn by Eunjin as she had worn it in a dance practice video uploaded onto Youtube. 


last comment ☆  I think i went into too much detail? Please don't hesitate to tell me to clarify anything! Thanks! And i also hope you don't mind me deleting the love rival bit totally... :) 

scene requests ☆ 
1. eunjin hurting herself badly at a performance and was rushed to hospital making her brother and yoongi go to the hospital immediately after their own performance (this could be at an award show or the open concerts, etc)
2. because of the girls tight schedules, they were unable to see their parents at all. therefore the company organised it so the parents could come in and meet with not only their daughters but who their daughter is working with.
3. before eunjin debutted, she ran errands for her brother (like buying food that he wasn't supposed to eat and other snacks, etc for him and bts) and she gets closer to bts like that
4. eunjin unable to go one twitter and instagram after she and yoongi were caught because of the negativity that was on there
5. (if they have the chance) they go to australia for a concert/event and eunjin is able to see roselyn and her family again
6. eunjin getting sick and to not disappoint the fans, she performs at the concert/award show anyway and while getting off stage where yoongi was waiting for her, she faints and gets sent to hospital, worrying her group members, yoongi and fans.  
7. The girls appearing on variety shows (like Weekly idol and running man etc)


password ☆ august 5 2007 



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