Busdriver parked to buy himself bread?!

What basically happened was that the busdriver who drove me home, stopped by a store to buy himself bread.

Why, you may ask? Well, this occurred because there was nobody on the bus except for me, but the busdriver didn't know that. So the driver thought that there was no passengers left. When he was about to leave the vehicle, I asked him "Aren't you going to drive all the way to the last busstop?". The driver stopped, looked surprised at me and said "Oh, didn't notice you", which is totally fine that he didn't see me earlier. What made me a bit annoyed was the words he said afterwards. He excused himself with "I'll just buy some bread in the store. Wait here, and I'll be back". I waited 15  WHOLE MINUTES for him to get himself on the bus and drive me home. I know 15 minutes isn't long, but the fact that he couldn't DO HIS JOB CORRECTLY, as in DRIVING ME DIRECTLY HOME, made me a bit annoyed. In overall, I don't hate him or anything. It was just an annoying moment. :)


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