I'm an idiot...

I forgot to take my laptop's charger with me - I decided to travel home yesterday.
Now my laptop turned off because the battery died and I'm stuck on the computer at home.
Thank God it's Windows 8.1 but the problem is with the keyboard. I've so gotten used to my laptop's keyboard that every few minutes I accidentaly press something on the computer's one and turn it off....I don't even know how I do that. =_=
So yeah...I wanted to sit down and edit for some time today but I guess life is against me...
Maybe I'll spam you with some SHINee later because I have nothing better to do... :D (except from an essay on racism for Uni *give me some nice title if you can come up with any*)

Yepp...I pressed a button again and almost turned the computer off again....

Sorry for typos I can't write on this thing....


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