Invincible Application


 — application from.

. . . You're Portion :D. . .

Name: Irynna Annuar

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How often are you online? : 6.5

. . . Character's Part. . .

Full Name: Kwon Suyong 

Nicknames: Yong-yong - A nickname that her brother gave her. Only her family calls her that.

Age: 18

Birth Date: 18 July 1993

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Height: 165cm

Weight: 50kg

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Spoken Languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Japanese (slight), French (slight)

Blood type: O

Appearance , , , , , , , , ,

Ulzzang's Name: Baek Jae Ah

Personality: At first, Kwon Suyong is a shy person. She is reserved in front of people who she doesn't know. But as people get to know her, they can see that she has a very bright spirit. She works hard to stay smiling and make everyone around smile too. She believes that every second of life needs to be embraced and celebrated. Behind this optimistic mask, she is actually very insecure, of her looks and talent. Well, blame her brother. The Kwon Jiyong. She knows she'll never be as good as her brother. She believes she is not as talented as her brother, she just works hard to achieve her musical dream. She doesn't think she is that pretty. There many imperfections to her and all she can do is hide behind a mask. She is very innocent and naive. Heck, she still believes what ever is said to her. She doesn't cry easily unless it's very very important (eg; death of a loved one). She doesn't swear much either, but if she did, it means that she's horribly pissed off. Being young, she can be irresponsible.


1. Candy

2. Plush toys

3. Disney movies

4. Music

5. Cuddly animals

6. The sea

7. Her iPod



2. War

3. Traitors

4. Pretty people 

5. Horror stories

6. Politics

7. Bullies


1. Singing

2. Composing

3. Taking pictures of anything

4. Swimming

5. Writing stories

6. Baking


1. Needs lullabies to sleep (from her iPod)

2. Playing music on her iPod while showering

3. Biting her lips when nervous

4. Always leaves her phone lying around. 

Trivia: 1.Her brother is the Kown Jiyong of BIGBANG.

2. She is left handed.

3. She is dyslexic.

Extra Talents: Acting.

. . . Character's Background. . .

Biography: She grew up in Seoul, the youngest of the family of four. Growing up with the musical genius, Kwon Jiyong, was hard. Everyone always compared her to her oppa and even though she doesn't like it, there's nothing she could do. She tried hard to be the best she could, but it was never enough. Especially when she's dyslexic. This makes it hard for her to differentiate between left and right. Her dyslexia makes it hard for her to learn dance steps quickly. Only her family knows about this as she thinks if others know, they would treat her differently. Being dyslexic also makes it hard for her to read. The words would reshuffle themselves and look like alphabet soup. So when writing lyrics, her oppa would write it for her. When they were younger, they wrote so many songs together. But since his debut, he had been so busy. So, she hasn't written any songs. And if she wants to be part of the group's song production, she would have to tell at least one person of her situation. And that person needs to be someone who can be trusted.

Her oppa loved her. They loved music together. And they worked hard for their dreams. Together. When they were younger, they used to write together. He would teach her dance steps slowly. They spent hours together, training themselves for their dream. But because of his confidence, he outshines her. Her oppa doesn't believe there's an difference between them, musically. But deep down, Suyong knows she's no where near as good as her oppa. Proof, not being accepted into YG Ent. It almost killed her, but music is her dream.

Of course her school life was hard. Her grades weren't as good, but for a dyslexic studying in a normal school, she's doing really well. But her father doesn't think so. Over an over again, her father tried persuading her to transfer to a school for dyslexics. And everytime her father opens his mouth about it, she feels hurt. She takes it as an insult. Getting transferred to a school for dyslexics would mean revealing her illness to everyone. And she doesn't want that. She was already looked down upon for not being as talented as Jiyong. She doesn't want to be looked down for being a dyslexic

All she could do was smile. People loved her smile and her oppa once said her smile was his own kind of medicine. Every time he sees her smile, he would regain strength. Because of this, Suyong would make it a note to herself to never sulk in front of her oppa. Suyong loved to pay attention to the small fun things in life. She found happiness in everything she sees. This is why she has such an optimistic side to her. Even though her life was hard, she just has to endure but enjoy the journey at the same time.  


Mother- Kwon Sarang, 48, House wife. She's very very close to her daughter Suyong. She taught her children to be themselves and fair to others. 

Father- Kwon Jaehyo, 52, Business man, Even though it's not obvious, he prefers Jiyong over Suyong. Harsh. 

Brother-  Kwon Jiyong, 23, Leader of BIGBANG. He loves Kwon Suyong very much and they're horribly close. They always manage to call each other every day.

How you became a trainee: After failing the YG Ent audition at 15, Kwon Suyong almost gave up. She was not her usual bright self at school and it was affecting her studies even more. Until one day, she was invited to do a small performance during half-time at her school's soccer match. Jiyong told her to do as he had a good feeling about it. She kept telling him that it was just a soccer match. But, being the good little sister, she listened to him. Her solo performance was Beyonce's Single Ladies. She belted out the notes and even danced to it. It was such a catchy performance that the cheerleaders dance with her as well! When she ended, the crowd roared with applause. She felt happy. When she sat the bleachers, a man in his thirties with a suit came up to her and gave her his card. Her eyes widened  as she read the card. Apparently, he was a CEO of an entertainment company. He told her that a contract to be part of Invincible was waiting for her. With her parent's consent, she signed the contract.

Trainee years: 3 years.

Trainee Background: Balancing school and training was hard. Her father often doubts her musical dream, saying she'll do better in business. Her mother, continued to support her. Her oppa too. She was determined to prove that she shouldn't be compared to Kwon Jiyong. That she was her own brand of style and music. She would help her sunbaes, often offering them coffee or any refreshments at all during their break. She would even attempt to make them laugh, just to brighten up their day. Even though she was tired, she would be the last one to leave the studio, so she could clean it up.

. . . Character's Stage Info. . .

Stage Name: So-G 

Persona: Optimistic

Position: Main Rapper / Sub Vocal  or Jack of all trades/ Composer

Your Fan Club Name: Smilers.

Your Fan Club Color: KwonS

Your Fan Club Item: Smileys.

Motto: Dreams are never out of reach. 







. . . Character's Relationship Info. . .

Partner: Block B's Zico / SHINee's Key

His personality:

Zico- He is overly hyperactive. Zico is full of confidence. And not to mention, talent. But he is very modest about it. Being the leader f Block B, he carries out his duties responsibly. 

Key - Often referred to as SHINee's umma and diva, his overflowing self-confidence never fails to attracts girls. He finds everyone beautiful, and wants them to know it. He is very fashionable and very caring too. He always puts his loved ones before him. 

How did you guys meet? 

Zico- He just had to collaborate with a rising star and he had heard about the Kwon Jiyong's little sister among the idols' usual gossip. He visited her while she was practicing by herself in the dance studio. She gave him a puzzled look and then bowed a 90 degrees bow to him. He returned the greeting, inviting her to sit down. They discussed about the collaboration, which Suyong disagreed to a million times, saying she wasn't talented enough to collaborate with someone like him "Okay, prove it. Show me what you got." said Zico bravely. It a matter of minutes, their little meeting turned into a rap battle. Zico was mesmerized. He said, "I don't get how you're so insecure about your talent."

Key- He was rushing o get daily necessities for SHINee at the market and was suddenly suffering a blank mind. He felt that he had bought everything except one but he couldn't remember what, because of the stress of being on time and that fans wold recognize him in no time. Suyong came up to him and passed him a carton of Taemin's favorite banana milk. "Omo! So that's what I forgot! Kamsahamnida!" said Key. Suyong smiled at him. 

Friends: MBLAQ's Thunder, The whole of BIGBANG (lol)


Rivals: 4Minute's Hyuna- There's just something about her that Suyong didn't like. They have never met but she just feels that Hyuna is a huge competition. Well, she's just too y for her own good. And pretty. And adorable. Being that insecure girl, she just doesn't want a person like Hyuna to be around like a sign that Suyong is too ugly. Hyuna's wicked moves also makes Suyong feel bad of herself.

. . . Finale. . .

Song suggestions for the album: , , 

Any questions, comments, or concerns: HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR :DDD



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