
I'm fighting. Everyday is a battle. 

They love me, so they say.

But what happens when I've had enough? Because I'm so close I can taste blood. 

My mind is slowly fading, my eyes blurring.

I lay and look around at nothing in perticular, just dreaming of the days when life was worth living. 

I cry and scream, but they've made it clear that they don't care.

I'm losing it, and soon I won't be me.


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ThoseWithGlassHearts #1
Don't you think for a second that people don't care; they do. It's your sadness blocking you from seeing their love. Don't let sadness block your vision or stop you from being who you want to be. No matter what, you're in control. Be who you want to be. Stay strong sweetheart, because trust me, it's worth it. <3