Multichaptered fic coming sooooooon :)

GUYS so announcement! 

For the past month or two I've been writing a multichaptered Shinee fic. I'm finally getting into the last chapters! It's mostly Jongkey (for a change!) but there is 2min and lots and lots of Key-umma moments. There are some random 2PM/2AM/Wonder Girls members also included and some ninja!qmi for you guys :) 

Basically it's fluffy and cute and sometimes a litte angsty, pretty darn romantic if I do say so myself, and very heartwarming (I hope). 

I'm writing the entire thing beforehand so I can make sure it's all good before I post it. I'm really OCD when it comes to my I can't stand not having new paragraphs/speaker's dialogues indented, so I go through and indent everything by hand when I post it here. Is there an easier way to do that? Anyway. Yes. I'm excited, I hope everyone else is as well. 

Anyway the first chapter should be up in a week or two. Please give me lots of support!

♥ Exie


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New fanfic yay! Can't wait to know what it will be about ^^