So This Happened...

So... I was out with my friends for dinner and I got an e-mail from my manager saying that the owners have dismissed me from my job. They seem to not like the fact that I have anxiety and a busted up liver, which both make me ill sometimes so they decided that it would be ‘better for the company that I was dismissed’. 

What a whole bunch of bull! To be honest, I was so done with them months ago, I enjoyed working there for the first couple of months but after constantly getting paid late, working stupidly long hours with no break and only getting paid if the client turned up is just UGH!

The only thing I have to thank those s for is giving me the insane amount of confidence I have now! They also taught me how not to run a business, as their way of doing it is pretty ty! They treat their staff (not actually employees) like , including a pregnant make-up artist who I know they plan to fire in a couple of days too!

I feel so much better leaving there though! I have my head held high and I know that I deserve to be treated better then they treated me!

Hopefully this now means more writing for you guys as I'll have more time and hopefully more inspration as I won't be so tired!

Love you all!!



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Wow, so sorry that this happened to you! Hopefully you can find another job very soon. :) In the meantime, you'll have more time to write , so there's a bright side! :D Stay strong!