JOY x 3/10 sorry :-(「 REPLACE WITH FACECLAIM — width has to be kept 500, height isn't set 」

BIRTHNAME. song ari (송아리 / アリ)
BIRTHDATE. january 13th 1996
BIRTHPLACE. seoul, south korea.
HOMETOWN. seoul, south korea.
OCCUPATION. college student, currently studying in hongik university. 
ETHNCITY. korean-japanese.
< SUSHI > it's just a cute little nickname that her group of friends call her by, mainly due to the fact that she has japanese blood in her. 
< GIRL CRUSH > because, well, duh, she is the very epitome of a girl-crush. ari is a the sole girl and bassist for an underground band that plays around hongdae. most of the time, the girls go there to eyecandy her bandmates but there's something in the way that ari walks, the way she quirks her eyebrows and gives you a smile, the way she doesn't need to try but just is hot as  that makes the girls watch her instead. she's gotten incredibly popular in the crush network after a fansite shared a video of her playing the bass, with a spam of heart emojis as the caption. 
< KOREAN > she considers korean to be her first language, her mother tongue because she's been raised and brought up all her life in korea. the first words that she spoke was in korean and she even thinks in korean. she's extremely fluent and will get offended if someone suggests that she isn't good in korean because she's a halfie. she'll literally challenge you to a idiom battle. 
< JAPANESE > even though she's lived in korean all her life, she still has japanese blood in her and her mother ingrained it in her to make sure that she doesn't forget her roots and still speaks to her in japanese. so, she's fairly fluent in japanese and can hold conversations, even when she goes back to tokyo. 
hirai momo


HEIGHT. 167 cm
WEIGHT. 54 kg
APPEARANCE. one word to describe song ari: y. from the way her hips sway when she walks, the curve of her body, the twinkle in her eye that becksons your closer, a quirk of her lips into a trademark song, she knows she's hot and she'll make sure you know it too. and well, she's not afraid to show it. her outfits tend to hug her slender and lithe frame, showing off her long legs, which is her favorite part of her body. however, her most notable trait is her bleached blond hair, with shaggy bangs, a little too long but it just adds to the allure of her mystery. she's very proud of her fingers, though - they're calloused and wounded and it's an array of bandaids decorated on her hands, but for ari, it's a proof of all her hard work.



IM NAYEON, BEST FRIEND OF TEN YEARS "i've known song ari before she could even speak. everyone sees her as this y goddess, who with one flip of her hair can melt your heart but to me, she's just a big loser who loves herself more than anyone else. i swear, her phone is 90% filled with her own selfies? and the worst part is that i'm the one who has to help aesthetic shots of her outfits of the day. it's so tiring. and that's not all. she may seem cool on the outside, but i swear, she's really lame. she cried watching zootopia! and she takes like forever in the toilet! i can't even pee if she's putting her makeup on because it takes hours! okay, okay, i sound like her antifan now. i swear i'm her best friend. because even though she's vain and sometimes pretends to be cooler than she is, i love her. she's the one who ran 5km in the pouring rain when she found out that i just broke up with my ex, she's the one who listens to me talk even when all she wants to do is sleep, she writes the most amazing songs, she's beautiful and she steals the attention of everyone and i am proud to say that i know song ari." 

SAKAGUCHI KENTARO, FIRST LOVE AND EX BOYFRIEND "ari? i haven't heard that name in years but i still remember her like it was yesterday. how do i even describe her? she's, she's fire. you can't help but look at her when she walks in. and being loved by her was one of my greatest accomplishments in life. she may look fierce and y, but she's just a really nice girl who gave me more love than i could ever ask for. is she still playing the bass? i hope she is, she was really talented and i hope that she gets to be famous like she's always wished to be." 

SHIN HYEJIN, ARI'S FANCLUB OWNER "SONG ARI IS THE BEST THING TO EVER GRACE THIS EARTH. she can write songs, she's so effortlessly beautiful, she gives good fanservice, she's so nice and kind! do you know she even gave me a kiss on the cheek before? I LOVE SONG ARI! ARI FOR LIFE!" 

IM JAEBUM, BANDMATE "our little sushi. she's adorable, i love her. she likes to think that we're rockstars and pretend to be all cool but in reality, we're just a group of kids playing music. she also likes to spend hours watching fan-taken videos of us, saying that she just wants to improve but i know that she's just doing that because she wants to admire herself. it's good to love yourself, ari! don't have to be shy about doing it! but to be honest, i am worried about her. sometimes, she puts all her heart and soul into writing a good song, to practice and get a note right, to sing till goes raw but her health comes first. i see her staying awake all night and there's five cups of coffee thrown away and it's just not good for her body. i, i just hope someone's taking care of her." 

JEON MINJI, EX-FRIEND, ANTIFAN "song ari is just a poser. she's fake, she's an attention who pretends to be cool so that people will like her and she's not even that pretty? she puts on like five hundred pounds of makeup. if i put that much makeup, i could be pretty too. and so many selfies of herself? stop loving yourself so much. get a life, song ari. go back to japan or whatever." 

< HOME IS A FEELING NOT A PLACE > ari's story isn't very dramatic. with a korean father and japanese mother who moved to korea to be with her father, she was raised in seoul. however, when she turned 18, her mother decided to give her freedom, allowing her to stay alone in a place of her choice, be it korea or japan. she picked korea and now, currently resides with best friend, im nayeon. however, she doesn't consider one place to be her hometown. she loves both korea and japan equally for different reasons. she stays in korea most of the time but goes back to japan during holidays. her friends love that because whenever ari comes home, she brings an array of japanese snacks.

< HE LIKES DRUMMERS, BUT I PLAY BASS > as mentioned before, ari plays bass in a band with three other guys. they play a variety of music, although ari feels most comfortable playing pop-punk. she'd picked up the instrument when she was in middle school, after going into a emo-punk phase. (she hasn't grown out of it since.)  

< NIGHT TIME IS WHEN WE COME OUT TO PLAY > she's nocturnal. she's more likely to go to sleep at 6am than wake up at 6am. the kind of person who would stay up all night and sleep all day. you can't find ari awake before 10am. even 10am is considered early. 

< KPOP ?? > ari has a strong dislike for the manufactured pop of japan and korea. and of course, very fittingly into her image as the cool rocker, she prefers band music. but don't tell anyone this, her guilty pleasure is bubblegum pop and she can sing gee in both japanese and korean. 

< WHAT EVEN DOES ARI DO > a question that many people have asked and one that ari has no response to. she says she's a student at hongik university but she's missed so many classes and literally passes school by attending the least possible amount of classes, cramming for last minute exams a week before and doing assignments literally at the last minute.

< ARI'S COOKING?? > please don't make her cook. please. her cooking is absolutely horrible and she once ed up instant noodles. ... like HOW DO YOU EVEN GO WRONG WITH MAKING SUCH A SIMPLE DISH

< PUNCUTATION MATTERS > in order to seem cool and up to her rockstar image, ari always uses fullstops and perfect punctuation and types in lapslock on crush.

< IM HOT > other than her sleeping schedule, ari has a pretty healthy lifestyle - she eats very healthily and goes to the gym regularly to maintain her fit body.  


ari can't remember a time when im nayeon wasn't in her life - they've been friends ever since preschool when ari accidentally drew on nayeon's paper and made nayeon cry. ari had felt so bad that she later bought a box of chocolate for nayeon and nayeon declared her the bestest friend in the whole wide world! and to be honest, nothing much has changed about their relationship - nayeon still cries easily and ari still comforts her. over the years, they've become so close that it's almost like they're sisters - ari would do anything to protect nayeon and nayeon is the only one who has seen the raw and true side of song ari. currently, they live together and when they're lazy, they communicate through crush, though ari tends to use it just to ask nayeon for toilet paper when they run out and nayeon has the habit of logging into ari's account and posting things about herself. 
@SINGASONGARI nayeon is the prettiest girl in this whole wide world, even prettier than me 
              @NANAYEONS thanks, ari, i knew that our 10 year friendship would always come in                   handy
              @NANAYEONS i love u 
              @NOTJUSTINBIEBER omg am i seeing things is this for real DID SONG ARI JUST                      ADMIT THAT SHE ISN'T THE PRETTIEST? *dramatic gasp* 
@KINGJUNHWE i'm glad you know that now. [an unflattering photo of ari] 
@SINGASONGARI i didn't type this? 


it has only been a few months since jaebum entered her life but he's been such a pivotal figure already. if nayeon is like her sister, jaebum is a gruff older brother to her. filled with lame dad jokes (hey tired im jaebum) that ari pretends to hate, old-fashioned sayings as well as an articulate way of speech, jaebum geniunely cares and worries for everyone. ari will always remember that one time she ed up a performance and pretended like she was okay but went to a dark alley and cried and jaebum had found her and told her that it's okay before sending her in a cab home. so basically ari loves jaebum, even if jaebum can be quite outdated on the trends and can get really scary when made angry. also, jaebum is like the only person that junhwe respects. 

@NOTJUSTINBIEBER how do you make holy water? you boil the hell out of it!
@SINGASONGARI how did you even get more likes than all of us. . . 
@KINGJUNHWE hyung. :/
@DRUMMINGBOY HAHA! hyung, you're funny! :D 

even though dowoon is older than her, ari can't help but feel like she has to protect him. there's something in the way he's so innocent and blissfully unaware about everything that she feels like she should help preserve that innocence. even though he is a year older than her, ari views him as a younger brother and even makes him call her noona. they often have cute adventures together - like when it's really late at night after their shows, it's ari that walks him home to make sure he's safe. she once tracked down the ip address of the person that sent him hate and yelled at them.

@DRUMMINGBOY95 ari noona, how do i make new friends? ^  ^ 
@SINGASONGARI no, dowoon cutie, you shouldn't make new friends. the world is a scary place. 
@DRUMMINGBOY95 but noona.... T___T   
@SINGASONGARI no buts! anyways, what do you want for lunch! noona will cook for you!  
@DRUMMINGBOY95 *is now offline*        

shin hyejin, who ari thinks is the cutest person ever to exist, is the proud owner of song ari's fansite. she'd fallen in love with ari after she went to one performance and saw how passionate and talented the girl was. after that, she was sold. she'd attend every concert, very small busking performance, take the best shots of ari and buy ari gifts. it really touched ari's heart and even though she tried to act like it doesn't matter (because rockstars all have fans!), she messages hyejin regularly to talk about life, like normal friends and constantly thanks her for her support. which is why hyejin has grown to love the girl even more.

@SINGASONGARI hey, cutie! hope you're having a good day. don't forget to eat your meals!
@HYEJINLOVESARI ari! < 3 yes, i'm having a good day since you talked to me! when is your next performance? i just listened to the band's latest mixtape and it's so good! your voice sounds great!
@SINGASONGARI thank you, aha. you're too kind! it's next week, i'll see you then, yeah?
@HYEJINLOVESARI yes, yes, of course! would you like me to get some burgers for you?
@SINGASONGARI  no, it's okay, don't you have a lot of homework to do? >:(

in' goo junhwe. junhwe is your sterotypical teenager who is annoyed with everything and anything and whines a lot, especially about ari's musical choices. junhwe and ari bicker a lot and once, they'd even gotten into a full on fist fight (because junhwe had said something about song minho being a ty rapper and ari got really upst and it was then that her bandmates realized that song ari had a big in crush on song minho). however, at the end of the day, as cheesy as it sounds, junhwe does love ari. it's just that he's emotionally constipated and can only show love through mean remarks. typical teenagers. 

@KINGJUNHWE why is ari making us sing my chemical romance again move on it's 2k16 they're over ugh my life #helpme 
@SINGASONGARI stfu kid, just cause you can't appreciate MUSIC doesn't                      mean you can talk .
@SINGASONGARI go back to listening to your kpop or whatever shashasha                  ooh ahh ooh ahh.
@KINGJUNHWE ari noona! don't you listen to them too? i saw gee on your playlist! :) should i post you dancing to it?
@SINGASONGARI i'm going to kill you.
@KINGJUNHWE hey now rockstars aren't supposed to sound like that!
@NOTJUSTINBIEBER kids.... stop......
@DRUMMINGBOY95 how to bake a cake
@DRUMMINGBOY85 oops wrong website sorry! T__T   
character archives


nayeon's voice:i'm pretty cute. :Danother late night writing songs. come visit us at our latest gig, at hongik university at 12am!candid shot!

@SINGASONGARI is @ school! 
@NOTJUSTINBIEBER good job, sushi! 
@HYEJINLOVESARI i left a snack outside your locker! have a great day!
@NANAYEONS omg u attended one class this year! i'm proud of you!
@DRUMMINGBOY95 wait... ari noona attends school?????? :O   
@SINGASONGARI don't forget to check us out next monday @ hongdae! we'll be performing some original songs!
@KINGJUNHWE yeah and you can see me being hot af 
@HYEJINLOVESARI can't wait to see you, ari!!!
@NANAYEONS is this an invite for me! i'm so excited!!!
@SINGASONGARI stfu. (2) 
@NOTJUSTINBIEBER bring all your friends! ari will give free hugs, if you do! 
@SINGASONGARI they're coming for you. .  not me. why would a girl want to a hug from another girl when there's people like you and dowoon. 
@NANAYEONS stop fishing for compliments, ari, you know you're everyone's girlcrush HAHAHAH except mine because i know you're a loser
@HVGEBOYMINO latte girl, you better shoutout to me cause i'll be there too AHAH  
@SINGASONGARI even in a room full of people, the only one i can see is you.
@DRUMMINGBOY95 wait isn't she talking about minho hyung  
@KINGJUNHWE  dowoon, there's only two things she loves more than herself: song minho and emo music 
@SINGASONGARI y'all are s. 
@KINGJUNHWE no oh my god more emo music to play my life kill me
@NOTJUSTINBIEBER why are they called blink182, why not wink182 or closeyoureyes182 haha
@SINGASONGARI jaebum. :/ 
@NANAYEONS jaebum ur cute pls stop
01. green day - basketcase
02. bowling for soup - stacy's mum (cover) 
03. paramore - misery business
04. the killers - mr. brightside
05. one ok rock - might long fall 
06. 5 seconds of summer - try hard 
07. day6 - congratulations 
08. akb48 - heavy rotation
09. my chemical romance - teenagers  
10. my chemical romance - helena
11. twenty one pilots - tear in my heart  
12. mino - fear   
SONG Minho
BIRTHDATE. march 30, 1994
BIRTHPLACE. seoul, south korea.
CURRENT CITY. seoul, south korea.
ABOUT.song minho, or better known as mino to the public, is one of hongdae's most popular rappers. ever since he joined the underground hiphop scene when he was in high school, his popularity has steadily been increasing, to a point where he is one of the most sought-after rappers, where he has a throng of girls screaming his name. currently, he is still university, studying for a degree in business (and he hates it to death, which is evident through his constant crush updates. he tends to spam people's timelines during exam season because it's continous capslocked rants about how 'i'm gonna die' and 'i'm never going to achieve my dreams').

not only is his talent the reason to the fame he's now receiving, it is also because of his charming personality. although his face deceives, minho has a very charming and playful personality - being able to talk to anyone and everyone, teasing them without hurting their feelings. some people have taken to nickname him "captain korea" because he displays a similar attitude and disposition to steve rogers himself. his most notable trait is his sincerity and innocence. he's so untainted and sweet and kind and you just can't help but wonder, is he real? ? even when he was overweight and was constantly made fun of, he was so overwhelmingly earnest and willing to improve, willing to help everyone that you couldn't help but fall in love with him. especially when he's so godforsaken stubborn and the more you tell him no, the harder he's going to try. however, this only leads him to be quite oblivious. he's quite slow to pick up on things - like you could have a room of girls screaming his name and he wouldn't even know it's for him. his self-esteem needs work, tbh. mainly because he's been through so much, so he hurts very easily. even though he knows he should be thick-skinned, he does admit that he feels a pang of sadness whenever he's once again judged for his inability to live up to the beauty standards or booed. .
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. song ari has the biggest possible crush on song minho and he doesn't even seem to notice. and in fact, he might even be in love with someone else. 
LOVE STORY. ari still remembers the day she first saw song minho. the night after her first show in hongdae, still in her high school uniform, she was spending her saturday night with nayeon when she heard a boy rap. somehow, his voice captivated her to him and right there, right then, she fell in love. as cliche as it sounded, it was everything that she ever dreamt of. and suddenly, the normally confident song ari was struck speechless. every weekend, she'd make time to go visit minho whilst he was performing.

like the sweet cinnamon roll that he was, minho was able to recognise the girl after a month. although ari was LITERALLY FREAKING OUT on the inside, she played cool and acted like everything was okay. he asked about why her fingers had so many bandages (she talked about her passion for bass whilst trying to sound cool and nonchalant), he promised to see her next show, he even gave her his fricking jacket to wear because it was cold out and all ari was wearing a short skirt. and most importantly, they exchanged crush ids.

screenshot of minho's first message to ari:
@HVGEBOYMINO this is the latte girl, right?
HVGEBOYMINO oh, so you're song ari! my friends are all obsessed with you
HVGEBOYMINO ur talent is incredible

over time, their friendship blossomed. as minho would stay up equally as late as ari, they would argue over music. they even shared song lyrics with each other to get either other's opinions, minho would send ari pictures of his outfits and she'd pick the best possible one, he'd tag her in funny videos and she'd pretend like she was too cool for it but secretly laughed to herself, and god, ari was so in love with him. he was a good rapper, he was sweet, he was funny, he was nice, he was just song mino. he even told her she was pretty with or without makeup.

@SINGASONGARI was tagged in a photo.
@NANAYEONS haha ari without makeup
HVGEBOYMINO what even she's still so pretty

she smiled at her phone all the goddamn time and her daydreams started to revolve around him. yet, she refused to let anyone but nayeon know because, "girls like me don't fall in love with boys! we're girl crushes! the boys fall in love with us!" nayeon just rolled her eyes. but everyone eventually found out (mainly because of goo junhwe who said mino's rapping and his friend bobby was better and ari erpunched him) and endlessly about it. junhwe said it was a relief that ari loved someone more than she loved herself.

ari thought that she actually had a chance, that mino actually liked her the way she liked him and she was just waiting and waiting for a confession. "girls like me don't confess! we're too cool!" "you're just afraid of his rejection, ari." "why would he reject me i'm hot and good in music and we have things in common." until she stumbled across a post that hinted that mino was in love with someone else.


@HVGEBOYMINO was tagged in a status.
@KSINGERYOON love yourself as much as @hvgeboymino loves *****

and his friends were all teasing him over that girl with five letters in her name and ari felt so incredibly stupid. everyone now knew that she had a crush on a boy that didn't love her back. she would seem like an idiot and for the first time in forever, she didn't want any attention. and worse still, no matter how hard she tried to forget, she was still head over ing heels in love with him. even if she tried having flings, eyeed boys who went to watch her shows, it was still minho's message of 'goodnight latte girl' that she looked forward to every night. it was still minho who made her heart flutter when he smiled at her and it was still minho that she wanted to be with. after jaebum found her tear-streaked lyrics to their next song, he sat down and had a heart to heart talk to her and ari realized something life changing. she didn't want to pretend anymore, she didn't have the energy to act cooler than she was and she made the decision to send minho a longass message on crush

@SINGASONGARI hey, minho. i really need to get this off my chest but i like you. in ing fact, i think i'm in love with you. all those messages, all those songs, all those statuses, they were for you. god, you were the reason why i woke up smiling and you were my muse. i wrote countless of songs about you. i thought about you endlessly. i wanted you to be mine so badly. you know how much i love the attention but for the first time, the only attention i needed was from you. but i know i'm an idiot, because you like someone else, don't you? and here i am, still holding on. but i don't want to hold on anymore. becuase frankly, i'm hot and i can get anothr guy. so, i'll try to let go. like what fall out boy said, thanks for the memories. goodbye.

and she blocked him. tried to forget about him. ignored his texts and his messages.

ENDING. after being unable to contact ari, minho finally uses both the stage and crush to relay his true feelings. that he liked her and not some five letter girl, who frankly speaking, was his high school crush. firstly, he delivered a performance where he dedicated it to the bassist, the half-korean, half-japanese girl, song ari where he confessed his feelings and then, told everyone to post it in crush and tag her username. within minutes, ari's phone blew up and well, they've been together ever since. (not before minho asked her to unblock him and nayeon told her, 'this is why you should stop being so pretentious and loving yourself so much that you make yourself into the victim. now, go kiss him.') 
– like every popular person, minho has an antifan cafe and ari has actually created an account to join and bash everyone there. she's such trash for him. 
– minho calls her 'latte girl' because ari reminds him of ariana grande and that reminds him of lattes. it's really weird. she calls him oppa - although she pretends like it's nauseating, you know she enjoys calling mino that and he laughs everytime she does because her voice gets all high-pitched and she blushes a lot. 
– she saves screenshots of every single one of her conversations with mino and when she first took a selfie with him, she was so nervous that her hands were shaking so much and it ended up being blurry but she keeps that photograph of them together in her wallet. she's a loser.
– when they get together: cute dates to lotte world with the both of them wearing animal headbands, cheesy statuses from mino about how cute ari is (she rolls her eyes and posts snarky comments but they know she loves it), couple dps, cute photobooth photos with the two of them making weird faces, listening to a mixture of rap & indie rock until she falls alseep in his arms, mino eating her food even though it tastes bad, ari writing love songs for him, making out in alleys after sneaking out from their shows, walking around at 3am because minho says, "it feels like there's only you and me." 

*remember password?
- the story could take place when minho and ari are close friends? ? ? HAHA AND I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AKALKSDJF IT TOOK ME SO LONG 
- i hope it's ok that minho's an underground rapper?? like he isn't an idol,, but he's just a guy famous in this little area of town who studies business haha
- SO tldr, ari is a rockstar wannabe who thinks she is cooler than she is and loves herself 
- you could have character development where ari realizes she shouldnt try so hard and shouldnt focus so much on herself. 
YOUR IDEA OF HOLIDAY. ari's idea of a holiday would probably be going on a roadtrip, to attend all the music festivals. she likes the idea of being with her friends in a small car, sharing snacks, arguing over music. rather than a quiet, calm place, ari's the kind of girl that likes something loud and crazy where in the day, they watch musical acts play and at night, do all sort of crazy things together. 
WISHLIST. i think i mentioned a few of them in minho & her love story?? i would also like ari spending hours getting ready, unable to choose an outfit and hosting a poll on crush haha AND TONS OF HER LIKING HER OWN VIDEOS, SHARING FANTAKEN PICS!! oh and arguments between her and junhwe haha and people trying her food and vomiting and posting their reactions on crush that'd be cute 


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