Heart Problems?

Hey guys :c for the longest time ive been having this problem... Like every 10-30 minutes my heart beats and it makes my whole body hurt... I dont really know what it is... Or if its serious or not... Also i cant catch my breath! This morning my chest was hirting really bad... Like either my heart or by my heart idk... My grandma says it could be air around my heart.. But it goes away.and yeah it went away when i took a nap. Im just feeling really weak too! Ive been so stressed lately too... Should i see a doctor? Do you guys know what it could be? Oh god it just happened twice :c also i have non diabetic hypoglycemia! My grandma had diabetes... My grandpa has high blood pressure... Idk ifthis is relevent but it could be... I also passout aton 


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Be careful please! I'd go see a doctor if I were you, I also need to see one but not for something as serious as this.
I think you should go to a doctor and do some check ups just to be sure
ButterflyGarden2308 #3
I do feel my heart aching and stuff like that like it will beat fast at the most irrelevant time and I literally ignore it untill I find myself having problem breathing but that come randomly and go randomly. Sometimes it takes a week for me to feel better and tbh idk what this is either.