How to buy from Yesasia??

i want to buy something from that site and i dont know how...

can anyone out thre help me???

my concern is.. it says that if the item i want to purchase is amounting to 39 USD it is eligible of free Shipping...

however.. that thing i wanted to buy is ony 33.99 USD....but i still have something to but and if i add the 2 items..

it will sum up more than 39 USD...

but i don't know if it is ok.. since i don't know if they belong to the same seller... T_T

or is it ok as long as the total items i bought is 39USD in one transaction????


any one please help me out... 



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Yesasia should work the same as all other online retail portal like Ebay or Yesstyle. All sellers will ship the products you purchased to Yesasia's main garage, and Yesasia will do the shipping to your place. Everything comes with a shipping fee though, you gotta be careful with that. That's all I guess.
Personally, I don't buy things from Yesasia because the shipping fees are slightly overpriced so yeah, I can't really help you there.
Ji-hyo101 #2
What would you want to buy anyways? I do believe there are importers already in the area :) I could help you if it's possible :) Because shipping from abroad could get frutrating :( I've suffered a lot already ;)