*gulp* it's not true. Right?? ANSWER!

I've been getting a lot of comments on my previous blog post I made this morning~ I'm sorry to freak you all out so much as well~ but here's the reason why~ Like I said, I was on YT, looking at comments. The video was Exo's first teaser~ the one on Kai. One of the comments said something along these lines. 'SM Entertainment is a horrible company. Don't go to them~! They have 13+ year slave contracts They're artists get little sleep and no rest They beat them They are forced to undergo abusive plastic surgery Mr. SM ually abuses by forcing them into gay ion.' So obviously I don't know if it's true or not, but I really hope it's not, and I swear it better not be. Feel free to leave a message here or on my wall if you want to talk more about this or need to let your feelings out~ ^^ cause I was pretty mad this morning too... And had a nauseous feeling. ~_____~


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mysoulisstarving #1
no please, no ion no poor taemin! NO!!~~
aaakkk that won't happen!! don't worry
icookyourramyun #2
I think SM is just very hard on his artists. They do get little rest and have 'slave contracts' and some artist/trainees probably do get surgery, by choice or not. I kinda doubt the thing about gay ion though.

I feel sorry for people under SM, but it may not be that bad. Or who knows, it might be worse. I know that some people would do anything to get into the music industry and would be prepared to go through with this type of thing though. The pros are pretty much even with cons.

My bf and I were talking about our futures and this whole thing about SM came up. He's in med school and looks forward to working 120 hours a week during his training. I just hope some of the artists/trainee are like this too.

Then again, at least they (artists/trainees) are not in poverty or have all their loved ones dying in front of them.

Just remember in life, you have to work hard to go forward.

I still hate SM's though.

I really hope this doesn't come off as insensitive. :)
this makes me feel sick. :"(
but i really don't think it's true. sounds pretty unreasonable to me